Tsunami Warning – Today A Call to Prayer

Tsunami Warning – Today A Call to Prayer


Updated – 6:54 PM Central Time USA – Thousands of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s children respond to call for prayer in anticipation of tsunami to strike Hawaii.

Tsunami Update: 6:54 P.M. CST USA

A spokesman for Medjugorje.com said,

“We heard from people all over who were offering this intention to Our Lady today. The Community of Caritas also offered this intention in prayer to Our Lady during the time She appears in Medjugorje.”

Gerald Fryer, a geophysicist with the Pacific Tsunami
Warning Center said after the tsunami hit the Hawaiian islands:

“It’s almost the best sort of tsunami you can possible have, one that’s big enough that everyone sees that something happened, but not big enough to cause any damage.” It was much smaller than what had been expected. Fryer also said, “It’s beginning to look like we escaped sort of with the skin of our teeth.”

Our Lady of Medjugorje said before December 26, 1982,

“You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can… suspend the laws of nature.”

Is this an answer to prayer or not? You decide…

Tell us what your decision is in comments at the end of this page below.

altHilo Bay, Hawaii

Notice the above picture before effects of tsunami and below dirty discolored water as it is being dragged out. Typically water withdraws by the actions of the oncoming tsunami.

Image Courtesy MSNBC



Image Courtesy Reuters

A man in Santiago carries a statue of Our Lady after the earthquake. The release of the secrets of Our Lady of Medjugorje, whatever they may be, will have the same effect drawing hundreds of millions towards God.

Below Updated Saturday February 27, 2010 10:00 AM Central Time USA


Tsunami - Our Lady of Medjugorje's Children A Call to Prayer

“Tsunami sirens went off in Hawaii…
People are rushing to the mountains”

Medjugorje brings us to conversion. All events of Medjugorje should lead the world to conversion. We live in incredible times. An earthquake 1,000 times stronger than what struck Haiti, hit Chile, Saturday, February 27, 2010. Haiti and Chile are both Roman Catholic countries. The epicenter hit near the city of Conception*. Our Lady said:

March 25, 1990

“… God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”

A most incredible aspect of the earthquake is the reports of possible tsunamis hitting Hawaii and other islands. The predicted time for the possible series of tsunamis to hit is 4:19 EST, Hawaii coast time, 11:19 a.m. In these next hours of the possible tsunami, people are in need of prayer for salvation and conversion. We encourage you to join us in prayer to Our Lady.

People in Chile are in need of Our Lady and the city of Conception*, close to the epicenter, tells us who they need as an intercessory at this moment. Undoubtedly, stories will come out of miraculous savings, people found days later under rubble who survived. So, your prayers are interceding for someone buried alive, or another dying who needs salvation at this moment. What then of your prayers interceding for miracles in waiting of people being saved in different circumstances of a tsunami strike?

Your and our prayers can add to the grace of protection in the next moments until 4:19 p.m. EST. Our Lady says,

“…pray for your brothers. Today many people need lots of prayer…”

These times in which we live Our Lady speaks to us and is comforting in the midst of disasters and looming disasters. We should use these moments to convert and to pray for further conversion for ourselves and other souls faced with this crisis. It’s at these moments people go to their knees.

Therefore, pray for others to convert, that every situation be a cause for conversion of souls. Our Lady said on April 25, 1983:

“… Be converted! It will be too late when the sign comes. Beforehand, several warnings will be given to the world. Hurry to be converted. I need your prayers and your penances…”

Oh, Mary, we will do so.

Pray, pray, pray,

Friend of Medjugojre


*Which means “concepcion” in spanish and is a name given in reference to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.



Japan Meteorological Agency’s official Yasuo Sekita discusses supposed impact of tsunami triggered by an earthquake in Chile during a news conference at the agency in Tokyo.

The first waves were expected to arrive in Hawaii at 11:19 a.m. Saturday (4:19 p.m. EST). The Ewa Beach, Hawaii-based center called for “urgent action to protect lives and property” in Hawaii, which is among 53 nations and territories subject to tsunami warnings.”The main thing is we want everyone to take this event seriously,” said Charles McCreery, director of the center. McCreery said he didn’t know how big the waves will be, but he expected them to be the largest to hit Hawaii since 1964.

