June 14, 2019 A.D.
In a message whose importance has been understood by thousands across the world through what a Friend of Medjugorje has explained over the years, Our Lady of Medjugorje’s words on August 2, 1981:
“All of you together go to the meadow at Gumno. A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake.”
At the field of Gumno, Our Lady said the people may touch Her. This has a big meaning for us today.
On August 2, 1981, at the Field of Gumno, people were allowed to touch Our Lady. The people could not see Our Lady, so two lines formed, one with Medjugorje visionary Marija, the other with Mirjana, with the two visionaries guiding the hands of the people. Marija explained to a Friend of Medjugorje that when those in sin touched Our Lady’s dress, it became black where they touched her. The visionaries became upset and said, “Go to Confession.” Marinko, Marija’s neighbor, then repeated this, inviting all to go to Confession. Marija could see who those were in sin, but when the apparition ended, she mysteriously could not recall who they were, yet She knew clearly during the apparition.
What meaning does this have for us today? An important meaning. There are still today, many who touch Our Lady through their contact with Medjugorje, the visionaries and the messages, yet are living in ways where they have not separated themselves from the world and the direction it is heading. A Friend of Medjugorje spoke about this last night in the Mejanomics broadcast, Are You Really Against Child Abuse?, a very important broadcast, shaking every parent and adult who has any care of young people. We are still living under the edict of August 2, 1981. Two lines are still forming in a time of separation, just like the wheat and chaff. Which line do you want to be in? Be sure to hear the June 13, 2019, Mejanomics broadcast, Are You Really Against Child Abuse? and spread to everyone you know.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas