
Why Trials Must Be Experienced

Why Trials Must Be Experienced

June 12, 2020 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje said November 29, 1984:

“…I have come on earth to teach you how to listen out of love, to pray out of love and not compelled by the fact that you are carrying a cross…”

Our Lady desires that we be motivated to listen and pray out of love, not because we may be going through a difficult time. Yet, to become the person who is motivated by love, one often has to pass through difficulty.

Medjugorje visionary Mirjana and pilgrim with camera

(Medjugorje photo taken Sunday October 2, 2016, 9:31 AM) – Mirjana greets smiling pilgrims after an appariton. What do pilgrims see when they see a visionary? What is behind Mirjana’s smile? A privileged person? Someone who has many blessings? A saint perhaps? Yes, these are all correct. But, a Friend of Medjugorje has shared from his personal experience of knowing the visionaries, that it is not only those things, but also someone who suffers greatly. Yet, the visionaries always project the image of someone who is happy.

The inescapable cross. One might think it would be nice to have it a different way. But, why must it be this way? A Friend of Medjugorje shares why:

We are the window of God that people don’t have. We must reflect on how we should deal with people, how can we bring people to Our Lady who have had broken dreams, who are beat down from the mess they’ve made in their lives. Our Lady is calling on us to be the door to God. You wonder, after going through conversion, why suddenly you have so many problems and difficulties. It is because the world has problems. If you can’t go through these real experiences and trials, how can you be apostles?

– a Friend of Medjugorje
From Out of the Fog – March 9, 2017

And so we find the answer. Once we pass through the experience of the trial, we find a way of peace, and we can be apostles, who listen and pray out of love. Then, a Friend of Medjugorje tells us, there is power to our lives and the words we speak. Then we can help people.

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Operated by the Community of Caritas

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Avoiding Hardness with Our Lady’s Messages – December 10, 2007 – In this one hour audio, a Friend of Medjugorje shares about being sensitive to the messages, being joy, and witnessing to Good News…

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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

4 thoughts on “Why Trials Must Be Experienced”

  1. “My children, do not lose the truth and true life so as to follow the false one. By life in truth, the Kingdom of Heaven enters into your hearts, and that is the Kingdom of peace, love and harmony. Then, my children, there will not be the selfishness which distances you from my Son. There will be love and understanding for your neighbors.” [7.02.2018] Please pray for my family because my husband insists on divorce, while still nobody wants to acknowledge anything. Thank you

  2. I believe almost everyone wants to be Jesus’s joy–love is a very beautiful gift, however, with the deep brokeness, hurt, anger, and bitterness towards individuals, even among families and children can be very overwhelming and sad. But those moments of quietness during prayer allows one to enter into a deeper relationship with Christ that allows one to go back and help in their part of the world.

  3. This is so beautiful and true, Thank you This week it seemed like everyone I was around was going through so much anxiety and problems and sadness. And the only one who can fix these problems is God, and so I pray for them and I believe God will answer my prayers if they also open their hearts to God and his and our Mother. May God continue to bless us all. And hopefully all continue or begin to thank God for everything. Love and best wishes to you and all messengers of God. Blessings

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