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64 thoughts on “Tsunami Warning – Today A Call to Prayer”

  1. Hello, I will like to tell you that I have a dear friend, a very young Mother of two little girls, her name is Rocio Buege, she has been suffering of cancer for a few year and it’s getting spread,now the Doctor are saying that she has two type of cancer and keep her self on treatment but without results. I will like to have a prayer for her and an advise of where can she go to visit. I hear of Alabama, that the Virgin still appear on the bedroom? Thank you.God bless you.Claudia Sanchez

  2. I started my day with prayer starting 3 o’clock in the morning then attend mass at 6 o’clock a.m. I fast every Friday of the week. I offer my sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ in solidarity with Him, for conversion of sinners and repentance of sins because I believe that God wants us to live a holy life. All the calamities happened here on earth serve as the awakening stage that all His children will know that He is knocking, that He wants to enter our hearts which means to love Him.

  3. I started my day with prayer starting 3 o’clock in the morning then attend mass at 6 o’clock a.m. I fast every Friday of the week. I offer my sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ in solidarity with Him, for conversion of sinners and repentance of sins because I believe that God wants us to live a holy life. All the calamities happened here on earth serve as the awakening stage that all His children will know that He is knocking, that He wants to enter our hearts which means to love Him.

  4. i was praying for our lords mercy as i watched what happened in chilie, and when the time hawaii was to have a sunami asking our lord to calm the storms, and i do believe he was listening to all of our prayers, along with our BLESSED MOTHER, its so sad so many call it luck..well for me i believe it was PRAYER…may our lord have MERCY on all in chilie…MOTHER MARY HELP US…denise

  5. Our Lady has been telling us to pray pray pray. People must listen to her. She loves us. Please pray esp. for our Country and all our leaders.To put God back into our country. Praise God!

  6. I woke up yesterday morning to the sounds of sirens. My husband came into the room telling me we needed to pack and get ready to leave. That they were expecting a Tsunami to hit with in the next few hours! After we got our stuff ready I went into the room where my 2 year old daughter was sleeping! I sat on the bed next to her watching her sleep. I was thinking about how I had just fasted the day before and I wondered if the fact that I have been fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays would have any effect in what was going to happen in the next few hours, If the words of Our Mother were true. Before we left our home for a safer place my husband and I said a little prayer for the people in Chile and for the people here in Hawaii. As I walked out of my home all I had with me were my daughter, husband, and a small water proof safe with our important papers and my rosary. I was able to see what really mattered to me! It means the world to me all of the prayers that were said! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I know that it was through your prayers that we were spared! I know now that so many things in our life our temporary, our homes, our jobs, and even our bodies! But Love, love is something you can give that will never perish and it can be felt through any distance and any circumstance! All your love saved us! Once again I thank you from the depths of my heart and I will pray for all of you!


  8. Dear Friend of Medjugorje, Thank you for you call to prayer. I believe that Our Blessed Mother heard our cry and interceded with the Father to spare the Hawaiian people. What an awesome God he is! What an incredible advocate we have in Our Blessed Mother. I pray that people will begin to open their eyes to the “signs of the times” before it is too late.

  9. I didn’t receive your call to prayer until Sunday, but when I heard of the quake and the approaching tsunami, I said a rosary that lives be spared and the tsunami be lessened. I totally believe prayer spared Hawaii. I also immediately noticed that the epicenter was near Concepcion. I don’t believe that was coincidence either. May God bless everyone.

  10. I didn’t receive your call to prayer until Sunday, but when I heard of the quake and the approaching tsunami, I said a rosary that lives be spared and the tsunami be lessened. I totally believe prayer spared Hawaii. I also immediately noticed that the epicenter was near Concepcion. I don’t believe that was coincidence either. May God bless everyone.

