March 19, 2019 A.D.
Today ends the worldwide 54-day Rosary Novena to St. Joseph, initiated by a Friend of Medjugorje, and which began on January 25. This novena was part of a special writing from a Friend of Medjugorje telling of God’s order in the family. When this worldwide Novena was released, it was written:
“…Our Lady has often inspired a movement of prayer in anticipation of a coming grace, using the prayers to begin preparing the soil of peoples’ hearts to receive the seed of grace about to be given. Acting upon the belief that March 18th is connected to St. Joseph in some way, a Friend of Medjugorje is initiating a 54-Day Rosary Novena beginning on January 25, 2019, and ending on March 19, 2019, St. Joseph’s Feast Day, for the Rebirth and Revelation of Fatherhood in the World…”1
Our Lady said in Her message yesterday, March 18, 2019:
“…My children, my Son knows you. He lived a life of man, and at the same time that of God: a miraculous life – human body, Divine spirit…”
Jesus’ life was miraculous, with St. Joseph as the teacher and provider of the human side of Jesus’s life. We do not know what the effects of this worldwide novena will be, but we know from what we have seen in the past, that when a Friend of Medjugorje is inspired to do something like this, there is always something unforeseen which manifests. This St. Joseph Novena and the events of the world are coming together in some way which will be revealed, and there will be some grace associated with this Novena, which will bring things back to order. It may be said that this is perhaps the reason why there appears to be a shakeup happening in our nation and world. A Friend of Medjugorje writes about this in the new book, Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm. It would only seem natural that St. Joseph would help in bringing things back to their proper order in every area: marriage, the family, the Church, the nation, the world.
If you missed this special 54-day Rosary novena, then begin today. The novena prayers can be found here…
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
1. Joseph’s Advice to Jesus, Medjugorje Headline, a Friend of Medjugorje