“We are to realize this Europe, this United States, is really traveling towards destruction.” – Marija speaks November 7, 2006

“We are to realize this Europe, this United States, is really traveling towards destruction.” – Marija speaks November 7, 2006

Medjugorje, November 7, 2006

medjugorje visionary marija

Marija, the Medjugorje visionary, transmits to us the sense of what Our Lady’s presence is to her through her words. Marija’s words are inadequate compared to what she sees, hears, and sometimes even touches Our Lady, in helping us to understand her gift, a gift that is also for us. Our Lady has told us that we cannot comprehend Her words without prayer. If that is the case, we certainly should pray to understand the depth of what Marija’s words in this talk are being conveyed to us. – A Friend of Medjugorje

The following talk was given by Marija in Medjugorje last week.

I wish to welcome everyone. My greatest desire when I‘m talking to you about Our Lady‘s messages here is that I help you to fall in love with Our Lady and Her messages. You know it‘s been 25 years since Our Lady has been appearing every single day. And even today Our Lady has been appearing every single day. And personally I accept this as a great grace for me but also for all those people who have been coming to Medjugorje. Because you can really see and feel that Our Lady wishes all well. Because She still talks to us and She still gives us Her messages. And as She says so many times, “Do not ever forget that I am your Mother and that I love you all.” This everyday presence of Our Lady among us here is an invitation to everyone of us. With Her Motherly love, Our Lady invites us all to conversion. Our Lady invites us to discover and to put God in the very first place in our lives. June 24, 1981, Our Lady presented Herself as Queen of Peace. And Our Lady let us know that the only true peace comes from God through Jesus and through our prayers. And that‘s why She has been inviting us to put God in the first place. And with that prayer to pray for peace in our hearts, peace in our families and peace in the world. And for this, Our Lady has been asking from us to pray. And Our Lady said that every prayer that we do with the heart is good and dear to God. And that‘s why Our Lady has been calling us to pray always more. She said pray until the moment when you feel your life turns into a prayer. Our Lady invites us always to pray more.

In the beginning we were praying the seven Our Father‘s, Hail Mary‘s and Glory Be‘s as the first prayers we did pray with Our Lady. We started with that prayer. Then Our Lady invited us to pray the Rosary as Her most favorite prayer. Then Our Lady invited us to found the prayer groups, but emphasizing that the first prayer group is our family but that also to found prayer groups in our own parishes. Our Lady said that we should put Holy Scripture in a very visible place in our homes and read it everyday.

And I remember at the very beginning we were already happy because we did a good work. And Our Lady invited us to dedicate three hours every single day to prayer. We protested because we said it will be too much because we did attend the Holy Mass everyday, we prayed the Rosary everyday. Our Lady smiled and She said when your dear friend comes to your home you never measure the time that he stays with you. And that‘s how Our Lady invited us to have Jesus as our Dearest Friend. And we have to give more and offer more time to Him.

And so little by little Our Lady started inviting us to fasting. And then we understood finally that the best way of fasting, Our Lady was referring to us saying, is on bread and water and we started with Fridays. Then She called us and invited us to do fasting on Wednesdays as well. So through Our Lady‘s messages we rediscovered fasting which was at that time almost forgotten in the Church. And then we started rediscovering what was written in the Scripture that even certain evil spirits can be cast away through fasting and prayer. And then we started to hear of people who would come here who talked about that they were possessed or under the influence of satan. Because the world was finding itself in the situation when everyone was saying that Heaven, Purgatory and hell simply do not exist. A long time after the first apparitions, Our Lady took Vicka and Jakov and She showed them Heaven. We were living under Communism. We were really under pressure of this communist country here. We thought that we could die at any moment. And when Our Lady said to two of them, Jakov and Vicka, that She would take them, they thought that they were going to die. And then Jakov said, “Our Lady, take Vicka, there are 8 brothers and sisters in her family.” Because he felt only about his mother and the pain that his mother would have if he would die. But Our Lady just took their hands and took them with Her. And She took them and showed them Heaven, purgatory and hell. But Our Lady presented to other four of us visionaries also Heaven, purgatory and hell, but it was more like if you would watch through the window or if you would watch a movie. And Our Lady said that the life after does exist. And She wanted us to give a testimony to the other people that we meet to tell them and to teach them that Heaven does exist. That also purgatory exists and that people are suffering there and are just waiting for our prayers. They need our prayers. And Our Lady says the souls who are in purgatory they really are asking for our prayers. Because when they were living on earth they had a chance to say “I do believe” or “I do not believe.” But now in purgatory they simply know that God exists. And the greatest pain and suffering they have is that they desire so much to go to God but they cannot yet. And Our Lady invited us to pray for them, to offer the Holy Masses for them. And in that way they will become our friends and they will intercede for us before God. Because they cannot pray for themselves.

