When Marija sees Our Lady

When Marija sees Our Lady


Marija experiences a type of frustration in trying to explain Our Lady because she sees something in a way that is not possible to express. Ivan was asked once if we would all see Our Lady before we die and Ivan jokingly said, “I wish you could today. You’d all know what Our Lady looks like and wouldn’t be here asking me.”


Marija and the other visionaries are very basic people. They do normal things – chores, daily obligations, etc. The only exception is that once and sometimes twice a day they enter into another world, yet they are still in this world. This experience is not a haze or a faint vision but a reality stronger and clearer than you can see the person next to you. The presence of Our Lady is so real that Marija can, at any time, reach out and touch the feet which will crush the serpent’s head. Marija can touch and grasp Our Lady’s mantle or clasp Her hands. Because of this, Ivanka was told that the visionaries have received a grace that no one on earth has received.

May 7, 1985

“No one in the world has had the grace which you, your brothers and sisters (the visionaries) have received.”

While many of us would think we would touch Our Lady often, this is not the case with the visionaries. When in ecstasy, they become very serious, even in joy, and give 100 percent of their attention to Our Lady, taking a most humble look at Her as they stare at the Queen.


Once Marija was asked about angels and answered, “Vaguely.” When pressed for more details, Marija replied that she virtually always looked only at Our Lady. Because of being brought to a strong degree of humility during the apparitions, the visionaries do not often do curious things such as touching Our Lady; however, they feel free with Our Lady. They say they can more easily talk with Our Lady than with any of their closest friends. Marija has said that Our Lady is her mother, her sister, her cousin, her friend.


Once a friend asked Marija what Our Lady gave her for her birthday. Marija pointed to her left cheek and replied, “A kiss right here.” Her friend asked what it was like, what it felt like and if it felt the same as if he were to kiss her. Marija replied, “No, it is something I could not explain but it went through my whole being to the very core of my being, my soul.” She joking added to her friend, “I never wanted to wash the spot.”

Marija’s friend pondered what it must be like to be kissed by the lips which kissed Baby Jesus, which sang Him to sleep, which kissed His dying feet on the cross and which guided the early Church – the very lips of wisdom. She Who is wisdom, now goes before the throne of God and brings His words to us for the whole world through Her lips. Only after pondering can one understand Marija’s following words.


February 1990 – Marija:

“I consider words very, very weak to express what we experience with Our Lady. For instance, when we say Our Lady has a gray vestment, this is not exact. Our Lady’s vestment is of a certain color that does not exist on this earth. It has something to do with gray, so we say: ‘Her dress is gray.’ But it’s the same for all the rest – we have some words we use to describe, but everything in the experience of Our Lady is beyond words.”

medjugorje visionary Marija

Marija during an apparition of Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje. Marija says that there are no words to describe what the visionaries experience when they are with Our Lady. As you look into the eyes of one of the visionaries during an apparition, a peace and love fills your heart, knowing their eyes are gazing into the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mother, Who was the first to gaze into the eyes of the newborn King, the tiny Infant Jesus, that first Christmas night over 2000 years ago.

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3 thoughts on “When Marija sees Our Lady”

  1. Dan Gallagher

    It always amazes me how things are just at the right time, even if it is just the title of the Mejanomics show. My 10 chickens were stolen this past weekend. Someone opened the cages and hutches and took them all. I don’t know yet the content of the show, but I’ve already downloaded it and will listen on the way home from work!

  2. Dan Gallagher

    It always amazes me how things are just at the right time, even if it is just the title of the Mejanomics show. My 10 chickens were stolen this past weekend. Someone opened the cages and hutches and took them all. I don’t know yet the content of the show, but I’ve already downloaded it and will listen on the way home from work!

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