Are you being prepared properly for Medjugorje?
June 16, 2016 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on March 2, 1990:
“…Abandon to me all your problems, all your hardships. I want to prepare you for the day that comes free from all your problems. Give me all your problems…”
Preparation is everything. Whether building a house, performing a task at work, or planning a pilgrimage, how you prepare is important.
A recent Caritas Medjugorje pilgrim from Hawaii wrote to us:
“…One thing I noticed while there was our difference from other tour groups. Because of your involvement, history and personal relationship with Medjugorje and the visionaries, we might have done ‘the same walking tour’ as another group but I know we were getting ‘the inside scoop’ on what was really important, meaningful and significant because while other groups walked by snapping pictures, we remained in places thoughtfully, meaningfully and often lead in prayer… I really appreciated Caritas’ advice/recommendation of no cell phones which allowed for a total immersion experience as well…”
– D.Y.
So what is in the bag? Usually a bottle of water, significant spiritual materials pertaining to the day’s event, as well as materials sent to prepare you for your pilgrimage, a rock you picked up on the mountain to bring home, Rosaries to be blessed, and Words from Heaven, the book of the Medjugorje messages, which has been a gift to all our pilgrims for many years. And, one can probably guess what was not in the bag too.
Abandon yourself to Our Lady. Call BVM Caritas Pilgrimages will prepare you for the great days of pilgrimage, free from all your problems, like we have done for thousands who have come with us to Medjugorje before you. Call 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or visit here to request information about a Medjugorje pilgrimage.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas