Two important feast days coming up for our nation, and an action plan for you and your family.
October 4, 2013 A.D.
On October 6, 1986, a question was presented to Our Lady by the founder of Caritas, through Medjugorje visionary Marija in Medjugorje. The question asked whether the same conversions taking place in Medjugorje could take place here* and be Divinely spread throughout the whole region. Our Lady gave a response in the affirmative saying:
“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire is. Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
Two years later, Our Lady would begin to physically answer the question, when through a series of Heavenly orchestrated events, led visionary Marija to the home of the founder of Caritas and his wife. Our Lady appeared to Marija, always very happy, and giving messages almost every day from the Bedroom of Apparitions in the home. Appearing in the Bedroom was Our Lady’s choice. Thousands would gather in a nearby field to pray while Our Lady appeared to Marija in the home. Our Lady chose to appear in the Field only one time, November 24, 1988, Thanksgiving Day, an American day of thanksgiving for God’s blessings. The field became known as the Field of Apparitions. Preceding the apparitions in his home, the founder had always prayed fervently for the healing of this nation, and during the time that Our Lady was with them, Our Lady’s actions of choosing to appear in the home gave him an understanding that Our Lady was stating that conversion of the nation would take place through the conversion of the family. The Bedroom of Apparitions became a place representing the family, and the Field represented the nation.
These apparitions that took place to Marija was a catalyst to what Our Lady would inspire later for the conversion of this nation.
We have stated the above many times, but in light of this week’s feasts coming up, it is important to gain a clearer understanding of Our Lady’s plan and how we can participate in it. What feasts are we referring to and how are they connected?
The following was taken from “20 Years of Apparitions,” written by a Friend of Medjugorje:
“…On October 7, 1571, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the mighty Turkish fleet towered over by comparison the much smaller Christian fleet. Defeat was imminent, and with the fleet destroyed, nothing stood between the Turks and the conquest of all of Europe. Pope Pius V desperately launched a crusade to unite all of Christendom in praying Rosaries. Meanwhile, with no chance of defeating the Turks, the Christian fleet attacked the Turks. With the battle cry “Long Live Mary!,” twenty-four year old Admiral Andrea Dorin went head long into battle. When he realized he had lost and with it, all of Europe, he suddenly ran into his cabin flung himself on the floor in front of an Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, pleading and begging Her help. At that very moment, the wind 1 suddenly changed and the Turks were thrown into chaos. As the desperate battle raged on, the Pope in Rome saw a vision of Mary spreading Her mantle over the Catholic soldiers and sailors. With all odds against the Christians, they instead inflicted total defeat upon the Turks and saved Europe from the Turks’ conquest…”
So what feast days coming up are we referring to?
October 6: Our Lady responds in the affirmative, that the same conversions taking place in Medjugorje could happen here and be ‘divinely spread throughout the whole region.’
October 7: The Feast of the Holy Rosary, where Our Lady answered the call for the protection of an entire continent, bringing victory when there was no prospect of it.
It is appropriate at this time in history, that we honor these days dedicated to Our Lady, these two feasts wedded together for the conversion and protection of our land. Your action plan for these days:
Sunday October 6: Gather your family in your family bedroom, to pray the Consecration of the Family (see prayers below)
Our Lady in Medjugorje said on February 2, 1990:
“…Take your Rosary and get your children, your families with you. This is the way to come to salvation…”
Monday October 7: Gather your family and pray the Patriotic Rosary, asking Our Lady’s intercession on behalf of this nation
Our Lady in Medjugorje said on January 25, 1991:
“…God sent me to you so that I can help you. If you wish to, grasp for the Rosary. Already, the Rosary alone can do miracles in the world and in your lives…”
We are, today in a fight for our survival as a nation, as a culture and as a people. The rest of the world is in need of our survival. As the young admiral did in the story above, let us fling ourselves before Our Lady and beg Her help. We need more than ever the intercession of Our Lady and the blessings that She imparted from here during Her apparitions to Medjugorje visionary Marija at Caritas, the millions of prayers that have been offered for this nation.
This Sunday, take your Rosary and get your children, your families with you, pray for Our Lady’s protection on your family through the Consecration of the Family. Then on Monday, October 7, take your Rosary and get your children, your families with you, and pray the Patriotic Rosary together, asking Her intercession for yourself, your family and for this nation.
Sunday, October 6, the Community of Caritas will be praying the Family Consecration in the Bedroom of Apparitions on your behalf, and on Monday, October 7, the Community will be praying the Patriotic Rosary in the Field of Apparitions. As we walk these consequential days together, let us say, not with our mouths but with our lives, Long Live Mary in our families and nation!
Participating in prayer with you,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
Family Consecration Prayer
This Prayer was first prayed by Marija in June, 1987, in the presence of the married couples who were part of Caritas of Birmingham pilgrimage. The couples wanted to renew their wedding vows in Medjugorje and at the request of our founder, Marija interceded for them to Our Lord through this spontaneous prayer. When the young Croatian guide, who happened to be Muslim, translated the prayer into English, she was so moved by Marija’s words and her deep spirit of prayer, that she began to weep.
