Visionaries Receiving the Tenth Secret and Their Last Daily Apparition

Visionaries Receiving the Tenth Secret and Their Last Daily Apparition


Three of the Medjugorje visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov, have received all ten secrets and no longer see Our Lady on a daily basis. Mirjana received the tenth secret on December 25, 1982, and Our Lady promised to appear to her on March 18th for the rest of her life. Ivanka received the tenth secret on May 6, 1985 and her last daily apparition was the following day, May 7, 1985. Our Lady told her that She would appear to her on the anniversary of the apparitions, June 25th, for the rest of her life. Jakov received the tenth secret on September 12, 1998. Our Lady promised Jakov that he would have annual apparitions every December 25th, Christmas Day. The following is a description of the last daily apparition of Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov, when they received the tenth secret from Our Lady.






Ivanka, Jakov and Mirjana have received all ten secrets and no longer see Our Lady on a daily basis. Our Lady has promised each of them that She will appear to them once a year for the rest of their lives. Ivanka, who is at the microphone, just a little over an hour before this picture was taken, had her annual apparition of Our Lady which is on June 25th each year, the anniversary of the apparitions. Mirjana’s annual apparition is March 18th, while Jakov’s is Christmas Day, December 25th.

Mirjana’s daily apparitions ended on Christmas Day, 1982. It was on that day that Our Lady revealed to Mirjana the tenth secret and told her that she would no longer have her daily apparitions. Our Lady told Mirjana that She would now appear to her once a year, every March 18th as long as she lived. Our Lady told her to choose a priest in whom she will tell the secrets. She chose Fr. Petar Ljubicic. The following describes Mirjana’s last daily apparitions:

December 24, 1982

For Mirjana:

“On Christmas I will appear to you for the last time.”


After this apparition, it was apparent to the few people present that Mirjana was very sad. After a time, her mother asked her what the matter was. This caused Mirjana to leave the room, crying. After composing herself, she returned to the room and stated that this was her next to the last apparition. On Christmas Day Our Lady would come to her again as a gift but would not be giving her daily apparitions anymore. Mirjana was given the tenth secret, a particularly grave one. On her birthday, March 18, for the rest of her life, Our Lady promised to appear to her, but the reason was not because of Mirjana’s birthday, rather March 18th will be a significant day for the future.


December 25, 1982 (Christmas)

Our Lady’s apparition to Mirjana lasted 45 minutes. Mirjana states that she will always remember these words of Our Lady:


“Now you will have to turn to God in the faith like any other person. I will appear to you on the day of your birthday and when you will experience difficulties in life. Mirjana, I have chosen you; I have confided in you everything that is essential. I have also shown you many terrible things. You must now bear it all with courage. Think of Me and think of the tears I must shed for that. You must remain courageous. You have quickly grasped the messages. You must also understand now that I have to go away. Be courageous.”


Mirjana has said that Our Lady prepared her for this meeting for a month. In a motherly manner, Our Lady had explained that Her task was accomplished and Mirjana had received sufficient information. While Mirjana felt that her conversations with Our Lady were so necessary for her soul, Our Lady promised that as long as she remained close to God, she would help her and be beside her always, assisting her in her most difficult times. But now she must return to the normal state of each Christian.


This was Mirjana’s saddest Christmas ever. This last meeting left her feeling as if she had lost the most beautiful thing in her life. Our Lady knew her pain and was there to cheer her up and to pray with her. Mirjana was asked to sing and praise God. Mirjana prayed the Hail Holy Queen, the prayer she always said when she was alone with Our Lady.

As Our Lady had warned, the first month after this last apparition was most difficult. Mirjana experienced depression, avoiding people, and shut herself in her room where she had waited for Our Lady. She cried and called out to Our Lady and did feel Her presence. She waited for her birthday.1




Mirjana spoke at the Chicago Marian Conference in 1998. She was asked the following question:


Question: Can you describe what your last daily apparition with Our Lady was like, the one on December 25, 1982? How did you feel?