And then Our Lady presented us hell. We saw a big flame/fire in the middle and then Our Lady took, and we saw a young woman who was so beautiful, with long, blonde hair. And after entering the fire, she turned into a wild beast. And Our Lady said God gave you Liberty, freedom to everyone of you. To believe or not to believe. To say that Heaven, hell and purgatory does exist or does not exist. It‘s up to us to choose. Because those people chose to go to hell because already on earth they were experiencing the same pain and they went there according to their own free will. But Our Lady talks about and She suggests and She always shows us Heaven.

medjugorje visionary marija in ecstacy

Marija in ecstasy in her private chapel, The Chapel of the Two Hearts, Saturday, October 28, 2006.

The privilege of being in Our Lady’s presence while an apparition occurs is a gift that we must pray to understand.

April 25, 1990

“…understand the greatness of this gift…that I can be with you…”

That‘s so beautiful because when you see Our Lady everyday, She‘s been coming everyday, we have to realize and understand that we have to worry about and think only about Heaven. And we have to think about eternity.We think that if our life was longer we think we could do a lot more things. And many think, well we‘ll wait until we grow old and then we will believe and we will pray because today we have too many other things to do. But if just a brick falls down from this roof because of this wind, it maybe that we go to the Lord immediately. What will happen? Where will we go? Who are we? What did we earn? Have you ever thought about these things? Because many times we are thinking about how to work, how to earn, how to spend, how to do all these things and to present ourselves being more beautiful, having more possessions, better car, better house. And then on Ash Wednesday, what does the priest say? You are dust and to dust you shall return.

So to make a conclusion, Our Lady came and She wants to wake us up. (The new book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping addresses this and is coming your way soon ) Our Lady says wake-up from this dream of unbelief. Our Lady comes everyday.Here we have everyday Our Lady‘s presence and Her presence is so strong. And I, the one talking to you, I see Her every single day. And everyday at quarter to 6:00, Our Lady appears to me. Not only to me but to Vicka and Ivan the same. Our Lady appeared to Ivanka and Mirjana and Jakov as well. And we have documents from doctors that we are normal. Just to say that the one who is talking to you, Marija, is not some kind of fanatic or someone who is crazy because we have the proof we have the documents to show that we are normal. And I‘m not telling you a tale or some kind of a story because I‘m standing with my life before these words that I am saying to you. To tell you-convert yourselves. Because Our Lady has been calling us to be Her extended hands. But where should we do that? I‘m not calling you now, to leave your homes and to go to Africa, but to be conscious and to be missionaries in your own families and the places where you live.

Our Lady has been with us for so long because She is carrying everyone of us. She says that every single one of us is important for Her. Today so many politicians when they are talking they say that we do not want Christianity in Europe-we do not want this race of Christianity in Europe. On the other hand, we have a European flag which is a blue color which is Our Lady‘s color with 12 stars. And do you know what stands behind that? An incredible but very simple thing. Here at that time Otto Von Hasburg was coming here. He‘s an uncle of a girl Malona who was coming here, who was here in Medjugorje for a long time, who was an interpreter of seven different languages. And she was that one, she had that voice who brought Medjguorje to so many pilgrims. And her uncle works in the European Community as a politician. He has such a great love towards Our Lady of Medjugorje. And then when they began talking about what the flag would be for the European Community, he started working on that. But he did not have any power, capability, or skill to do all these things. But just thinking about Our Lady and these 12 stars this is what he suggested. And they did so many designs for the flag. And it came out to be “blue with 12 stars” the flag. And then he came here to Medjugorje in thanksgiving saying, please say thanks to Our Lady. You see, even if they didn‘t want to make it, it just happened.

Or if you look at the story of the beginning of the United States of America. We see, today, so many politicians who do not believe in anything “atheists” but now when you see the documents, the history of the United States of America, every state was consecrated to Our Lady. We also rediscover things. We are to realize this Europe, this United States, this world is really traveling towards destruction. Our Lady says we do have a possibility (for peace). We have a chance to come back with ourselves and with the others, against the evil, for good. Our Lady invites us and She says “I am with you.” And She is present every single day. And in Her messages She says “Pray to me and I will intercede with God for you.” Our Lady would accept us, would listen to us even in the great things. The same as when She is with us in the little things.

I encountered a family, a couple, which didn’t have children for 19 years of marriage. And they went back and forth to doctors and were told they simply could not have children. A month ago, they finally had a baby. The husband and wife came to Medjugorje and finally decided that they would pray together and that they would ask through prayer. Because Jesus said the one who is knocking, the door will be opened to them. They believed and they prayed and they requested and asked. And now they have this baby who is called Carlos Marie, and who was placed under the protection of Our Lady.