Marija’s words on Consecration:
I shall recommend all of you to the Blessed Virgin. I want each of you to start livingnew life so that each of you will become Our Lady’s witnesses and that you will take this consecration seriously. Our Lady says that every family is likesmall church. You have to grow spiritually, but it is impossible for an individual to grow spiritually. We have to grow together in our holiness and in that way we shall become united and unity is what Our Lady wants. Our Lady always says that it is very important for us to set an example by our way of living for one another and that is the way we shall show one another the way to holiness. God bless you.
My Lord, I plead You tonight for my family. I plead You to bless us, to take care of us and to show us which way leads to salvation. My God, it is Your will that every single one of us will be changed, that our lives may become Your life; and tonight, my God, I am giving my family to You and I plead You, You embrace us and lead us, because You can do everything, You are Almighty. From this night on, I am giving my family to You and I plead You, give us Your blessing tonight because we are not strong enough to carry our burden alone, and I plead You my Lord, set us free from other ways but Yours. Let us be turned only towards You, towards Your will. Let us do only what You would like us to do. Let us always search for Your will; and I plead You, my Lord Jesus, give my family Your blessing tonight. Amen.
Prayer by Marija Lunetti
Adapted for this Special Consecration
by Friend of Medjugorje
© 2008, 2009 SJP Lic. COB.
By no means are we intending to pre-empt the Church on the validity of the Apparitions. They are private revelation awaiting the Church’s judgment. Because the Queen of Peace Apparitions are ongoing and not yet over, the Church has yet to rule on their authenticity. Caritas of Birmingham, the Community of Caritas, and all associated with them, realize and accept that the final authority regarding the Queen of Peace Medjugorje Apparitions rests with the Holy See in Rome. We at Caritas willingly submit to that judgment. Caritas of Birmingham, the Community of Caritas and its mission are not connected to the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. The Diocese of Birmingham’s official position on Caritas is neutral and holds us as Catholics in good standing.
For more information about the Patriotic Rosary click to visit here…
The Patriotic RosaryTM
by A Friend of Medjugorje
Prayed from within cloistered convents to inside the Pentagon; from dangerous military fields around the globe to the quietness of the Bedroom and Field here at Caritas.
*For more clearer information see “History of the Apparitions in the Bedroom and Field,” available here…
1. Our Lady said on February 15, 1984 in Medjugorje:
“The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind. When the wind blows, know that I am with you. You have learned that the cross represents Christ; it is a sign of Him. It is the same for the Crucifix you have in your home. For me, it is not the same. When it is cold, you come to church; you want to offer everything to God. I am, then, with you. I am with you in the wind. Do not be afraid.”
10 thoughts on “Two Feasts Days Coming Up and Your Participation”
Oh My Mother my husband and I say our Rosary almost every day in loving thanks giving for all your help and blessing and graces in our lives and the life of our family mostly all in the UK. Though they are not living their catholic faith except for our First son who on his own… We bind our children and families to our Rosary and pray Our Lady will soon pray that God Love will penetrate their being. Oh Mother I Love You and Your Jesus more and more every day. I offer myself completely to you and pray for family unity. I pray You will be with Us at each step. I thank You so very much for Your presence and always when praying at the window look for Your presence in the wind and feel so happy when I see the leaves of the trees sing their gentle movement. Thank You Dear Mother. Thank your dear brother and sisters of Caritas and especially the Visionaries. THANK YOU .
Thank you and god bless you all. i do not know but i feel mother mary speaks through you inspite of my nothingness. As you have written collect your family children and pray inside the room. unknowingly i did this. am bit lazy but i did. no children, my husband is pagan , i have no children but i did this alone with you all. at 6pm i came out from my room. and went see my mail and there i saw you all. and your messages. thank you. i saw one pink colour rosary lying in the water in my dream. i thought to by that same colour i dont know why. i am not good. please do pray and my husband nad family. thank you and god bless. you all.
Oh, Mama Mary, thank you for Your Great Love for us! I entrust to Your Immaculate Heart, our families here in S.A.,Tx. and we will come to Honor You and Consecrate our families and gather in prayer for these two Feast Days. We love you Mama Mary! LONG LIVE MARY in the hearts of All Her children! Praise Be God Forever! Keep blessing abundantly, the Community of Caritas for all they do to help us draw closer to You, Mama! Thank You!
Mother Mary we send our love to you with praises to Our Lord, God. We join in prayers to consecrate our families and One Nation Under God. Thank you, Mother Mary!
Our Mother Mary you can count with us, we will join you during these special two days also. May it be Your will with all of us for this Nation and all Families. May Prayer come first in all our lives 24/7. Mua!
Thank you for this invitation to prayer on October 6 & 7. Thank you for encouraging me to continue in hope for my family. It will be me in the bedroom praying for the family with Our blessed Mother for the family. Thank you again for this invitation. May our Lady bring my family to know and love The Lord Jesus and His blessed Mother. Thanks be to God. amen
I love Our Lady so much. Through Her we find our way to Her son, Our Lord Jesus. She is always with us. She helps us on our path to the Heavenly Father. She guides us and wants us to pray the rosary. We must pray, pray, pray. Help us Blessed Mother so we may all find peace in our hearts.
Praying the rosary with so many others during this time will be a privilege and an honor. Medjugorje and Caritas are always in our hearts.
My wife and I will do as we are asked through Our Lady as She is the answer to all.