  11. We knew nothing about the earthquake as we left home Sat. We prayed the rosary,one of the intentions was to pray for all those who would die this day. We also prayed the Precious Blood novena. We took care of our business, still knowing nothing of the earthquake. As we left the place of business, I told my husband I felt we were to be in adoration. We knew of a place in the city holding adoration. That was at 11:00 a.m. the time the tsunami was to hit Hawaii. We believe in the power of prayer.

  12. I read your message about stopping to pray on Saturday 30 minutes before the expected tsunami was to hit Hawaii. I immediately said the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I am SURE that all of the prayers requested by Caritas made the difference. Thank you for your leadership. I check your web sit every day for guidance. I am so glad I saw your message in time.

  13. I do beleive it was ONLY THRU PRAYER & FASTING that this was stopped our Lord is trying to show us what he can do weather and what prayer can do A WAarning to us all !! PRAY AND FAST GOD’S BLESSINGS TO ALL

  14. I do beleive it was ONLY THRU PRAYER & FASTING that this was stopped our Lord is trying to show us what he can do weather and what prayer can do A WAarning to us all !! PRAY AND FAST GOD’S BLESSINGS TO ALL

  15. I prayed the luminous mysteries (my final set of the day) from 9pm UK time, as the Tsunami was expected to hit Hawaii. I feel certain all our prayers played a signifcant part in the full force of the Tsunami not being realised. Deo Gratias.

  16. Colletlte Farrell

    I said several prayers here at home and felt the Blessed Mother statue and picture were praying with me. Saw where it was not bad in Hawaii felt people must have prayed to help. I believe in prayer and Our Lady

  17. Grateful for all who realize that pray, pray, pray is what we need to do every day. I believe prayer is what saved us from the terrible after shock prediction

  18. It is good for us as children of Mary Our Mother, to be our advocate in heaven! {THINK} of ALL the People who where saved by the prayers of this community. Mother Mary hears the prayers of her children. Her Heart is open to this!!!

  19. This is the mercy of God in action. Thank you Lord and thanks to Our Lady for her prayers. So good to know that thousands of us all over the world were petitioning the Lord together in prayer. As a friend of mine says: “God is good all the time”. Praised be Jesus.

  20. Thank you for sending the email out to pray for the people in Hawaii. How wonderful that you could reach so many people to offer prayers. I also joined in praying and was so thankful to hear the outcome. God bless you always

  21. The frequency and intensity of disasters caused by natural phenomenon are signs that mankind is at the cusp of the end of times. Only a prayer to God Almighty by all men, everybody praying at the same time and date will avert these disasters to ever happen in the future. A person or an organization of prominence can ignite a world wide single prayer date and time.

  22. There were several hundred deaths in Chile, while there were 200,000 deaths in Haiti. The smaller than expected Tsunami and the smaller loss of life look like small reminders of what lies ahead if mankind does not respond to the warnings of the Blessed Mother.

  23. peter patrick glancy

    as my daughter fights for her life through cancer she is praying for our godless world offering up her suffering to ourlady , she knows the lord may take her anytime?….but is looking forward in doing his will…..with her last breath…..praise the LORD

  24. Thank you very much LORD JESUS CHRIST ,HOLY SPIRIT, GOD THE FATHER and MAMA MARY for answering our prayers, it’s true, praying and fasting and complete trust , full faith in you LORD Jesus CHRIST saves people and their souls. PRAISE TO YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST!

  25. Thank you very much LORD JESUS CHRIST ,HOLY SPIRIT, GOD THE FATHER and MAMA MARY for answering our prayers, it’s true, praying and fasting and complete trust , full faith in you LORD Jesus CHRIST saves people and their souls. PRAISE TO YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST!

  26. I ask us all to pray for our families here today on Earth that spouses may be united building God’s Kingdom in the midst of our Homes this moment. I offer my spouse and our children to God and ask that He heal and transform us today, through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary, Amen.

  27. I ask us all to pray for our families here today on Earth that spouses may be united building God’s Kingdom in the midst of our Homes this moment. I offer my spouse and our children to God and ask that He heal and transform us today, through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary, Amen.

