
What Happened on July 29, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 29, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee


July 29, 2005, Friday


The apparition, again, was in the Bedroom at 6:40 p.m. The Community sang hymns to Our Lady before beginning the Rosary. Our Lady appeared just under 3 minutes.

Marija’s description of the apparition of July 29, 2005: “Our Lady pray over us. I recommend all our intentions. Our Lady blessed us.”

Again, for the next day’s apparition, Our Lady said, “Same time, same place.”

With being in the final week of preparation before the August 1-5, 2005 days of prayer with Our Lady began, different friends of the Caritas mission began arriving, increasing in number as each day passed. Many of these friends had the unexpected grace of being invited into the Bedroom for that day’s apparition.


boys on horses  boys on horses

Marija’s boys get a taste of the “cowboy” life during their stay with the community.

boys with cows

Just as in the olden days, large farm animals must be branded to show who they belong to if they ever get loose from their pen or pasture. The cow is put in a stock hold to keep her confined and steady when the brand is applied.


Years ago when the community was first entering into an agrarian life, the community prayed for inspiration for the symbol to use for the brand. Our founder wanted it to be something to represent Our Lady, to consecrate each animal to Her. The inspiration that came was the “12 stars” of Our Lady’s crown. It was a perfect symbol to represent Our Lady’s Queenship over the gifts God has given us, and also a reminder to us when we see the brand that we are only the stewards of these gifts—it is Our Lady who is owner.

boys on horses


boys on horses

Riding to the Rosary—After a morning of branding our cattle, the community “boys” ride across the wide expanse of Our Lady’s Field. It is a beautiful scene, and of course, as soon as the little children see the horses coming, they are up and running themselves, with arms outstretched, to be pulled up for a ride. After the Rosary, the boys take a ride full blast through the Field much to the delight of the every one watching. It beats watching TV, as you can choose to either live life or just watch it.

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4 thoughts on “What Happened on July 29, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. Sheldeen Yiftheg

    Oh my goodness!! How I long to live your lives!!! Please pray for me!!! I wished SOO MUCH to stay there when my family and I visited, but CANNOT!! Please Pray for us Caritas!!! The world of Internet and Television keeps me and my family away from Our Lady and from Our God!!! Please pray for us!!! And I am also ESPECIALLY worried about my little children growing up in this life-style that we are in? How would they learn to LOVE our Lady if the grownups they live around do not show them???

  2. Michael J. Hebert

    Coming on the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist, Our Lady informs us, She is a Forerunner, in our time. Saint John knew, He’d diminish, while Jesus rose in prominence, Our Lady knows, Her Son’s Advocate, the Holy Spirit, Her Spouse, will Rise in Prominence, within Her Holy Apostles to continue the Plans, She’s begun with Us. Just as the Holy Spirit and Jesus are always with us, Our Holy Mother shares Herself with Us, as we will always carry Her within Our Hearts. We understand this is all about Love, and Love begets more Love, rising up as Living Waters within Us, to Love. “We Join Our Prayers, With the Prayers of Our Holy Mother, to the Holy Spirit, and ask the Holy Spirit to Guide Us Along Our Way, to Holiness…….. Come Holy Spirit, Come By Means of the Powerful Intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Well Beloved Spouse….. Come Holy Spirit, Come By Means of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Well Beloved Spouse…. Come Holy Spirit, Come By Means of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,  Your Well Beloved Spouse. 

  3. Michael J. Hebert

    Coming on the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist, Our Lady informs us, She is a Forerunner, in our time. Saint John knew, He’d diminish, while Jesus rose in prominence, Our Lady knows, Her Son’s Advocate, the Holy Spirit, Her Spouse, will Rise in Prominence, within Her Holy Apostles to continue the Plans, She’s begun with Us. Just as the Holy Spirit and Jesus are always with us, Our Holy Mother shares Herself with Us, as we will always carry Her within Our Hearts. We understand this is all about Love, and Love begets more Love, rising up as Living Waters within Us, to Love. “We Join Our Prayers, With the Prayers of Our Holy Mother, to the Holy Spirit, and ask the Holy Spirit to Guide Us Along Our Way, to Holiness…….. Come Holy Spirit, Come By Means of the Powerful Intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Well Beloved Spouse….. Come Holy Spirit, Come By Means of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Well Beloved Spouse…. Come Holy Spirit, Come By Means of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,  Your Well Beloved Spouse. 

  4. Go on without? IMPOSSIBLE! It would be like life without walking with love, a zombie. Love gives you the gifts to hear with the eyes and see with the ears, knowing without saying. Correction is not the wrong direction, it is a natural way to open hearts.

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