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Words from Heaven – The Untold Story

Words from Heaven – The Untold Story

The Original…
The Most Complete…
Just in time for the 40th Medjugorje Anniversary

Words from Heaven 21st Edition

The 21st Edition of Words from Heaven Now Available
Updated to March 18, 2021


Or Call in the U.S. at 201-672-2000
When dialing from outside the United States dial 001-205-672-2000


A Little Hidden Story

He saw a need that had to be filled…


When a Friend of Medjugorje first went to Medjugorje, it was not easy to get copies of Our Lady’s messages.


The miracles, conversion experiences, meeting and listening to the visionaries and visiting the sites around the village took precedence over Our Lady’s messages.


Many never went beyond the surface level of Medjugorje. A Friend of Medjugorje saw that pilgrims coming to Medjugorje were reading Our Lady’s messages only out of curiosity.


The prevailing mentality was that the messages were repetitive, and not that spiritually or intellectually stimulating. In other words, they were boring for most.


Yet, in those early years, a Friend of Medjugorje would witness old Croatian women, every Thursday, rush into St. James Church to scribble down Our Lady’s weekly message for the parish. They hungered for Our Lady’s words.


Another problem was that the Communist government stymied the message with antique communication equipment and very limited phone lines.


While the focus was on Our Lady’s words in the beginning, many lost interest after a while, even the priests.


A Friend of Medjugorje realized something was missing.


Whenever he went to Medjugorje, he would climb Apparition Mountain and Cross Mountain every day, even when he had the grace to be there for a whole month. He made sacrifices and prayed for one intention when climbing the mountains:


The grace to understand Our Lady’s messages.


Did you know?


In the early years of Caritas of Birmingham, a Friend of Medjugorje was sending copies of the message each month to the Caritas mailing list. But the time it took to get the message and then to send it out was not efficient. He set up 30 phone lines for people to be able to call Caritas and hear Our Lady’s message over the phone. It was common to get thousands of calls on the 25th, when Our Lady gave Her monthly message to the world. Today, in 2021, even with Mej.com, Caritas still maintains the message phone line. Many people like to hear Our Lady’s message read to them. You can call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, and dial extension 300 to hear Our Lady’s latest monthly message in English.


One of the very first things a Friend of Medjugorje committed to do through Caritas of Birmingham was to get a physical copy of Our Lady’s messages in every person’s hands.


In the late 1980’s, Medjugorje was still in the “explosion” phase of people around the world finding out about it.


People wanted any information they could get their hands on, but Our Lady’s words were still second, third, fourth or more down the line of what people wanted or requested.


The signs and wonders, and seeing conversions was still what people primarily sought when they came to Medjugorje.


A thorough and complete Medjugorje message book in English, as well as other languages was simply non-existent.


The most one could find were pamphlets with just the main messages listed. He saw a great need to compile all of Our Lady’s messages in one book.


It took until February 1990 to finally get a book to press. What was originally thought as a small project turned into thousands of man-hours to research and complete. A Friend of Medjugorje called the new Medjugorje message book, Words from Heaven.

Words from Heaven 1st Edition 1990

The first edition of Words from Heaven, printed in February 1990. Many of the original messages of Our Lady were recorded in the parish chronicles in Medjugorje and were being collected by the late Fr. Rene Laurentin, considered the foremost leading Marianologist in the world. He and a Friend of Medjugorje were friends. Fr. Laurentin visited Caritas and a Friend of Medjugorje would visit Fr. Laurentin in France. A Friend of Medjugorje also preserved many messages which would not have survived without his efforts. It is told that through a fire in the parish house, many of the archives of the beginning days of the apparitions were lost. There is also belief that the fire was suspect, in other words, deliberate. Fr. Laurentin and a Friend of Medjugorje played a major role in tracking down and preserving all of Our Lady’s messages. A Friend of Medjugorje used to speak about this a lot. He wanted people to know where the messages came from because some of the early messages of Our Lady were considered “controversial” by the Medjugorje political machine. Some of the early messages would have been lost to history if he had not compiled the messages in Words from Heaven because they are no longer available from the parish.


↓ There’s more to the story. Keep reading… ↓


Get the 21st Edition of Words from Heaven

Or Call in the U.S. at 201-672-2000
When dialing from outside the United States dial 001-205-672-2000


Did you know?


The name “Friend of Medjugorje” was chosen by the publisher because a Friend of Medjugorje refused to have his name placed on the book, Words from Heaven as author? This entire story was told here…


Shut Out from the Messages

People who are new to Medjugorje are brought right into the depth of the messages. This was not always the case. Our Lady’s messages are accepted today because a Friend of Medjugorje kept putting them in front of everyone. He pushed through every barrier, knocked down many walls, lost reputation and status—just to get the messages accepted.


