When God Visits…

When God Visits…

When God visits the earth, who wins?

February 19, 2016 A.D.

There are those who only speak of, this or that, coming chastisements, three days of darkness, etc.. On the other hand, there are those who say that nothing will happen in the future. Our Lady tells us 1984-1985:

“…There are many Christians who live like pagans…”

If those who are supposed to be the light of the world are as Our Lady says, “pagan”, what does this mean then for the world?

Steeple of St. James in Medjugorje

The Cross on the steeple of St. James in Medjugorje. The Cross is the sign of victory, the banner that flies above the victorious Church.

The purpose of the Christian Worldview section on Medjugorje.com, is to educate you in a Biblical Christian view of the world. It is the Biblical Christian worldview that is truth and victory. If Our Lady tells us that many Christians live like pagans, then we can take from that what will follow as a result. A Friend of Medjugorje writes:

“When God visits the earth, He actually comes among His people. The confrontation between the two confilicting sides will result in only one being victorious. It will be a clear victory. The track record of survival of all civilizations in history who pit their lies vs. truth is ‘0’ victories. When God comes among His people, His track record of truth vs. lies is 100% victorious. When evil matures to the point of no return, history shows that God’s decisions are decisive…”1

The decisive decision of God has sent Our Lady, and in Her, God is visiting His people. There is a clear confrontation that will take place, and only that which is with God/Our Lady will be victorious.

In the Love of Our Lady,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas


1. From Witnessing the Death of Civilization, by a Friend of Medjugorje
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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2 thoughts on “When God Visits…”

  1. I never realized the damage the tv can do to the mind, until I read I See Far. I have read all the books A Friend of Medjugorje has written and they have changed my life. I no longer read books unless they are religious and I have tossed all illicit magazines and books in the trash. The television is nothing less than garbage. The problem is, I am alone in my fight. My husband calls me a nun and says I am too much with religion. I try to pick my battles. I have gotten my family to church every Sunday and we no longer shop or go for ice cream on Sundays. We go to confession as a family and say our prayers at every meal. At night we say our prayers and I pray the rosary everyday. I had my family come to Caritas during the July 4th weekend and we prayed the rosary with Marija. I know all things are possible with God, so I will keep praying they get closer to him day by day. Thank you for all that you do.

  2. Many Christians live like pagans…I too am one because I still watch television, not much, but I still do. When a Friend of Medjugorje pointed this out during one of the Radio Wave broadcasts it struck me profoundly. I stopped watching tv for a while and then someone said “you have to see this great documentary on Netflix!” and so, I fell again. With Lent here and Divine Mercy Sunday coming up, I will go to confession and confess the time I wasted in front of the tv, for the times I had bad thoughts because of the tv, for the times I was lazy with my prayers because of the tv, this terrible idol many worship today. I will get back up again as Jesus did out of great love for Him and Our Lady. The tv will no longer be my idol. Thank you dear Friend of Medjugorje for helping us along the way. God bless you all!

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