Mirjana: …That day was the worst day of my entire life. When Our Lady told me that I would no longer have daily apparitions of Her, I thought I was going to die. I thought I would go with Her, and to me, that was a beautiful idea. I can tell you, for example, that I am a mother of two children, and I would give my life for my children, but when I am with Our Lady, even my children don’t exist for me. The only thing that exists for me is the desire for Her to take me with Her. And when She has to leave, and I must stay here, it is always very difficult for me, and I always have to be alone after the apparition for an hour or two to be in prayer. That’s the way it is today, but you can imagine what it was like when She told me that I would no longer see Her every day.2



Mirjana also stated that Our Lady told her that she would have some extraordinary apparitions as well – that She would appear to Mirjana in difficult moments of her life. Those apparitions started on August 2, 1987 and still continue today. Those apparitions are also prayers for unbelievers. Father Milan Mikulich O.F.M. asked Mirjana why Our Lady promised to appear to her and offer help in difficult moments when She does not appear to the rest of us in our difficulties. Mirjana responded to Fr. Mikulich:


“Father, I am not speaking of the ordinary problems of my life. My difficult moments stem from the secrets concerning the future of the world, which Our Lady revealed to me. At times, I can hardly cope with it when I seriously think of it. In those moments, Our Lady appears and gives me strength and courage to go on with my life.”3






Ivanka was the second visionary to receive the tenth secret and no longer have daily apparitions. The following is a description of her last daily apparitions:

On May 6, 1985, Jakov, Ivan, Ivanka, and Marija came to the rectory without Vicka was ill all that day. Our Lady appeared to the four around six p.m. After two minutes Jakov, Ivan, and Marija came out of ecstasy, but noticing that Ivanka was still communicating with Our Lady, they remained kneeling for another six minutes until Ivanka’s vision had ended. Our Lady had just then entrusted the tenth secret to the young woman and had completed the information she had been giving her about the future of the world. She had also told Ivanka not to come to the rectory on the following day but to remain home and wait along for her there.4


On May 7th, for at least an hour, Our Lady and two angels appeared to Ivanka at her home. More beautiful than ever, She asked Ivanka what she wished and approved of her request to see her mother. The mother of Ivanka soon appeared. Smiling, she embraced Ivanka, told her how proud she was of her and embraced her again before she disappeared. During this apparition Our Lady said:

“My dear child, today is our last meeting, do not be sad. I will return to see you at each anniversary of the first apparition [June 25], beginning next year. Dear child, do not think that you have done anything bad, and that this would be the reason why I’m not returning near to you. No, it is not that. With all your heart you have accepted the plans which my Son and I formulated, and you have accomplished everything. No one in the world has had the grace which you, your brothers, and sisters have received. Be happy because I am your Mother and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Ivanka, thank you for the response to the call of my Son. Thank you for persevering and remaining always with Him as long as He will ask you. Dear child, tell all your friends that my Son and I are always with them when they call on us. What I have told you during these years on the secrets, do not speak to anyone about them. Go in the peace of God.” 5



Jakov was the third visionary to receive the tenth secret and no longer have daily apparitions. The following describes his last daily apparition:

September 12, 1998

While on his journey in America, Jakov reported the following text from Miami.

“On Friday, September 11th, during the regular apparition, Our Lady told me to prepare myself specially by prayer for tomorrow’s apparition because She will confide the 10th secret to me. On Saturday, September 12th, Our Lady came at 11:15 a.m. (local time). When She came She greeted me as always with ‘Praised be Jesus.’ While She was confiding the 10th secret to me, She was sad. Then with a gentle smile, She said to me”:


“Dear child! I am your mother and I love you unconditionally. From today I will not be appearing to you every day, but only on Christmas, the birthday of my Son. Do not be sad, because as a mother I will always be with you and like every true mother I will never leave you. And continue further to follow the way of my Son, the way of peace and love and try to persevere in the mission that I have confided to you. Be an example of that man who has known God and God’s love. Let people always see in you an example of how God acts on people and how God acts through them. I bless you with my motherly blessing and I thank you for having responded to my call.”


The apparition ended at 11:45 a.m.6




The beauty of the night sky, the passing of day into night as viewed from Cross Mountain. Those on Cross Mountain this night, viewed a beautiful, awe-inspiring sunset and then watched the moon come up and peer out over Apparition Mountain. What wondrous times we are in, knowing that Our Lady comes to the earth each day in a transfigured body to give each of us Her blessing – also to know the secrets will be revealed in the lifetime of the visionaries and that many of us will be a witness to them as well.




