We’ve Taken the Beaches…

We’ve Taken the Beaches…

A Plan of Action
Acted Out Through Our Lady’s Messages


March 13, 2017 A.D.

Quote from a Friend of Medjugorje:

“We live in a world that does not know its history; therefore, we do not know how to determine our future. Our Lady is here to show us how to change the future in the present, as Our Lady foretold on March 2, 2017: ‘so that the world would be different…’

The following article recently appeared in several news outlets. What appears after the article below, is a writing from a Friend of Medjugorje, concerning a plan of action.


A Worthy Tribute

A large percentage of our country doesn’t know of, or care about, what happened at Normandy, France. A few months ago, British artist Jamie, accompanied by numerous volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes representing fallen soldiers into the sand.

Titled, The Fallen 9000, the piece is meant as a stark visual reminder of those who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6th, 1944, during WWII. The original team consisted of 60 volunteers, but as word spread nearly 500 additional local residents arrived to help with the temporary installation that lasted only a few hours before being washed away by the tide.

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day.

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000

The Fallen 9000



The following writing by a Friend of Medjugorje was already written and about to be published, when a friend gave him the above article, without the friend’s knowledge of what a Friend of Medjugorje was about to publish on Medjugorje.com. A Friend of Medjugorje always says that Our Lady puts together his writings.

We’ve Taken the Beaches…

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Our Lady is Here to Liberate the World

In June of 1944, the Allied Armies of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, against Hitler’s Nazi Germany. It was to be the greatest liberation in history. The battles fought along the beach were terrible and difficult. Many men were killed before they even made it to the shore, with many of the survivors making it to the sand, only to die there. The Nazi power held the beaches firmly against the Allied Armies, but in the first hours their defenses began to crack, with the Allies taking control of the beaches, scaling the cliffs and knocking out the impenetrable pill boxes (big guns enclosed in steel and concrete). The allied armies moved inland.


Though they were in control, and fully on the soil, for one month much of the Allied Armies did not budge from the coastal region. With the grind of constant and terrible battle, soldiers become what is known as “battle-weary.” The Allied Commanders knew this, and knew that unless there was a breakthrough of some type, the war would not be won. A new plan was drawn up, details ironed out, the word went out, and soldiers were made ready. It would start on a single day, involve several layers of attack, and then ending with the soldiers rushing beyond the front as fast as possible. There could be no delay, no turning back. It was all or nothing. Despite a few setbacks, the plan to rush beyond the front, went perfectly with soldiers surging from the Normandy Peninsula. The breakthrough happened, and with it, the curtain that was drawn over Europe was pulled back and liberation followed.


In the Present, March 2, 2017

We have been fighting a constant battle for years. No doubt, some of these battles have been terrible and many have become battle-weary. But Our Lady comes with Her blessing and with a plan in order to “break through” where we have been stuck for years. Conditions have never been more favorable for Christians to take back the ground lost. But, we must surge into the gap that circumstances of grace have opened for us. The time is here to Reclaim Our Lady’s Land. How?


As the nature of war goes, battles come to us that we did not ask for, or are forced upon us. We can always be defensive, or we can become offensive and take the battle to the enemy. This is a time to be offensive. Knowing that evil does not sleep, is always on the prowl to snatch souls, and is on the lookout for an opportunity to take ground back, we announce Phase 3 of Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land. See below for Phase 1, released on February 7, 2017, and Phase 2, released on February 28, 2017.


Make a Breakthrough!


Routinely, we live in a house, drive in a car, go to work, walk or jog in the park, etc. Yet, how often do we bring a blessing wherever we go? This time of penance is a good incentive to begin, through the course of the next days, to bring a blessing of purification and protection.


