Wayne Weible, Friend and Fellow Apostle of Medjugorje Dies Peacefully

Wayne Weible, Friend and Fellow Apostle of Medjugorje Dies Peacefully


April 21, 2018 A.D.
8:00 AM Central Time USA

From a Friend of Medjugorje

Wayne Weible, author of Medjugorje: The Message, and the newspaper, Miracle at Medjugorje, of which we distributed millions of copies, died peacefully early this morning. Last night, Friday, April 20, 2018 A.D., we sent out an urgent prayer request across the world, and we are hearing from many people who during the night prayed for his passage. In the beginning years, we worked closely with Wayne. Wayne’s book led many people to Medjugorje and to Caritas’ mission, as one person wrote to us:

“…It was through Wayne’s book that I made my way to Medjugorje through Caritas…”

I was thinking of Wayne last night and remembered a story of he and I. I went to Medjugorje for the first time in July 1986 when I was 33 years of age. It re-coursed and re-structured my life. Wayne and I met for the first time the following September in 1986. Sometime in 1987 we were together in Medjugorje having dinner in a peasant’s house, located in the old part of the village. We began talking with the Croatian family, whose home we were in, about one of their sons who needed conversion in this Communist country. Wayne and I both lit up with the desire to help. We formed a strategy for both of us to work on this son. Wayne excitedly said, “We’re going to get him.” Both of us worked toward this goal. Later, the young man went into the Communist army which essentially made him a Communist, even if one did not want to be considered such. After serving his term and being discharged, both Wayne and I crossed paths with this individual. He was warming up to the Church. One day the wayward son told me he wanted to give me something. It was his coveted Communist military button which gave one acceptance if you wanted to be favored. He gave it to me as a rejection of atheist Communism. It was a big step for him and an acknowledgement of our helping him. He was proud to make his gradual turning point. I took the button into St. James Church and prayed for him while I consecrated him to Our Lady. I placed the button, with the Communist hammer and sickle image displayed on it, in a crack behind a wooden cabinet in St. James’ where it would be hidden for years, as a reminder to Our Lady of this young man’s conversion, asking Her to watch over him. I later told Wayne about this, which gave us both a “joyful” cognition of the power of teaming up and the fruit that comes from it.

Wayne, I know you can now see the glory of evangelizing Our Lady’s words and plans. Keep working on it. We’re going to miss you.

We can say with confidence, Wayne is now seeing the fruit of his labors, and the glory of all he helped to accomplish. We continue to ask for prayers for his wife Judith and all of his family during this time. See also, the funeral arrangement information here.

In the Love of Jesus and Mary,
A Friend of Medjugorje

P.S. I got the news on Friday morning. I called and heard Wayne’s voice. Click the Player below to understand.


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42 thoughts on “Wayne Weible, Friend and Fellow Apostle of Medjugorje Dies Peacefully”

  1. Thank You MR WAYNE WEIBLE for your Love and Dedication to our Lady your book Medjugorje The Message was one of the beginning seeds that help me on my Journey I cant thank you enough how this book touch my life. May GOD the Father his Son JESUS and the HOLY SPRIT Bless you for ETERNITY with our LADY QUEEN of PEACE. Please Pray for us as we pray for you. GOD be with you my Brother! Thank You

  2. My condolences to his immediate family and all the people he brought to our Blessed Queen of the Holy Rosary and our lifetime convergence to Her. Field Angel, Heidi

  3. Marybeth Albert

    Thank you Wayne Weible for all you did to share with everyone about Medjugorie. I can only imagine what a beautiful meeting you and Our Lady must have had when you saw each other and how proud God the Father is of you for loving Our Holy Mother SO much!!! Thank you for all your hard work. I will pray for your wife and family. God Bless you all.

  4. Thank you, Caritas, for letting us know of the death of Wayne Weible. So many of us came to know all about Medjugorje through Mr. Weible. He was a guest a few times and a personal friend of the host family of our Medjugorje prayer group in Baton Rouge in the early years. I was present at his First Communion (as a convert to Catholicism) during a Medjugorje Conference in New Orleans (in the early 1990s). May God bless him and his family and grant them peace!

  5. I am certain Wayne is in heaven with Our Lady and Our Lord! What I have realized these last few days is how magnificently Our Lady works! I had no idea when I read his news paper in ’89, that was probably the spark of my conversion, (as so many others!) who Wayne even was or even that Caritas distributed them! In fact I had no knowledge of Wayne or Caritas when I read it! But, later his book solidified my search for truth concerning Our Lady and God’s plan for me. It was then that I knew his name. And later I had the grace to hear him many times at conferences, even a very small one locally, that I used to help with. My prayers are with his family! But I want to express my gratitude to Caritas. I am experiencing a very exciting yet somber moment in realizing that my conversion was probably born of Caritas mission and She led me back to you 25 years later! I have said before, that I am a child in understanding the grace we have in Her community. But, I am immensly greatful for your YES

  6. It was by reading Wayne’s newsletter that I read, that I signed up to go with him on one of his trips to Medjugorje. It was in November and very cold, but didn’t mind at all. I knew our Lady was there.God bless you Wayne !

  7. I knew he was in Hospice, but did not know he had left us. God called him home, at last. I have decided it is never a good time to die, because there will always be loved ones to grieve …. and my heart and prayers go out to Judith in her sadness, loss of Wayne. Memories of Wayne responding to an email I wrote in a sad hour in my own life, and he offered to pray for me and asked me to do the same for him with our family situations. What a giving person who took time out…wow. I heard him speak several times here locally thru the years. May he be in eternal joy and happiness with Mary, Jesus. and the saints.

  8. Rest in Peace Wayne! Thanks for all the work you have done. He has touch us because of your work. God Bless you!

  9. Susan Venturi-Cappelluti

    So very sorry to hear about Wayne Weible. My heart is saddened. When I learned about Wayne and Medjugorje and the Rosary, I was profoundly moved and it made such an impact on my life. I am shy and I contacted Wayne to come to my parish to speak and this was when he was still a Lutheran and telling people about Medjugorje and the Rosary. It was very wonderful to have him come to my parish in Madera, Calif. We are very conservative here and I have always loved the Blessed Mother since a child. This inspired me to go to Medjugorje after that talk that Wayne gave at our Parish, St. Joachim’s Church. It changed my life! The shy woman started teaching about Medjugorje and I became a lector in our parish and have been for 16 years now. I also do Vigils for funerals saying a whole rosary for the person who has died and for the family. Thank you Wayne for that gift of Medjugorje and we all know you are enjoying the beauty and grace of Heaven and Our dear Mother Mary.

  10. My deepest condolences on the passing of Wayne. I read the message of his passing on Saturday night, and I would like to say,that I came across Wayne’s book-Medjugorje-The Message by chance. We were getting ready to do a Church bazaar, and boxes of books were donated. Medjugorje-The Message was on the very top of one of the boxes, so I took it. It was a very most aspiring book It deepened my faith and to Our Blessed Mother.Thank You Wayne. May You rest in Peace, and knowing Our Blessed Mother was very happy with your earthly messages to the world.

  11. carlos montero

    No wonder he died on a Saturday. His lovable Mother, came to rescue him! God Bless him! He did so much for Her and the Medjugorje movement! R.I.P.

  12. Thank you for allowing us to pray for Wayne as he was the one that lead me to Medjugorje. I met him in person at San Jose Catholic Church in Austin, Tx. Read his books and off I went to Medjugorje in 1997 and continue to go back.

  13. Wayne’s first book about Medugorje played an important role in bringing me back to my Catholic faith. Rest In Peace Wayne.

  14. I got the email to pray for Wayne that night I did so I hope it helps him to get closer to Heaven if he’s not already there. I remember in the late 80’s 90’s when he came to my church with Ivan one of the visionaries it’s where I first really learned of the Blessed Mother messages to the visionaries I even bought his book. I hope hope his family cares on his legacy and remembers he is still with everyone just now after death with his mission God Bless Him and his Family! ♥

  15. Ida Philomena Croes

    Accept my condolences for the passing away of Wayne Weible. He will remain in my memories and I will continue praying for his soul to rest in peace. Each of us has to leave this world, let’s live good and obedient to God’s words, so one day we can reunite with Wayne. Rest in peace my dear Friend Wayne.