  28. As soon as I got your email, I prayed to Our Lady to protect all peoples in the way of the tsunami. My friend and I said a rosary for the people of Chili and others who would be affected by this earthquake. At the end of a decade of the rosary I say, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you, save souls. It brought to my mind that prayer can mitigate, delay, or rescind disasters where there is danger of a great many deaths. The results were answer to prayer–a miracle.

  29. thank you for calling us to pray. I sent out emails to start praying and went to my room and started praying the rosary. Mother Mary keep us all safe.

  30. Personally I do not watch TV at all, but someone told me early this morning about the earthquake in Chile and the Tsunami warnings. I called people to pray for those necesities, but I think they were already praying. I said to them and to my family that Our Lady says to pray the rosary, and I explained to them the power of the rosary. I have no doubt at all that Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus granted to the people in Hawaii the opportunity to meditate and convert. Praise be Jesus and Mary.

  31. This prayer says it all: Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen. Memorare (O most gracious Virgin Mary)

  32. Pray….Pray…Pray. I was at work today when a coworker told me about the earth quake and tsunami. I didn’t have much time to pray, but did manage to talk to God a lilttle bit. So I was really excited to get this last bit of news and pictures from Hawaii. WHERE is the damage? Yes, I see muddy water, but …. God is so great. I pray that everyone turns back to Him, NOW. May God have mercy on us all.

  33. Pray….Pray…Pray. I was at work today when a coworker told me about the earth quake and tsunami. I didn’t have much time to pray, but did manage to talk to God a lilttle bit. So I was really excited to get this last bit of news and pictures from Hawaii. WHERE is the damage? Yes, I see muddy water, but …. God is so great. I pray that everyone turns back to Him, NOW. May God have mercy on us all.

  34. God Bless you and thank you for reminding us to pray. After I read your message my son and I offered the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all those affected by the earthquake. When I heard an announcer say that Hawaii missed a big one by the skin of its teeth I thought (not wanting to praise myself) maybe God heard us and was Merciful. Praise God! Thank you Jesus and Mary!

  35. I agree that these are signs that Mother Mary has been warning us about. I do agree that is do feel that evil is all around us. I feel we live in unstable times. I said “Hail Mary’s all day long as I did my work. May Mother Mary place her loving mantel around us, and St. Michael protect us. May God have Mercy on us. We must pray our Rosary for the conversion of the world. Wear your medals and scapulars for your protection. Bless you homes with Holy water.

  36. I agree that these are signs that Mother Mary has been warning us about. I do agree that is do feel that evil is all around us. I feel we live in unstable times. I said “Hail Mary’s all day long as I did my work. May Mother Mary place her loving mantel around us, and St. Michael protect us. May God have Mercy on us. We must pray our Rosary for the conversion of the world. Wear your medals and scapulars for your protection. Bless you homes with Holy water.

  37. Praise the Lord! Thank you Our Lady! So many of us were praying and the power of prayer unites us together as the body of Christ! I am so glad! Our Lady, thank you, thank you, thank you! I will continue to pray the rosary for conversion of the world. Jesus came to save us! Amen. John 3:16. Please keep Layla Grace and her family in your prayers. Thank you. I love you, blessed Mother Mary and Medjugorje!

  38. Our parish prayed for this during the prayers of the faithful, which happened to fall almost exactly at 4:20 EST. Praised be Jesus, the king of mercy!

  39. AMEN ~ this was an answer to prayer. Your “urgent” call for prayer sent me to my knees. The signs and warnings continue through nature and are all around us – and yet through the mercy of God people are spared, given more time. It pains to me to hear the news reports about “lucky Aloha”, or “dodging the bullet” – and “false alarm” when God Almighty actually shed His endless mercy. I pray that this serves as an “alert” for souls to prepare, convert and thank God once again. Blessings ~ Linda

  40. yes we need to send out prayers for conversion may our holy mother lead the attack on satin may st. michael be with and protect all

  41. Thank you for your email encouraging us to pray for these people in great need right now. Mary, Queen of Peace and Reconciliation, pray for us!

