Mirjana, answers a very important question that we should take to heart this Christmas…
December 28, 2015 A.D.
Mirjana had an encounter with a group of pilgrims in 2013. During that encounter, one of the pilgrims asked her , “When is Our Lady the happiest?” Mirjana responded:
“When She sees Jesus in the hearts of Her children.”
Baby Hannah, one of the Caritas Community children was placed in the crib in the Field while the Community was setting up the Nativity. Baby Hannah responded with big smiles, a reminder that Jesus lives in the hearts of children. Some of the Caritas Community children gathered around her and they too were all smiles. We find such happiness when we witness such beautiful scenes as this. For Our Lady it is the same when She sees Jesus in us, how it makes Her happy. But what if Our Lady does not see Jesus in us?
In the same encounter that Mirjana answered above, she was then asked, “When is Our Lady the saddest?” Mirjana responded:
“When She sees those who have not come to know the love of God yet, because She, as Mother, knows what we are suppose to expect. And She wants all of Her children on the right way. She cannot be happy as long as there is even one unbeliever, because Our Lady desires to bring us all to Jesus in order to be happy. That is why never on the second of the month, when I have the apparition, that I have seen Her happy. She is always sad or decisive or determined.”
If you have relatives, children, a spouse, or friends who are away from God, then ask this Christmas season, that Our Lady give them Jesus. Mother give them Jesus! And how should you act towards them? Our Lady tells us on December 25, 1992:
“…do not forget that your life does not belong to you, but is a gift with which you must bring joy to others and lead them to Eternal Life. May the tenderness of little Jesus always accompany you…”
In the Tender Love of Little Jesus,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
3 thoughts on “When Our Lady is Happiest”
This Nativity scene filled my heart with such Awe! Seeing baby Hannah, I felt the presence of Jesus in my heart, and as I saw all the children around the manger, my heart was filled with the inspiration that we must All become like these little children and come to the crib of Jesus to be filled with graces to become childlike in spirit! To be filled with joy & happiness and giving Jesus our concerns of the world and letting go of them. Being like little children! Wow, that is powerful! Thank you so much for all you at Caritas do in bringing Heaven to us! God always be with you. Love, Norma from San Antonio, Tx.
”Blessed Mother” ”Jesus” I love ”YOU” so so much. I feel ”your”love”every day in my life. Thank You so much for Melist and all the people involved. I bring my daughters to ”JESUS” through the intercession of ”MARY” HIS”””’ ”LOVING”MOTHER”, they both drink too much esp wine I ask for help for them and also that I will never get the dreadful disease of alzheimer’s so I can pray the rosary daily and give”Thanks” to ”JESUS”and”MARY”for all they have done for me and my family.”GOD BLESS”
Thank you for reminding me to do my best to be spiritually like a child & always have Jesus in my heart. Happy New Year & God bless you for all the work you do in bringing people to Jesus through our Heavenly Mother.