Mirjana spoke at the 1998 Marian Conference in Chicago, Illinois September 12 – 13, 1998. The following was part of the Mirjana’s talk on September 12, 1998:

“And now I need to tell you something that happened last night. I was with Jakov last night during the apparition. When the apparition ended, he asked me to go and talk with him alone. He said, ‘I need you.’ Because he knows I have passed through this, and he said, ‘Our Lady tomorrow will tell me the tenth secret.’ And she told Jakov to prepare himself. And so we prayed a lot last night that the Lord would help him to understand that that is the way it must be. And when he receives the tenth secret, then his daily apparitions will cease.” 7


The next day, September 13, 1998, Mirjana shared the following during a question and answer session:

Question: Will Jakov choose a priest to whom he will confide the secrets at the time Our Lady decides?

Mirjana: I spoke to Jakov last night, and he received the tenth secret, and Our Lady told him that he would have apparitions once a year from now on, every Christmas. And that’s all she told him till now, but he knows that he does need to choose a priest and he will do that, when he stops crying. 8


In a talk that Jakov gave to pilgrims on October 27, 2008, he was asked the following:


Question: Jakov for ten years now you have not been seeing Our Lady every day. How do you feel at the apparition time? How are you taking this situation that you are not able to see Our Lady on a daily basis anymore?

Jakov: I grew up with Our Lady’s presence in my life, and Our Lady meant so much to me, especially at the beginning of my life. I lost both of my parents when I was very young. Our Lady meant everything to me. On that day, when Our Lady told me that She was going to stop Her daily apparitions to me, I asked myself so many questions. “How am I going to be able to continue my life if I don’t get to see Her every day? What am I going to do at twenty to six when She used to appear before?” As I told you earlier, Our Lady told us to pray and you will get all of the answers. I did get my answer. I understood that it is not so important to see Our Lady physically, but it is most important to have Our Lady in our heart. To be able to see Her with the eyes of your heart, but I’m still anxious to get to Christmas every year.9
Caritas of Birmingham 
Operated by the Community of Caritas

  1. Words From Heaven, by a Friend of Medjugorje, 11th Edition
    2. “1998 Chicago Marian Conference”, September 13, 1998
    3. What They Say About Medjugorje, (Medjugorje News January 1986), edited by Andrew B. Thul, p. 33
    4. The Queen of Peace Visits Medjugorje, by Fr. Joseph A Pelletier
    5. Words From Heaven, by A Friend of Medjugorje, 11th Edition
    6. Ibid.
    7. “1998 Chicago Marian Conference”, September 12, 1998
    8. Ibid., September 13, 1998
    9. “”, Medjugorje Witness, October 28, 2008

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4 thoughts on “Visionaries Receiving the Tenth Secret and Their Last Daily Apparition”

  1. City: Greenville
    State: North Carolina
    Country: United States
    Dear friends, I visited Medjugorje with my husband and youngest of my 6 children. He was studying in Venice. I was very moved , as was my son, and thought of your sweet and lovely village. We stayed with a family. I wish I had read the books by Wayne Weible, which I recently read, that would have informed me further on your blessed visits of the Virgin Mother. You were privileged to share the voice of God and touched by heaven. How wonderful. I am in hopes to try to return to your village but I too, was born in 1937 as was Wayne, so must decide very soon. I have a large family most remain active in the church but not all. We live in a very secular and Godless world but from time to time I see such goodness , so giveesi me Hope. God Bless you and your families. Pray for our country which is needing God’s help. we are a great country but suffering from many evils. I might like to spend a little time in the town of Kotor, Montenagro and drive to Medjugorje.

  2. A Northern Apostle

    I believe in all of this writing with all my heart.I am in a situation where I had a child outside of marriage. I am seperated and living chaste now. I have my son half the time. He is 2 yers old. After my seperation with my sons mother I have been questioning what I must do. I know now, from this writing and from the Holy Spirits revelation, that I must be present in this boys life as much as I can but I am a single father now. He will not see any love exchange between his mother and father except when I pick him up from her place.I am thinking now that my son will learn the Love of God from witnessing the love I have for Jesus and Mary.

  3. A Northern Apostle

    I believe in all of this writing with all my heart. I am in a situation where I had a child outside of marriage. I am seperated and living chaste now. I have my son half the time. He is 2 yers old. After my seperation with my sons mother I have been questioning what I must do. I know now, from this writing and from the Holy Spirits revelation, that I must be present in this boys life as much as I can but I am a single father now. He will not see any love exchange between his mother and father except when I pick him up from her place. I am thinking now that my son will learn the Love of God from witnessing the love I have for Jesus and Mary.

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