
“Do Not Persist in Your Unbelief, But Believe”

“Do Not Persist in Your Unbelief, But Believe”


Many people have rediscovered their faith in God through Medjugorje. It was Our Lady who announced early in the apparitions when questioned why She is appearing:


January 21, 1982

“My children, don’t you see that the faith begins to extinguish itself and that it is necessary to awaken the faith among men?”


Spring, 1982

“It is God who gives them. My children, have you not observed that faith began to extinguish itself? There are many who do not come to Church except through habit. It is necessary to awaken the faith. It is a gift from God. If it is necessary, I will appear in each home.”

Flowers on Apparition Mountain

Our Lady’s challenge, when She arrived on June 24, 1981 into our world and our times, was to bring new life to the faith of men in God, in Her Son Jesus. She said the faith had begun to extinguish itself in the world. Our Lady said:

March 25, 1990

“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”

These flowers growing on Apparition Mountain speak as they bloom in very rocky and harsh terrain. Yet, their beauty is noticed here, where in a field of flowers they would be overlooked. This is what Our Lady is doing in Medjugorje. She is blooming forth faith in souls and sending them back into the world of unbelief, where they shine and draw hearts back to God by the love that the world is so starving for. Just like a candle that is lit in a dark room dispels the darkness, faith lit in an unbelieving world draws souls towards its light. The amount of grace available through Medjugorje is inestimable.

Faith is a gift from God. Not everyone arrives at faith in the same way. Thomas was one of the 12 apostles. He had walked with Jesus, saw the great miracles of the blind being made to see, the cripple walk, the dead being brought to life, the few pieces of bread and fish feeding multitudes and yet he could not bring himself to have faith in Jesus’ resurrection. He stubbornly insisted that he would have faith only if he were able to touch the wounds of Jesus. Jesus did not denounce Thomas’ lack of faith. But rather he stooped down to his humanness and gave him what he asked for.


Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”

praying the rosary in Medjugorje
Our Lady wants us to be Her extended hands in the world.

February 25, 1997

“…By your example, little children, you will be the extended hands of God, which mankind is seeking…”

Once we accept being so, our hands of faith can convert others who do not believe.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may [come to] believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name.
John 20:26-31

Neither did Our Lady, in Medjugorje, disdain the request for signs from the visionaries, or from the modern-day Thomases’ who found their way to Medjugorje. She confirmed the words of Jesus when She said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed,” but as it was God’s desire to awaken the faith, because it had begun to extinguish itself in the world, Our Lady would be remarkably open to a variety of means to “awaken the faith.” By Our Lady saying, “If necessary, I will appear in each home,” She revealed that She too would stoop down to our humanness and give us what we asked for in order for faith to be awakened in our hearts. Did we ask for signs? Then we would be given signs. But as God always goes beyond what is asked of Him, so too were we given signs beyond measure. Click Here for Signs and Miracles

homes at the foot of Cross Mountain

Spring, 1982

“If it is necessary, I will appear in each home.”

These are homes in the village of Medjugorje at the foot of Cross Mountain. Our Lady reveals, through these words, just how far She is willing to go to bring faith back into the hearts of Her children.

From the beginning when Our Lady appeared in a home in Alabama and formed a plan of conversion, a community, this message, “If it is necessary, I will appear in each home,” became very clear. It was Our Lady’s desire to initiate a special plan under the umbrella of Medjugorje in Alabama, U.S.A.

What was the purpose of the signs? That the people would be led back to faith in God. Jesus said to Thomas, you came to believe because you have seen me. As an apostle, Thomas went on and died as a martyr for his faith, just as the other apostles. He received the reward for his faith by being granted eternal life with Jesus in Heaven. He came by faith differently than those who believed without seeing, but once he received the gift of faith, it propelled him towards giving his whole life to Jesus Christ. Therefore, the most important thing is that we receive the gift of faith. Less important is how we achieve that faith, and Our Lady is gracious enough to bend down to Her doubting Thomases’ to coax them along until they too believe through seeing things that cannot be explained except through faith. The greater our faith, the greater our witness will be in the world that is growing more and more pagan each day. Our Lady did not give signs just for the nonbelievers, but often the signs were given to those who already believed, for the purpose of strengthening their faith. She even did this for Her visionaries, who could see, hear, touch and speak to Our Lady in the apparitions each day. But they, too, were amazed at the signs.


