We Are Chosen

We Are Chosen



If you read the messages of Our Lady, you will know that we are chosen, in this time, to be apostles, carriers of Mary’s messages to a world without faith. Persecuted for simply following “ a way ” of Our Lady, we are to remain faithful to our calling and finish the work God has given us to do. Though we may get battered, there is no storm that can uproot what God plants. When one is in friendship with God, no storm can destroy it. Our Lady said:

June 25, 1997

“…When true friendship with God is realized, no storm can destroy it…”

Once we begin a true friendship with God, we are ready to stand for Him. In His name, devoid of quietism, the question then arises, “So what can I do, I am just one person? I’m nobody.” True, we all are nobodies. To top it off, we are sinners, weak men with weak faith. We, here in the Community of Caritas, are first to profess this. But God is somebody, and we are His children; and Mary is somebody, and She is our Mother; and Christ is somebody, and we are His brothers. Though we are nothing, we are in the family of God. We, therefore, must live like it. Now, after establishing who we are, re-ask the question, “What can I do, I’m just one person? But now I’m somebody because I belong to a Family who is Somebody.” Wasn’t it just one person, adopted into satan’s family, who got school prayer out of our schools across the nation? Wasn’t it just one person who got the Ten Commandments removed out of the Alabama Capitol Rotunda? Was it not just one person whose name was used to start worldwide abortions, “Roe vs Wade? ” If one person can propagate a lot for evil, why cannot one person do a lot to propagate good? Do you reason, “Yes, maybe one person like Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta can do something, but look who she was. I’m still a nobody, even if I belong to God’s family.” We do not have to be known to change the world. We have to be Christian and put forth every action to Christianize what is not Christian. Yes, we are not bishops or priests, we are laity. God wants us to move forward with Our Lady’s plans and put our faith into action. Pope John Paul II called us, as the laity, to evangelize.

In the Peace of Christ,

Friend of Medjugojre

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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