The Prayer to Purify and Protect Your Home, is conveniently being made available in a pack of 50 cards, and is being released as the Breakthrough Assault Pack. Included with this Breakthrough Assault Pack, is a card with suggestions on places to pray this prayer. As a bonus, the first 500 orders will receive a small packet of Blessed Salt, blessed by Our Lady in a special apparition in 2001 and 2003 at Caritas. Why would one not pray this prayer:


In the car you drive in everyday?
At the grocery store you shop at every week?
At the park you walk or jog in every morning?
At the place where you work?
And more…


Does one think that these places do not need a blessing? Our Lady of Medjugorje said:


August 8, 1985

“…today I call you especially now to advance against satan by means of prayer. satan wants to work still more now that you know he is at work…”


We know that satan is on the prowl. Does one honestly entrust themselves to the safety of their home, their car, the grocery store, without a blessing from God? So humbly take up this prayer, asking that at this time of grace, Our Lady is able to advance against satan with our help. We have the confidence of Our Lady’s words of March 2, 2017:


“…so that the world would be different; that simplicity and purity would return; that faith and hope would return…”


Conditions have never been more favorable for a return.

Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

The Breakthrough Assault Pack, with card, and for the first 500 orders the bonus of a small pack of Blessed Salt, blessed by Our Lady here at Caritas in 2001 and 2003*

Breakthrough Assault Pack

Order the Breakthrough Assault Pack Online Here
or See Below for Ordering Directly from Caritas

50 Prayer to Purify and Protect Your Home Cards

One card detailing places to pray this prayer

The first 500 orders will receive a small packet of Blessed Salt, blessed by Our Lady in special apparitions in 2001 and 2003 at Caritas

What do I do with the Holy Salt?
Use 1 or 2 grains just like Holy Water to bless your house, car, work, etc.


We have taken the beaches of our nation; our nation now needs a breakthrough. Do you need a breakthrough in your personal life or work? What needs to happen in our government or your home will not take place without serious spiritual revival. Order the Breakthrough Assault Pack online here, or directly from Caritas. Be sure to be one of the first 500 orders in order the receive a small pack of Blessed Salt, which was blessed by Our Lady at Caritas in a special apparition in 2001 and in 2003.


You can contact Caritas directly to order at 205-672-2000, or by writing below:

Caritas of Birmingham
c/o Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive 
Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA

For Information About Phase 1 of Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land, visit here…

For Information About Phase 2 of Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land, visit here…

* In 2001, a Friend of Medjugorje had two tractor-trailer loads of salt ordered in order to have them blessed by Our Lady. Before the apparition, a Friend of Medjugorje asked Marija to ask Our Lady to bless the 50,000 containers salt. During the apparition to Marija, which took place in the Field on December 11, 2001, Marija asked Our Lady to bless the 50,000 containers of salt in the print shop of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages. This was a special project a Friend of Medjugorje had worked on for several months. Marija relayed that after having given Her blessing to the crowd, Our Lady extended, for a second time, a blessing especially for the salt. When Marija was asked before the group if Our Lady blessed the salt, she said emphatically, “There can be no question.” Again, on August 19, 2003, after a Friend of Medjugorje had 4 more tractor-trailer loads of salt delivered to Caritas, the apparition to Marija took place in a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing office. The salt was in the print shop of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Message. During the apparition, when Marija asked Our Lady to bless the salt, Our Lady made the Sign of the Cross to bless the salt.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

3 thoughts on “We’ve Taken the Beaches…”

  1. Thank you Friend of medjugorje, another good writing, I would like to help our Blessed Mother win the victory. I never know how the Lord is going to have me travel. Not sure if you received the message but it looks like you did. Thank you God bless each and everyone of you. Long live King Jesus!

  2. Yes I thought this is another good writing, Friend of Medjugorje. I wish to help Blessed Mother to have the victory. I pretty much bless all I see with Mother’s Special Blessing, with me. I never know how the Lord will have me travel and with that Blessed Salt, would put it in my cooking water. I learned about that from my friends in West Virginia, also I would put it around the outside of my apartment. I plan to order prayer cards and I would like the box or two box probably of the salt.

  3. This is great….I love our Friends writings. I give booklets etc. to two Catholic schools, and thet love them.

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