Our Lady of Medjugorje said last month on April 25, 2022:
“I am looking at you and I see that you are lost.”
One can only wonder at what Our Lady sees when She looks down from Heaven upon our world.
With Our Lady’s words from just one month ago, this sense of Our Lady “looking at us,” is the way in which many of those who have seen the billboard in Times Square, New York, have said to convey Our Lady’s image above all the noise of the city.
May 15, 2022
“How BEAUTIFUL! That Her eyes of Mercy & Love may pierce the hearts of all who see Our Lady! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Rayna from South Carolina
At the recent Rosary Rally on May 15, 2022, people processed from a nearby church and prayed the Rosary beneath Our Lady’s image.
A local priest who is a supporter of a Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas agreed to lead the Rosary in Times Square on May 15, 2022. The group processed from a nearby church and stopped to pray beneath Our Lady’s image.
The sign with Our Lady’s image is placed higher than most of the billboards in Times Square. A supporter who was at the Rosary rally told us that it was as if Our Lady’s eyes were on everyone, and that She was there above, watching everyone.
A local New York police officer stopped and told one of our supporters there that he hoped he would not get in trouble for just standing there. It was apparent the police officer was on duty. He stayed and prayed with everyone.
Someone had brought blessed Rosaries and were handing them out.
One of our supporters said that during the time there, the police were stopping people from gathering in groups and handing things out. But none of the police were stopping any of the people praying the Rosary or made any of them move away.
Many people said they felt as if they were unified with people around the world. A person at the Rosary Rally said she felt a “union of prayers.”
Along with a Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community gathered at Caritas, many of you wrote in to show the unity of prayer:
“My Rosary joined with those in Times Square…” – Diana from New Jersey
“Three of us prayed at 4 -445 pm to be with those in NYC in Spirit !! Amen.” – Arlene from New York
“Members of the Sodality of Our Lady at Saint John Vianney Church in Kailua, Hawaii were standing with you & praying the Rosary with you at 4pm Eastern/10am Hawaii time today! May Heaven bless our collective efforts! Mir, mir, mir!” – Dara from Hawaii
“I will be joining the Prayer Rally in spirit in Lake City…” – Susan from Florida
Perhaps the most beautiful part of this entire billboard campaign is the flame it has enkindled in many people. We have received messages from people all over the world who want more information about Medjugorje, or who want to get reconnected.
People have written:
“Please mail to me all important updates as they become available on a regular basis.” – Patricia from New Jersey
“When my mother was still with us, she would share all the info she received about the happening in Medjugorje, especially all the apparitions of Our lady’s messages… I know we are living in those times Our Blessed Lady was speaking of and the urgency for the change the world needs to be saved… so again, thank you. I know my mom would want me to continue to know/understand what needs to happen for the world to be saved!!” – Martha H. from New York
And – even more amazing is the words from the billboard company themselves. They contacted us just before the Rosary Rally on May 15 and said, very clearly, that they want our sign there during the Christmas season.
They told us, “We’re getting a lot of compliments from people. It’s simple, it looks good. What you’re saying is something no one else is saying. We want to see your image there at Christmas and not another product to buy.”
Having Our Lady there at Christmas would mean She would be there on New Year’s Eve too – a major day in which millions on a single day can be exposed to Our Lady. We told the billboard company we would have to look at our funding to see what would be possible to do.
Thank you to all who have given to help make this possible so far. We have a whole stack of names and addresses of people who are requesting more information about Our Lady. As many of you have read and hear from a Friend of Medjugorje before, if we only save one soul, the cost is worth it.
Thank you for helping to put Our Lady in front of souls who need it most.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
8 thoughts on “Update: The May 15, 2022, Rosary Rally at Times Square”
City: Miami
State: FL
Country: United States
My husband Bobby (a native New York City boy) and I, flew in for the weekend to attend the rosary rally. I just really wanted to be there, to see Our Lady up in lights, and see Her looking down at everyone, everyone in need. Strangers gathered, standing still, and praying the sacred rosary out loud in unison- – in the middle of that bustling city- – was something quite memorable. Strange thing is… there was a peace and stillness during the entire recitation. Street noise and even people noise was almost drowned out, as if our prayers were turned up and everything else in the background was turned down. Just before we started, I randomly handed out several rosaries in little linen pouches with a “Pray the Rosary Daily” pamphlet. They were happily received. Spiderman was even there (a gentleman in costume) toting rosaries and taking photos with everyone.! Pretty cool.!
Thank you Dear Friend for reaching out for us to support of this great event, and making it a reality. I hope this billboard will bring people to Our Lady and to Her Son, and to God. That the U.S. and N.Y. can be blessed by it. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
City: Maryville
State: Tennessee
Country: United States
I felt very blessed & privileged to be spiritually united with everyone praying the Rosary at 4 p.m. on May 15 in Times Square,,,…what an awesome experience!! thank you and God Bless ‘A friend of Medjugorje’ and all who made this a reality…….I experienced the same feeling of warm ‘connection’ that I’ve felt since my pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 1990 …
City: St Clair
Maybe you could do it again another Rosaey Rally in June For our Youth!!!
City: PasoRobles,CA.
This just touches my heart so deeply. I am from Connecticut so lived close to NY for almost half my life.
I can’t help but think 2 things:
As I see a statue of her depicted of Our Lady of Fatima, I see the culmination of Fatima in Our Lady of Medjugorje! She has come FULL CIRCLE! I am reminded also of a former visionary Maria Esperanza who prophesied 911. Prior to the event, she lived there and would have her family drive her through the streets as she prayed. She was “collaborating “ with our heavenly Mother. Our Country though was beginning to sink even before 911. And NOW a 911 EMERGENCY call has been sounded ! It is a dire call NOW more than ever. She is literally fighting with us for the life of America; for its SOUL!!!
But New York had been a center of commerce and banking and international business! All the world is linked to the USA.
It is only logical for Mother Mary to begin the healing of our Nation in NYC.
Is our logic Heaven’s?! Not always. I DO know that Caritas has played a great part in leading us in order to FULLY “collaborate”with our Heavenly Mother! Let’s not disappoint. Let’s “collaborate “ with Heaven and those chosen souls and sacrifice our lives for the salvation of America and the world. Only God knows how much time is left .
Oh Heavenly Father; may Your kingdom come down on earth as it is in Heaven!
City: Lake City
State: FL
Country: USA
Seeing your update on the May 15th Rosary Rally In Times Square, New York City, my heart leapt for joy. Not only was it a Worldwide event, but today our Blessed Mother is appearing in Medjugorje. It helps to break the negative energy and feelings that our nation is smothered in with all the violence. Let us remember that the Blessed Virgin Mary is our only hope if we are to survive these times. I will be consecrating myself to Jesus & Mary instead of inundating myself with TV news. Thank you for giving this update, and I look forward to our Blessed Mother Mary’s message today, and the Mejanomis broadcast on her 25th Monthly Message. God bless the community of Caritas and the FOM, love 💕 Susan
City: Venice
State: Florida
Country: Usa
Oh how I wish I could see in person. All I can say is PRAISE JESUS and thank you Mother Mary and Caritas ❤️
City: Westmoreland
State: New York
Country: USA
May Our Lady’s image always remain in Times Square. The world desperately needs her blessed outstretched arms showing us the way!
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you it’s just what we needed to hear today after such bad news here in Texas so many young lives lost but it’s so great to see that our mother is watching over all of us thank you for this opportunity and blessing. I pray for the day at Marys Imacculate Heart Triumph’s and my children’s eyes will be open Our Lady of Medjugorje pray for us