And we have so many other signs. A mother from Italy had cancer in her lungs. And the cancer was in progress, even after surgeries. And she took the image of Our Lady of Medjugorje that was blessed and through her own tears she was asking the grace from Our Lady. And she would sleep in the chair because she couldn‘t sleep in her bed anymore because of the pain. And the doctor said she would simply die without breath because the lungs were completely taken over by the cancer. She fell asleep (with the Our Lady‘s picture) but when she woke up she felt such a warmth within herself. And she said then I finally realized that I felt that I was healed. She went to her doctors and they said we simply cannot explain how this happened. But they said it could be that we made a mistake when we did the exams before. There is always someone who always says there is something from a scientific point of view that can explain this always. But she said she had the surgery when they took out part of her lungs. And she had all the documents of her exams from the doctors when they said there is no more hope for her. And then finally, when she began to be over taken with all kinds of pain, all they could propose to her was to give her morphine. She is healed. And also she came here to thank Our Lady. I remember when I asked from her to tell me what happened, she started crying immediately. And she said, “Why me? Why all that grace to me? There are so many young people who died, who are much younger than I am. And I said to her the first miracle that happened that took place here in Medjugorje, there was a man who was almost blind, who was losing his sight. He was about 80 years old. He was here from Medjugorje. His house was at the foot of Cross Mountain. He just couldn’t come out of the house on his own anymore. And his wife was also an old woman. And when she heard about the apparitions starting in Medjugorje, she went to Apparition Hill and she took a little bit of the herbs she found there and a little of the soil. She boiled that in water. She put bandages in the water mixed with red clay and the herbs and put the bandages on the eyes of her husband. After he took the bandages off, his sight was back. And after that he could walk again and he was so happy that he was able to see and walk again. All of us, even us visionaries, went to see him. He was walking up and down stairs. Before that he said he couldn’t do it. He was so content. He was 80 years old. That was such a great thing. A miracle. He lived another 10 years and then he died.

Just to say so many times we look for miracles, we are waiting for them. When we need something, we focus on that so much. But we forget the greatest miracle is the salvation of our own souls and that we have eternity in our own hands. There is so little that is missing, I want to embrace that path of holiness. And Our Lady repeats and continues. Our Lady says these messages are for every single one of us, that we have to take them and put them into practice in our lives. But after that, we still have liberty. And it is in liberty that we are suppose to choose.

From the bottom of my heart I‘m really asking from you to take advantage of this time, the time of grace as Our Lady has been calling this time that we are living in. I really hope the temptation will be for you to climb Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain and of course, go to Holy Mass in the Church. Because Jesus says the one who is looking for Him will find Him. If you do not have faith, ask for faith. As Our Lady said in a message on one occasion, She said that She intercedes with God for all of us. She intercedes for me and for you. And She calls me and She calls you. She says that holiness is a possibility for everybody. And it‘s not some kind of far away thing. And then when Our Lady appeared, I remember I asked Our Lady, is there life in another universe or planets and Our Lady started smiling and then She started praying with us in order to say its not important. (Our Lady did add, “That is not for you to know now.”) What is important is our souls. The moment we try to truly save our souls, then we will be with God. And God will be with us. And that moment we will definitely discover joy, joy of life and joy of living. I really desire that you discover the joy of living as a child of God, as a child of Our Lady. The moment you decide to become a child of God and a child of Our Lady, eternity will be so close to you. I will pray for you.

– Medjugorje visionary Marija

For more about Medjugorje visionary Marija, who receives the 25th message of Our Lady, read here.

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10 thoughts on ““We are to realize this Europe, this United States, is really traveling towards destruction.” – Marija speaks November 7, 2006”

  1. Grace is like a pebble the size of a mustard seed dropping into the Ocean and then allowing God to pick the time and place to grow the tidal wave but if you demand Grace on your terms, your prayer will be turned into a pebble logged in your saddle causing you angst, frustration and destruction.1 Peter 5:8-9King James Version (KJV)8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.Proverbs 4:23-27The Message23-27 Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that%u2019s where life starts.Don%u2019t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions.Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.

  2. Outstanding message for us. My 1st trip to Medjugorje, stopped in Split, Croatia and saw Pope John Paul ll and he told us (thousands) he believed in Medjugorje and we can visit there. Now he is a Saint so I have all I need to believe. We need help with this election! I use the Catholic Radio (EWTN) Station’s call to vote our Catholic faith. I pray through Mary’s Immaculate Heart to the Holy Trinity to help erase any fraudulent votes so we really know how Americans feel.God Bless you!

  3. These are hard- hitting words that needed to be said! I am understanding more fully about Medjugore! I am praying for the conversion of The USA, but I need to do more! Thank you for letting me know all about the things you said for Nov. 2,2016!

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