August 6, 1982

That night, after the apparition, two luminary signs in the form of rays of light were displayed on the Cross at Krizevac and on the Church. Ivan and a group of young people had been praying on Apparition Mountain. Before the sign appeared, Our Lady said:

“Now I am going to give you a sign in order to strengthen your faith.”

Cross Mountain at night

Cross Mountain at night. The Cross on top of the mountain has had many supernatural signs attached to it throughout the years, but primarily through the early years. Many, many villagers and pilgrims have seen the Cross lit up by supernatural light, have seen it disappear, or spinning, or have seen it replaced by Our Lady, Herself. All of this for the purpose of strengthening our faith.

Ivan was told, “Now I am going to give you a sign in order to strengthen your faith!” Does he not see Our Lady? Does he not speak to Her? Why would he need his faith strengthened along with the prayer group? All the Apostles, after seeing incredible miracles that Jesus performed, were amazed when Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered. It strengthened their faith more! It was Our Lady’s desire to bestow faith upon unbelievers and increase the faith of believers. The signs were very important in the beginning days. Whenever God begins a new work, it is then that the greatest signs will be seen in order to encourage people to believe. Once faith takes hold and begins to increase, the physical manifestations begin to slowly diminish, as the faithful no longer need the signs to believe.

A Friend of Medjugorje

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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4 thoughts on ““Do Not Persist in Your Unbelief, But Believe””

  1. Gambler? Look at what happened shortly after Fatima? People went right back to their hedonistic ways. Medjugorje? Millions of catholics and priests are still unaware and those that know, are wondering why it is 40 years of what told me, ‘similar message day in and out’ As we see with the PC crowd that preaches conformity to the state, millions take Solace in reality TV, ESPN, prosperity preachers who say ‘all is well’, looking at their IRA’s and again, assuming ‘all is well.’ Despite her hundreds of pleas and warnings, ‘He will come like a thief in the night’ while millions panic. It is those who are preparing their souls for eternity who are the calm ones.”

  2. “Gambler? Look at what happened shortly after Fatima? People went right back to their hedonistic ways. Medjugorje? Millions of catholics and priests are still unaware and those that know, are wondering why it is 40 years of what told me, ‘similar message day in and out’ As we see with the PC crowd that preaches conformity to the state, millions take Solace in reality TV, ESPN, prosperity preachers who say ‘all is well’, looking at their IRA’s and again, assuming ‘all is well.’ Despite her hundreds of pleas and warnings, ‘He will come like a thief in the night’ while millions panic. It is those who are preparing their souls for eternity who are the calm ones.”

  3. Yesterday, going to the Dump, my normal way was closed for repairs. Still the dump was no further than 3 miles. In this time of Grace, God has used, “Interruptions in My Plans,” to ensure, I’m doing His, so I wasn’t surprised as I now drove past a person dragging a huge suitcase down the road. I pulled over, as done for many, over the years, along the road. Nowadays, most recognize no one’s going to stop if they’re hitchhiking, so you don’t see that “Thumb,” anymore. Middle aged, the man got into my car after we struggled to get his overstuffed suitcase on the back seat. Covered in poorly drawn tattoos, a Chain for a necklace, my courage wained as I continued to pray to God, trusting him, but my hand pulled out a mask, even though I thought of Father Damien & his Lepers, telling myself perhaps, he’d be more comfortable if I wore it. After “We” dumped my load, I drove as far as he needed to go, as a witness, to go that extra mile, for Jesus. Neither One of Us Wore a Mask, Anymore.

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