
What Happened on July 30, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 30, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee


July 30, 2005, Saturday


The community began with songs again before beginning the Rosary leading up to apparition time. Our Lady graced us with another long apparition—four minutes, 10 seconds. With some pilgrims beginning to arrive for the five days of prayer beginning on August 1, these apparitions were building an anticipation for the coming days with Our Lady. Much of our prayers in the apparitions were for conversions of all those who would be coming. We continued to pray that even at this late date, people who were just learning about the event would have the grace to make a spontaneous decision to drop everything and come. We met people after they arrived at Caritas who actually received this grace. Others sent in letters after returning home with their testimony of making a sudden decision to come even after the five days of prayer had already started. It was beautiful for the community to see our prayers answered in this way.

Marija’s description: “Our Lady, when She come, I recommend all our intentions, and She pray over us and She blessed us all.”


After everyone had left the Bedroom when the apparition ended, we discovered little five-year-old Joy had fallen asleep against the Bed. The Bedspread is covered with hundreds of little cherubs, that are also present on the bedstand. Little Joy melts right into the scene, a little angel amongst angels. Marija has said that when angels accompany Our Lady in the apparitions, they are normally little baby angels. Our Lady has come on several occasions over the years with angels in the Bedroom and the Field. Once in this Bedroom, Our Lady appeared with five angels who hovered around Her head. Marija told us that two had black hair, two had brown hair, and one had blond hair. It always brings a special joy to our heart when the angels come with Our Lady.

statue of our lady

An early arrival to the Five Days of Prayer brings flowers to Our Lady. Our Lady, still coming every evening in the Bedroom, knows that from all over the country, people are making their last minute preparations for coming to Caritas. It must fill Our Lady’s heart with such joy seeing the love that so many have for Her, who make the effort to take the time off, spend the money to get here, forfeit their vacation time at the beach to be with Her. But no one can out give Our Lady, even on Her birthday, as we would come to find out.

medjugorje visionary marija


medjugorje visionary marija
Marija—wife, mother, visionary. Some criticized the Medjugorje visionaries for getting married, rather than becoming priests and nuns. Their criticism reflects their lack of understanding of Our Lady’s plan today. It is the family that is in most need of being healed. What is most needed today is a witness to holiness within the family so that the vocation to marriage and family may bring about good fruit for the Church and society. Our Lady said:

May 1, 1986

“…I wish that the fruits in the family be seen one day…”

We cannot have holy priests and nuns without first having holy families. The crisis in the Church today reflects the destruction of the family. When the family is healed, when the family is holy—vocations will once again be plentiful in the Church. It is not happenchance that all the Medjugorje visionaries married. It is part of Our Lady’s plans to heal the world, through healing the family.

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2 thoughts on “What Happened on July 30, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. Sheldeen Yiftheg

    Thank you again, Caritas! I was one of those last minute people that experienced Our Lady calling me to Birmingham for the March apparitions this year. Actually, it all seemed like some kind of miracle and felt that it was meant to happen. Please email me if you are interested in hearing my story. I would love to share our story. I still shed some tears of longing to go back again to be with Our Lady everytime I go on your site. Please pray for us.

  2. Thank you for all the insight into the messages! It truly opens your heart and mind ! Praise God Mary and Jesus for your insight! God Bless ! 

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