Throughout the United States, there are campaigns in full swing for nominations of the office of the President…
July 17, 2015 A.D.
Throughout the United States, there are campaigns in full swing for nominations of the office of the President. Just in one party alone, there are 16 different people vying for the nomination. Everything is an election crisis: education, health care, family values, taxes, immigration, the economy, the list goes on and on. No doubt some of these are real crises. Which candidate can fix it? Who has the solution? These decisions will be discussed, talked about, debated with fervor on all sides, talking, talking, talking.
But, none of these have the solution. The solution is found on a remote hillside, June 24, 1981. A Woman, the Woman of Revelation is the solution to the real crisis happening in the world. No person, no president can fix the situation we are in. All the above issues are symptoms of another real problem, that, until fixed, will not go away, will not be solved. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on December 31, 1985:
“…You will not have peace through the presidents but through prayer…”
In this time, when one may be thinking of their future ballots, one must not forget the present. It is Our Lady that has the solution, and it is Her that we must cast our vote with. Vote with your prayers and vote with your wallet.
This mission and its work are more important everyday. Every day that passes, every hour, every minute, every second is one moment closer to the fulfillment of Our Lady’s plans. We need your prayers and financial support. If you are thinking of giving to a political campaign, then give also to Our Lady’s work. Support your candidate, and also support the real candidate -the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace. She will do more than anyone can do with any policy.
The recent partial release of the new website, regarding Medjugorje, church approval and what to think, is another FREE gift from a Friend of Medjugorje to you, years in the making, for your research and your spiritual strength. But, we will not be able to continue and expand without your prayers and financial support, nor to bring you more free resources like this. These are added expenses.
We are not going to do a campaign drive for funding right now. We just ask you to remember us with your tithe, every week or month, set aside a little of your hard-earned money to support Our Lady’s work. What you cannot do in evangelization from your home, you can give us the funding to do everyday, with a track record over the past 28 years, that is unmatched, dollar for dollar, and with a solution that works. Because, this is not politics, this is grace. Vote for the real candidate, the Virgin Mary. Support Her, and She will work out every crisis. Make your tax-deductible gift to Her work here…
Or call Caritas at 205-672-2000. Be sure to mention that your donation is for the support of
In the Love of Our Lady,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
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donation for Our Lady’s Work
or Call Caritas in the U.S. 205-672-2000
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