August 18, 2016 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on June 25, 2002:
“…Little children, comprehend that this is a time of grace for each of you; and with me, little children, you are secure…”
The men of yesterday and the men of today have two different meanings of security. Which is more closely aligned with Our Lady?
With Our Lady we are secure, because She is teaching us what true security really is. It is when man through his labor and reliance on God makes him secure. But sometimes there is a misunderstanding of the relationship between working and reliance. A Friend of Medjugorje clarified the connection between work and depending on God in the book It Ain’t Gonna Happen, written in 2010:
“Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.” But understand this: those birds have to get out of their nests early and work to go find the worm God provides for them. Starting at daybreak, they have to labor to find the sticks and straw God provides to build a nest. They have to be tireless in the activity of gathering food for their little ones in their nests. Observe what God provides, but be mindful of what is required to acquire what God provides.”1
Our Lady’s first words given in the home of a Friend of Medjugorje and his wife was on November 20, 1988:
“…May your life be prayer. May your work be offered as a prayer and may everything that you do bring you toward me…”
In this time of grace, Our Lady’s time, in offering work as prayer, where man works for his keep, yet realizes that the blessing of God provides the sustenance, can bring man closer to God in reliance. A life that is only drudgery and work can become a life where man feels in his heart closer to God if the work was prayer, if one knew that what one did everyday, was contributing to a more secure future. It would be good for each one to evaluate their life. Does everything one does bring one closer to Our Lady? Does the work one does contribute to a more secure future or only a wasting of time doing frivolous things? Place yourself into the shoes of the man of yesterday who through his labor, had to rely completely on God for sustenance, and ask whether you would be secure through your actions of this passing summer. Would your coming winter be secure? Meditate, pray, and work in this time of grace.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
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