Sad to say, not everyone was happy with a Friend of Medjugorje putting out Our Lady’s words.


In 2021, it is hard to comprehend how there were people who wanted a Friend of Medjugorje to stop spreading the messages. Seeing the fruit now is easy, but it is hard to understand why anyone would try to block Our Lady’s messages.


For many years, a Friend of Medjugorje was never allowed to be present in the room where the monthly 25th message was being translated in the church building in Medjugorje.


He was one of the largest promoters of Our Lady’s messages worldwide in spreading the 25th message, yet he was shut out.


He had been present at several 25th messages, only when at his own home and when traveling with Marija.


Others could go.


Translators sometimes brought a friend.


But, the “Friend of Medjugorje” himself was not allowed to be there. Even some of the Caritas Community was allowed to be there at times.


A Friend of Medjugorje put up with this injustice, offering it to Our Lady. It never slowed him down or discouraged him. Love for Our Lady and Her words always fueled his desire to discover new ways of getting the message out.


When others did not take Our Lady’s words seriously, he embraced even the smallest of words, finding profound meaning in them, and inspiration to continue to change his life.


The protector of the message, a Friend of Medjugorje was and is told that:

– He is “radical” – a word used a lot these days
– He is making too much of Our Lady’s words
– The messages are not important


After years of being rejected, something happened on the 21st anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions.


The date was June 25, 2002.

A Friend of Medjugorje was allowed in the apparition for the first time when Our Lady would be giving Marija the 25th monthly message.


A Friend of Medjugorje was praying before Our Lady in the apparition while Marija was receiving the June 25, 2002 message.


When Our Lady’s message was read afterwards, after years of persecution and rejection, a Friend of Medjugorje, the Caritas Community and some close friends who were in Medjugorje knew that the June 25, 2002 message was not only for the world, but Our Lady directly spoke words to him.


A special message for a Friend of Medjugorje.


Our Lady of Medjugorje said in Her June 25, 2002, message through Marija:

“…accept even more the messages I am giving you…”

“…this is a time of grace for each of you…”

“…Live my messages…”

“…put into life every word that I am giving you…”

“…May they be precious to you…”

“…because they come from Heaven…”

Words from Heaven…


↓ There’s more to the story. Keep reading… ↓


The 21st Edition of Words from Heaven



Vindicated by Our Lady

A Friend of Medjugorje says:


“Whatever trial you go through because you follow Our Lady, the trial will never match the consolation you receive from following Her.”


The June 25, 2002, monthly message from Our Lady, confirmed a Friend of Medjugorje in his mission of spreading “the messages.”


The message was given in the first 25th message apparition he was allowed to be present at, and used his title of, Words from Heaven.


This was the sweetest vindication he could receive from Our Lady.


Whether others knew this story or not, is not a Friend of Medjugorje’s concern.


We share it with you because there is much more behind this story and many others just like it.


It is why you need to have your very own copy of Words from Heaven.


“Do not trust the internet to always be there.”

“Do not trust your cell phone to always be there.”

“The Bible is still with us after 2000 years.”

– Friend of Medjugorje


Words from Heaven will be with us until the end of the world.

The 21st Edition of Words from Heaven Now Available

Or Call in the U.S. at 201-672-2000
When dialing from outside the United States dial 001-205-672-2000

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

22 thoughts on “Words from Heaven – The Untold Story”

  1. Emily Nambassa Kalanzi

    Hallo team members, We celebrated the 40 anniversary of Mother Mary in a grand way here. Since l Emily has been to Medjugorje twice, l could visualize everything. Pray, pray, pray and don’t worry. Our Mother Mary is standing in the gap. Be blessed, with love and prayers Emily

  2. Emily Nambassa Kalanzi

    Hallo team members, We celebrated the 40 anniversary of Mother Mary in a grand way here. Since l Emily has been to Medjugorje twice, l could visualize everything. Pray, pray, pray and don’t worry. Our Mother Mary is standing in the gap. Be blessed, with love and prayers Emily

  3. Thank you for helping to share the truth about Our Lady, Jesus and speading Her messages.  I don’t believe the Vatican will ever “officially approve” the messages and apparitions in Medjugorge, for the simple fact that the Vatican puts money first.  If they approve the apparitions and multitudes of people go and experienced God’s and Mary’s truth, Rome would be empty and the Vatican would go broke!  There was a revealing article in the Wall Street Journal on Dec 11, 2019 titled “Vatican Uses Donations for the Poor to Plug Its Budget Deficit”.  If the article is true, it says that only 10% of the donations made to the Vatican actually go to ministry for the poor.  Thank you Caritas for putting Jesus, Mary and Her messages first!!!!

