
What Happened on July 26, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 26, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee


July 26, 2005, Tuesday


Medjugorje visionary Marija had asked Our Lady the day before if She would come in the morning, rather than the afternoon, as Paolo, Marija’s husband would be arriving from an overseas flight. Marija wanted to be there at the airport to greet him. Our Lady did so. The apparition was in the morning, in the Bedroom. All the community was present. We gathered at 7:00 a.m. to pray the Rosary for the apparition at 8:00 a.m.

Marija’s description of the apparition of July 26, 2005: “Our Lady prayed over us and blessed us all. I recommended all our intentions. I asked Her for apparition tomorrow and She said tomorrow night.”

As always, it is a joy here to see Our Lady choose the time and place for each apparition. Having appeared this morning at 8:00 a.m., She immediately returned to the daily routine of evening apparitions that She set from the beginning of Her arrival more than a week ago.

community in the field

Freshly mowed grass, cut earlier this morning, July 26, 2005, lay in straight rows ready for the hay baler to come through to form square hay bales. The Field is being cut and trimmed to receive the thousands of pilgrims who will be attending the days of prayer with Our Lady starting on August 1st, while also providing sustenance for the community’s cows and horses, through the hay that the community produces. When Our Lady first inspired the founder to meet every day in this Field to pray the Rosary after Her first apparitions here in 1988-1989, no one had any hint that She would be leading the community towards an agrarian life. The community has been faithful for over 25 years to this daily Rosary in the Field, no matter the weather or temperature. Never has there been a day the Rosary was not prayed here since 1989, corresponding to the time of Our Lady’s apparitions on the earth. Through these years of faithfulness to this daily prayer, our spiritual food, Our Lady revealed that this same Field would feed our animals, which in turn would feed the community. The result of this was the strengthening of the mission because the community, through its labor, was providing for its own needs rather than pulling resources from the mission for its survival.

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4 thoughts on “What Happened on July 26, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. Michael J. Hebert

    Such a Wonderful Documentary,  I’m so glad you played this now, it’s been some time since, it was last heard. It’s amazing how Our Heavenly Father,  sent not only His Son to this earth. but has also sent the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Our Heavenly Mother, here as well. To hear the Medjugorje Visionaries, tell their stories, allowing us to get a picture of who they were, and now see them in other ways,, as their selves today, is quite a blessing.  The name of the Documentary is amazing as well, because we can  get a glimpse where Heaven reached down to touch them, while in our own lives, we each have a personal experience,  of where Our Lady found us as well, to guide Us to Her Son. To hear again, of the Strength, of the Parishioners, of St. James and the surrounding area,  with those helicopters between them and their Church, holding and praying their Rosary, is an Incredible Testament, to the world. Wasn’t it wonderful how persistent love, trust and faith, in the truth of Our Lady, won over evil, at that time? Won’t it be wonderful for all of Us to see these same fruits occur, as we follow further along, within Our Lady’s Plans? The people of Medjugorje,  stood up to their Giants, helping Our Lady to create the Oasis, which Medjugorje is today. We can all be thankful, for the  same strength, shown in the face of adversity, required by the Community of Caritas, to supplant Our Lady’s Oasis, here in the United States. I pray,  as we all offer ourselves to Our Lady’s Plans, each and every day, we’re all that much closer to Heaven, so Our Heavenly Family, won’t have to reach as far down, as they did, the previous day. Isn’t it wonderful how Our Heavenly Family,  will reach out anywhere, between Heaven and earth, should anyone just cry out and convert.   God will meet you, where you are, if you just open yourself to His Love.  

  2. Michael J. Hebert

    Such a Wonderful Documentary,  I’m so glad you played this now, it’s been some time since, it was last heard. It’s amazing how Our Heavenly Father,  sent not only His Son to this earth. but has also sent the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Our Heavenly Mother, here as well. To hear the Medjugorje Visionaries, tell their stories, allowing us to get a picture of who they were, and now see them in other ways,, as their selves today, is quite a blessing.  The name of the Documentary is amazing as well, because we can  get a glimpse where Heaven reached down to touch them, while in our own lives, we each have a personal experience,  of where Our Lady found us as well, to guide Us to Her Son. To hear again, of the Strength, of the Parishioners, of St. James and the surrounding area,  with those helicopters between them and their Church, holding and praying their Rosary, is an Incredible Testament, to the world. Wasn’t it wonderful how persistent love, trust and faith, in the truth of Our Lady, won over evil, at that time? Won’t it be wonderful for all of Us to see these same fruits occur, as we follow further along, within Our Lady’s Plans? The people of Medjugorje,  stood up to their Giants, helping Our Lady to create the Oasis, which Medjugorje is today. We can all be thankful, for the  same strength, shown in the face of adversity, required by the Community of Caritas, to supplant Our Lady’s Oasis, here in the United States. I pray,  as we all offer ourselves to Our Lady’s Plans, each and every day, we’re all that much closer to Heaven, so Our Heavenly Family, won’t have to reach as far down, as they did, the previous day. Isn’t it wonderful how Our Heavenly Family,  will reach out anywhere, between Heaven and earth, should anyone just cry out and convert.   God will meet you, where you are, if you just open yourself to His Love.  

  3. The most beautiful story…..the story of Medjugorje. I always think….what is there not to love our Mother. Thankyou dear friend of Medjugorje for all that you and the team at Medjugorje do for us. Thankyou to the Visionaries and you who have stayed so strong to tell the world! And to be examples for all of us!  Prayers for all of you.  I love You Mother for giving us Medjugorje. Help us. ♥️♥️♥️

  4. After “journeying 40 years” with Our Lady, soon we will reach the promised land, the Fatherland together with Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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