  42. After reading your urgent call, my husband and I, prayed the 911 Prayer of the community, giving it to Our Lady, for the souls who in Her Wisdom need the most. Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace and Reconciliation, pray for us.

  43. i have been praying the rosary just about daily since last lent of 2009. i believe all these events including katrina and the most recent earthquakes are the warnings that God is sending us. i believe end of times should only be left up to God not us. read the bible more. pray often with a true heart and mind. God knows all of us cant fool him. i constantly feel the presence of the evil walking the earth. satan is having a great time on those people who dont believe in God.pray pray pray

  44. John, Fareham UK

    Thank you for this call to prayer. It is a wonderful opportunity to love our unfortunate brothers and sisters. United prayer now is their greatest hope. God bless them.

  45. With all my heart I believe it was the power of prayer that spared Hawaii from a Tsunami. We all need to pray daily for God to spare this country as He did Nineveh, as well as to pray for the conversion of all in every nation. We need a movement like the Tea Parties – where people come together and pray for God’s Mercy and the salvation of souls.

  46. With all my heart I believe it was the power of prayer that spared Hawaii from a Tsunami. We all need to pray daily for God to spare this country as He did Nineveh, as well as to pray for the conversion of all in every nation. We need a movement like the Tea Parties – where people come together and pray for God’s Mercy and the salvation of souls.

  47. With all my heart I believe it was the power of prayer that spared Hawaii from a Tsunami. We all need to pray daily for God to spare this country as He did Nineveh, as well as to pray for the conversion of all in every nation. We need a movement like the Tea Parties – where people come together and pray for God’s Mercy and the salvation of souls.

  48. Sr. Marjorie Kuntz, SFCC

    It certainly looks like all our modern day prophets are spot on in these calamities that have hit our world. I am sure that day is also coming to our country, but believe in Mary’s words “fasting can suspend the laws of nature.”and prayer from the heart. We join our prayers with all the members of the Medjugorje team in Birmingham, Alabama as well as all who are praying at this time.

  49. Sr. Marjorie Kuntz, SFCC

    It certainly looks like all our modern day prophets are spot on in these calamities that have hit our world. I am sure that day is also coming to our country, but believe in Mary’s words “fasting can suspend the laws of nature.”and prayer from the heart. We join our prayers with all the members of the Medjugorje team in Birmingham, Alabama as well as all who are praying at this time.

  50. that is a very good sign from Our Lord, He spared Hawaii due to our prayers, sufferings, and sacrifices -no question. I have been inspired by the Holy Spirit to pray everyday to St. Michael the Archangel for his protection, also St. Joseph in a big way and also the Archangel of America(St. Sardus) and the Angel of the U.S. (St. Sultra) (from our Lady of America apparitions) -Our Lady is holding back the arm of God for the U.S. because we love her & Jesus so much. Thank you Lord Jesus!

  51. Scientists are being ridiculed, and Japan apologizing, for “overrating” the tsunami. LOL, what can they say? Their instruments do not measure Grace. Thank you so much for your part in helping and also for publishing the information.

  52. We prayed and are continuing to pray the Caritas’ 911 Prayer, Mass intentions are asking God to be merciful, and at our Prayer group meeting tonight, Monday, our prayers will continue. Where ever you are please join us in prayer at 8pm. There is nothing like the power of prayer. Thanks to our Blessed Mother, Mary, Thanks and Praise to God. Our Lord, Our God, Our King how great thou art. Thank You God for hearing the prayers of Your children.

  53. We prayed and are continuing to pray the Caritas’ 911 Prayer, Mass intentions are asking God to be merciful, and at our Prayer group meeting tonight, Monday, our prayers will continue. Where ever you are please join us in prayer at 8pm. There is nothing like the power of prayer. Thanks to our Blessed Mother, Mary, Thanks and Praise to God. Our Lord, Our God, Our King how great thou art. Thank You God for hearing the prayers of Your children.

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