  16. In 1991, The Good Lord put my husband and I in contact with some wonderful Catholic Families. At the time, our faith was present, but lacking in action. One of these families had been to Medjugorje with their two young children, and one day announced that the rest of us were going to go hear Wayne Weible speak in a town 20 miles away, and they would watch all of our very young children. Like the families God gifted to us, this talk by Wayne changed our lives. So, thank you, Wayne, and thank you, to our friends, and mostly, thank you Jesus!!

  17. In the Spring of 1988 I went to a talk at our church about Medjugorje. They gave out the newspapers with the blue writing written by Wayne. I ordered many copies and gave them all away with the exception of 1 or 2. From that paper I contacted Caritas and have been a faithful follower of Our Lady and Medjugorje ever since. I was on the Caritas site Friday night while I was gone on a business trip so was able to say the three prayers, something my family and I try to do for anyone who is dying. Condolences and blessings to Wayne’s family.

  18. Andrew Ajegba Ekoja

    I saw the request for the beautiful prayers for brother Wayne. I said it till yesterday. Happy to hear he passed on peacefully. May the gentle soul rest with the Lord. Thanks to you our Friend of Medjugorje. I am a Nigerian and a Catholic and have fallen in love with Medjugorje even I do not know when I shall be able to make the pilgrimage. What is important is that I love Our Mother and doing my best to promote her message through the billboard.

  19. After looking at the post regarding Wayne Weible, I went through my archives and found the original newspaper article he wrote. We all know that he is enjoying eternity right now with our Blessed Lord and Our Lady! Praise be God for this wonderful man. Praise be God for sending His mother to us to lead and guide us toward our Heavenly reward. Thanks also to A Friend of Medjugorje.

  20. It is with a sad heart that I hear of Wayne Weibel’s passing. He holds a special place in my heart as it was through his newspaper on Medjugorge that I learned of that beautiful place and then in 1987 I made my way to visit. It just happened that Wayne was also there and we were able to speak with him and take pictures. My sympathy and prayers to his family and for the repose of his soul. His life was a beautiful journey with heaven always his destination.

  21. What a marvelous example of being converted first and then convert others! The plan of God for him was unknown and he found the answer in Medjugorje. God picked the right arrow from the fields to spread Medjugorje. Pray for us Wayne so we can also preach about Medjugorje.

  22. I missed your email to pray for Wayne until today,however I intuitively spoke about meeting him yesterday. I felt the need to pray for him and did! I am so grateful for Wayne, a true Apostle of Our Lady. Most of all I thank God for the chance to tell Wayne the gift he gave me through His writings. It affected my conversion a nd so many near me.It took us to Caritas where more miracles and wonders brought us to Medjugorje. Wayne, your closer to us ALL now I can feel it. Your traveling with Our Lady right into our heart’s and homes!

  23. It was through Wayne’s book that I too made my way to Medjugorje through Caritas. I still have his book.

  24. Libbie Brundick

    It was because of Wayne’s newspaper that I first became aware that Our Lady was appearing in Medjugorje. I am saddened by his passing but I am confident that Blessed Mary has welcomed him with loving, opened arms. To the Caritas Community and the Colafrancescos, I am so sorry for your loss and I will pray for you and ask Our Lady to grant you peace. To the Weible family, I send my sympathy and love. May Our Lady and Her Son grant you peace and comfort.

  25. After hearing about Medjugorge in Feb 1987 from the Readers Digest Article “There is a Light in the Village”, in November of that year my husband came home with the book “The Message” by Wayne. I read it as fast as I could. It changed my life. I believed wholeheartedly and set about finding out all I could about it and over the years I came to not only talk about the messages but try to live them, especially after going there in 2012 and 2015. I received special grace message there to handle my problems there with prayer of Divine Mercy everday at 3:00. I have not stopped and God keeps leading me on. Thank you Wayne, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Blessed Mother for everything. Alice

  26. mary ann c golden

    What a man who truly believed in Medjugorje.I’ve been there three times and sincerely believe in the Blessed Mother and Her appearing there.R.I.P, Wayne

  27. My condolences go out to the Weibels, the Colafrancescos and the Caritas community for your loss, but I also rejoice with you on celebrating Wayne’s relationship with you and his moving on to his heavenly glory. Peace be to you all, and thank you for all you do!