  4. Glenn M. Villanueva

    The words from heaven cannot be faded. Let us pray together as brother and sister, for sinners and all the souls in purgatory. 

  5. Thank you for the effort and resilience. Sometimes such situations are permitted in order for the perfect good to be realized and fortified. Thanks be to God for the effort. Do not tire doing the good.

  6. This is why a Friend of Medjugorje says you need to have a hard copy of everything. “Do not trust the internet to always be there.”

  7. I have two of this wonderful collection from earlier. I’m going to give one to a friend. Yesterday your site was down for me.  In my split second distress I realised I couldn’t read the words of consecration to Jesus and Mary from my phone.  I then remembered I had a hardcopy you guys had sent me ages ago in your mailings that I had put in my Bible and all was good. Thank you

  8. I wasn’t aware of all the persecution, Friend of Medjugorje went through! So very sad to hear it. Thank God for his strong faith in God and Our Lady, he was able to perservere in his trials. God bless everyone at Caritas.

  9. Thank you Friend of Medjugorje!  Thank you too Annette! 🙂  Words can’t express the great love and appreciation many of us have for all of you!   Where would I be without your guidance and help throughout these many years?!  You’ve taught us the importance of the messages, number one, always number one!  You showed us how to pray well, how to be a loving family, how to fast well, how to live, and most especially how to love.  After many of you broadcasts on Radiowave you end  by saying, “We wish you Our Lady, we love you, goodbye.”  I often feel the love you send, and can’t help but smile.  God bless you Dear Medjugorje Family!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!   

  10. I was just thinking this. Gotta have everything printed out and on paper too. There is too much digitalization wirh what is incoming, but it does have its perks and uses at times but not incoming. You just gotta know when its better like with payment options to used card or check over cash and vice versa and later silver or items thst can be turned into sold goods or useful.  But yeah, was just thinking this all needs a book, same with Luz de Maria de Bonillia and Marie Julie Jahnney’s too.

  11. Grateful! Ever so grateful for persevering and working so hard to see that we receive my Mother’s messages. For sharing your insight on all the messages and everything going on today. Thankyou and Godbless you and all the team too

  12. I’m not sure any of us can thank you enough for preserving these messages.  A warm and tender thank you for what you all do in answering and responding to Our Lady’s gracious presence here so faithfully through the years.

  13. Thank you for your perseverance. I am always looking forward to hearing Her messages from Heaven. Thank you. God bless you and all your team!!!  A follower from Kansas City Kansas  of Our Lady ❤️

  14. The very first time I heard about Medjugorje was from my sister-in-law about 15 years ago.  She gave me a blue post card with the 25th of the month message.  (I have it somewhere; just can’t find it!)  When I obtained my first copy of WORDS FROM HEAVEN and read in Part 1; “Understanding Our Lady’s Messages”:  *  “Sometimes a profound grace is received by simply reading about Medjugorje or Our Lady’s messages…”  my heart was filled with joy and tears flowed as I realized that I HAD RECEIVED THIS PROFOUND GRACE!  I fell in love with Our Lady and will ALWAYS follow Her through Her messages.  Much gratitude to A Friend of Medjugorje and the Community of Caritas for your attentiveness to The Blessed Mother and your sacrifices.  By the Grace of God, I will see you in June   🙂

  15. This book, as of Apr. 15, is updated to March 18, 2021. When another printing is done this year, the most recent messages will be added. God bless!

  16. God bless you for all you do dear family. I pray for True understanding and Conversion through Heaven’s Words. Praise Jesus Always! I love you much family.

  17. When AFOM and COB released “Never In History” and described how to interpret Our Ladys’ messages, I came to realise at that moment how important Words From Heaven will be. As at today I agree until the end of time because Our Lady isn’t coming back in her current format again in the Apparitions. It will be used like the Catechism as an Index to a way of life to help current and future generations understand what The Bible really means. I thank Our Lady, Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord and Saviour Jesus for asking the right man to do the job I don’t believe anyone else could have. He has guided The World through Our Lady’s wisdom and they don’t know this yet. Thank you Almighty Father you are mighty and great. I will be eternally grateful and I hope I can help the world, starting in my area without fail.

  18. David and Carolyn Viator

    Thank you is not adequate to express our gratitude. From Our Lady through you, your family and the community’s work and devotion we have Words From Heaven avaliable. Looking forward to the new edition.. We miss you all and pray to join you again. You are in our prayers. Love and prayers, David and Carolyn 

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