
With Those Who Pray

With Those Who Pray

February 2, 2017 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje said today through Mirjana,


“…you who are praying and sacrificing – you are hope in this peaceless world. You are rays of the light of my Son, a living gospel, and you are my beloved apostles of love. My Son is with you. He is with those who think of Him – those who pray…”


Trump praying at the White House, January 31, 2017

This picture taken January 31, 2017, showing U.S. President Donald Trump, his two oldest sons Donald Jr. and Eric, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and his wife and daughter, U.S. Supreme Court Nominee, Neil Gorsuch and his wife, Trump’s Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, the wife of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Maureen, and their son Fr. Paul Scalia who is a Roman Catholic priest, praying together at the White House. These prayers, at the highest levels of government is an indication of what Our Lady is telling us in Her message today:

“…My Son is with you. He is with those who think of Him – those who pray…”

This is not about politicizing the message. This is a direct contradiction of those who, being in untruth, promote untruth by distorting the reality of facts, and broadcasting it as “news.” As Medjugorje visionary Marija once said here at Caritas, “You can tell a lot about a man, by the friends that surround him.”

February 2, 2017

“…you are hope in this peaceless world. You are rays of the light of my Son, a living gospel, and you are my beloved apostles of love. My Son is with you. He is with those who think of Him – those who pray…”

One would be hard-pressed to find a similar picture for past administrations. Look at this picture, meditate on this picture and comprehend Our Lady’s words today.

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14 thoughts on “With Those Who Pray”

  1. Thank you Blessed Mother for intervening when you did. I was beginning to feel that the US was too far gone. Destroyed by all the evils of Obama’s terms in office. It was beginning to look like the majority of Americans were blind to satan and all his works. We must remember that the battle has only just begun though, so keep on praying, fasting, and doing penance!

  2. Thank you Blessed Mother for intervening when you did. I was beginning to feel that the US was too far gone. Destroyed by all the evils of Obama’s terms in office. It was beginning to look like the majority of Americans were blind to satan and all his works. We must remember that the battle has only just begun though, so keep on praying, fasting, and doing penance!

  3. Christine Sullivan

    Thank you for sharing this picture and the joy of seeing the USA Presidential Leadership team in prayer. I would like to share Romans 12-Chapter 13, Verse 1 “Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power.” Reading my daily walk Bible, ‘Our responsibility is to respect authority, obey the laws, support our government and above all pray for those in positions of authority. Theirs is an awesome responsibility before God.’

  4. I cannot tell you how certain I was that Mr Trump was the work of the HOLY SPIRIT AND THAT HE WOULD DO GOD’S WILL, I TRIED TO CONVINCE MY HUSBAND BUT HE WOULD NOT BELIEVE me. I am now able to show him this picture and hope he will be convinced. I always pray for Mr Trump and his administration when we say the rosary. I am convinced that He was chosen for this task and know that once he is doing God’s will He and his administration are safe for all the adverse media news and powerful enemies. May people and peace come to our world soon. In the love of Our Lady

  5. My family and many other Catholics had been praying for Mr. Trump to succeed in his bid for President. Our Lady and her Son heard our prayers. Now we finally have some real hope for our country. Thank you, dear Lord, for your answer to our prayers.

  6. God is very merciful to us to have our Blessed with us and guiding us how to love her Son, Jesus. Living our faith is a gift and the Rosary is our weapon which protects our faith and the graces that brings God’s blessings to the world. I pray for Mary’s intercession that our country will be blessed with the wisdom and strength to bring God’s reign on earth and we will be given the grace to be martyrs if necessary in doing God’s will to accomplish with Jesus the salvation of all God’s people. Thank you Jesus for giving us your Mother. A Mother that loves us as she loved you.

  7. Excellent! I have been searching for some positive feedback regarding President Trump. From the onset it was obvious that he was not afraid to talk about God. And now he is showing it by the work he is doing specially his prayer and his selection of the people who are to help him run our beautiful God-fearing country. Thank you for bringing it to the forefront.

  8. Desiree Casmiro

    Praise our awesome God for having mercy on His people. We are praying and saying the rosary daily for the safety of Trump and that all may see God’s hand in his election. Especially for Christians to unite and open their eyes. I believe our Lord wants us to pray and fast much more to bring souls to Him.

  9. I cannot tell you how overjoyed I was when Mr Trump was elected your President. His pro-life message stood him head and shoulders above his opponent. But I am not used to hearing politicians “do” God and what a breath of fresh air it is. Seeing this picture on the website has warmed my heart because as goes America, so goes the world – eventually. And if America now has a President that will bring God back into American public life then, as Our Lady said at the end of her message yesterday, “There is hope.” Now we have a Prime Minister who tells us not to be ashamed to speak of our Christian faith. Given that the bond between us seems as strong as ever let us hope that this can become the foundation of Western renewal. The fact that so many are opposing it must be a good sign! John B UK

  10. Arthur and MaryEllen Gavin

    Dear President Trump, This photograph of all of you praying in the White House is indeed greatly edifying. We and our friends include you and all the Administration in our prayers. The world is in chaos and your responsibility is great. So many people are praying for you. We thank you for your dedication and talent in making America a beacon of hope in such a dark world. We know that when the Almighty God and His powerful spirit are guiding you and all those working with you, your work will be successful and fruitful and will bring many people back to God and we will have peace. God bless you abundantly. Mr.and Mrs. Art Gavin

  11. Before President Trump was elected…I knew by the meaning of his name and Vice President Pence name that God had a plan. Donald means Great mighty chief John means God is Gracious Michael means Who is like God Richard means Powerful leader Names in the bible always had a meaning…God intended that for a reason. We are living in a pinnacle time, a time that will be in the history books. One hundred years from now people will look back at this time in history and only could wish they were alive to experience what we will have the opportunity to see and live it.

  12. Ireneus Fernando

    I also agree with Peter Campbell. Really Rt.Hon.President Trump has to encounter lucifer & his retinue in this turbulent world. It’s very impressive to see that he is seeking the intervention of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we acknowledge that the utmost Power, Glory & the rule over this world & whole of Universe. May our Good Lord guide the entire government to the betterment of the people of USA & the world as a whole.

  13. Dear President Trump and Vice-President Pence: May God bless you always and keep you in His care. Every day I pray for you to ask God to give you strength and to be strong. Peace be to you.

  14. peter patrick glancy campbel

    Dear President Trump , praying for your mission. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph be your guide. Your cross is heavy especially in our present godless world. I lit a candle for you today and especially your Christian Scottish mother and your father. Keep walking the walk as your late father and mother raised you up in respect of God Almighty. Those with know hope ….you are now awakening, hope to meet you this 10 april as my brothers scottish pipers blow away all ny HANGOVER BLUES ..all scotland and world now at your command ..so says my NUMBER ONE ?….PETER CAMPBELL REBORN

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