  28. Prof. Dr. Ewald Hof

    first of all let me thank you for regularly sending me messages to my e-mail address. I do not know Wayne Weible, but from what I read about him I do envy him now knowing that he now is there where we all want to be so dearly one day. Only his body died, not his soul. He is still with us, though in a much better place.


    WOW! I AM SO HAPPY BECAUSE I KNOW WAYNE IS IN ETERNAL PARADISE WITH OUR FATHER, OUR LORD JESUS, AND ESP. OUR BLESSED MOTHER!!! Yes, it was Wayne’s newspaper that I picked up (Mid 80’s)in the back of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Delray Bch. Fla that sparked my interest, followed by his first book. Not being an avid reader, I couldn’t put it down, and so starter my 2 yr. doubting Thomas journey!!! As an X-cop, I was obsessed in finding if this was really REAL! OH YES!! many signs from or LADY rocked my soul.. Long story short, Last yr. or so, I was Gifted to meet Wayne and his wife in person up in W, Jefferson NC at a talk he gave, thru friends of my Parish, St. Francis of Assisi, WOW!! To see My HERO of Conversion!!! I was able to get my original, tattered copy of his book personally signed by him!!! He did get a kick out of how beat up the book was, from being passed on and read by so many of my friends and family!! I know he is smiling down on me as I write this! Wayne, See ya soon!

  30. I am so sorry for the family but I know Wayne is very happy now. I read his books and all his newspapers. He will be missed.

  31. I was on the last trip to Medj with Caritas in 2017 and I was told he walked right past me but I did not see him. I did not know he was sick let alone on deaths door step.. as soon as I got your email I said those prayers for Wayne. May he rest in peace with Jesus and our Blessed Mama Mary. I love the music and what you had to say at the end. I will be praying for his family. I loved his book. He has been a blessing to many!

  32. I’m sorry…. I’m sure Our Lady came to Him so is Jesus. God bless him for all he done for the Heavenly Court, Holy Trinity, specially for Our Blessed Mother, Gospa! Thank you for let us know. God bless you today and forever. May the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ be with you all. May Our Blessed Mother Maria cover you all under Her Veil.

  33. It was through Wayne’s Miracle at Medjugorie that I first heard of it. In 2007 while in Medjugorie Wayne was finishing up a pilgrimage with another group and spoke to us. He was very passionate about Our Lady. I am sure she has welcomed him with open arms.

  34. I have read many of Wayne’s books and enjoyed them a lot! I liked to watch his little one minute vids on youtube. Thanks Wayne for all of that and well done !

  35. Been To Medjugorie—-4 Times—You have to go there to believe—-It was a wonderful experience—-God Bless you all for telling the story—-Many souls are saved there—-Much Appreciated

  36. I am going to miss him. I read all his books. I heard almost all his tapes and went to see him every time he came to Miami. He was the one who made ma a real Catholic! Remember when I read his first newspaper and from the beginning I believe in Medjugorje!.By the Grace of God I met him in Maria’s house in Medjugorje and I had a picture taken with my wife and Him. I hope he is with our Lord and the BVM. I will miss him! Rest in Peace my friend!

  37. It is all positive, he graduated with great gifts and honor – to see is a great gift and only those with blessings find their way to that gift of honor.

  38. As soon as I read the prayer request I prayed the theee prayers you recommended for Wayne and also the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for his soul! We have met him over the years and my son and husband went to Medjugorje with Wayne four years ago. May God rest his soul!

  39. Thank you for your faithfulness, love and sacrifice and for bringing the news of the apparitions and the messages of our Blessed Mother to the World that lead us back to Jesus and God our Father with the Holy Spirit. Eternal peace.

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