Tragedy of Realization

Tragedy of Realization


December 2, 2014 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2014
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

Following is Our Lady’s message of December 2, 2014, given on the day of prayer for non-believers:

“Dear children, Remember – for I am telling you that love will win. I know that many of you are losing hope because around you, you see suffering, pain, jealousy, envy… But, I am your mother. I am in the Kingdom but am also here with you. My Son is sending me anew to help you. Therefore, do not lose hope, instead, follow me – because the victory of my heart is in the name of God. My beloved Son is thinking of you as He has always thought of you. Believe Him and live Him. He is the Life of the world. My children, to live my Son means to live the Gospel. This is not easy. This means love, forgiveness and sacrifice. This purifies and it opens the Kingdom. Sincere prayer, which is not only words but is a prayer which the heart speaks, will help you. Likewise fasting (will help you), because it is still more of love, forgiveness and sacrifice. Therefore, do not lose hope but follow me. I am imploring you anew to pray for your shepherds so that they may always look to my Son who was the first Shepherd of the world and whose family was the entire world. Thank you.”


Other Languages:

Our Lady said today the words “jealousy and envy”. There is a great deal of envy against Medjugorje. The definitions follow:


1. Suspicious; apprehensive of rivalship; uneasy through fear that another has withdrawn or may withdraw from one the affections of a person he loves, or enjoy some good which he desires to obtain.

2. Suspicious that we do not enjoy the affection or respect of others, or that another is more loved and respected than ourselves.

3. Emulous; full of competition.

4. Solicitous to defend the honor of; concerned for the character of.

5. Suspiciously vigilant; anxiously careful and concerned for.

6. Suspiciously fearful.



1. To feel uneasiness, mortification or discontent, at the sight of superior excellence, reputation or happiness enjoyed by another; to repine at another’s prosperity; to fret or grieve one’s self at the real or supposed superiority of another, and to hate him on that account.

2. To grudge; to withhold maliciously.

3. Pain, uneasiness, mortification or discontent excited by the sight of another’s superiority or success, accompanied with some degree of hatred or malignity, and often or usually with a desire or an effort to depreciate the person, and with pleasure in seeing him depressed. Envy springs from pride, ambition or love, mortified that another has obtained what one has a strong desire to possess.

4. Rivalry; competition.

5. Malice; malignity.

6. Public odium; ill repute; invidiousness.

Tragedy of Realization

by A Friend of Medjugorje

Christine Weick was scared to death. She had been driving for hours. Christine wanted to chicken-out on what she was planning on November 14, 2014, but she drove on to what she intended to do. She arrived and snuck past security…just as the 911 terrorists had passed through security – one after another. She felt she was invisible. She could not believe she had made it this far past checkpoints. She was intent on what she was about to do, yet she was very scared, full well knowing she would be arrested for what she was planning. She found herself in a perfect spot to act on what she was committed to do. She was certain she would be detained immediately. She planned not to even try to escape. Her planning went no further than to accomplish her actions.

The stage was set – security, people, media everywhere – and she had planted herself right in the perfect spot to take action. Then she did it. Security immediately scrambled in, grabbing her. She had stated very clearly and loudly:

“Jesus Christ died on that Cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have built…allowed you your mosques in this country. Why don’t you worship in your mosques and leave our churches alone? We are a country founded on Christian principles.”

Christine was standing before the large Cross hanging in the U.S. National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Around the altar, Muslim men on rugs bowed down, praying toward Mecca, with their backs toward the Cross. It wasn’t the Muslims, before a packed cathedral, who demanded to be there. It was the Christians who accepted them to come. There was no priest, bishop, Christian layman who objected, only one woman who was courageous enough to stand up and profess what one woman professed today:

“…Believe Him (Christ) and live Him. He is the Life of the world…to live my Son means to live the Gospel. This is not easy…”

It was not easy for Christine Weick, but she lived the Gospel. While not one Christian anywhere voiced any objection. The Muslims did what they were invited to do. One cannot say they are guilty, rather the Christians who are the apostates are guilty, the deniers of who they are! A stronger principled people (Muslims) prevailed in their belief because a weaker principled people (Christians) failed in their belief. It was the Woman of Revelation today who said:

“…I am imploring you anew to pray for your shepherds so that they may always look to my Son who was the first Shepherd of the world and whose family was the entire world…”

And not a peep was mentioned over this incident at the National Cathedral. We have hand-wringing meetings going on with our shepherds about what to do in this time, and we have a frail, powerless, scared-to-death woman standing amidst a strongly principled people, professing:

“Jesus Christ died on that Cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior…We are a country founded on Christian principles.”

And we have a Woman, who though in the Kingdom, is upon the earth, walking the earth, professing “…He ‘is’ the Life of the world…follow me…” And we are waiting on our shepherds’ conferences to give us more methods that don’t work. It is one thing to believe, as a shepherd, that Christ was the first Shepherd, it is a whole ‘nother world to profess it publicly, amidst a group who are not followers of the Christ. Shame upon the weakness of what we have become in the name of, ‘Let’s just get along.’ Pope Francis very recently told a bishop, “I don’t want to see more of the same.” Francis said, “I am willing to take risk.” Whoa…the pope is willing to be bold, “take risk.” Who took risks in the National Cathedral? It is not that we see, or many of the shepherds see themselves as apostates; it is that they should think, does God see their silence as varying degrees of being an apostate?

We will not ‘conference’ ourselves, through our shepherds, out of the mess the Church is in, and, therefore, the world is wandering towards disaster. Rather, it is time to boldly step out like Christine Weick and follow her example. You think that what she did was radical, fanatical? Christine followed Peter and John, whose Gospel witness showed after being lashed for professing Christ, were told not to do it again, went out immediately and began professing the Christ. Their action is no more radical and fanatical than what Christine did, who followed Peter and John in doing exactly what Our Lady is saying,

“…follow me…” 12/02/2014

The shepherds need to look beyond answers in the conferences. It is much simpler. The solution resides in God and His Son. It is His Son who has sent the solution for the entire world. That solution is “me.” Who is the solution that is ‘me’?

December 2, 2014

“…My Son is sending me anew to help you…”

Why? To:

December 2, 2014

“…not lose hope…”

How? To bring:

“…victory of my heart is in the name of God…”

Our Lady is here for the victorious triumph of Her Immaculate Heart. In Christine’s heart, she felt strongly to go out and profess in the name of God! She was victorious as she was helped by the angels to walk unnoticed to the perfect spot to witness, to profess Christ. It was ‘not easy’ for her. No one is advocating being against any people. The call is to evangelization. It first must happen among the Christians.

The solution, the only solution is what Our Lady is being sent for. It will not be found in formulating or studying more theology – it will be found where Jesus’ first earthly home was – in the womb of a brave woman. It is She who said:

March 25, 1990

“…As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you unto holiness…”

Shepherds of the Church: This Christmas follow the Shepherd of 2000 years ago, who found the Christ in Her arms. She again is here. She will appear this year for the “33rd” Christmas, holding the real Baby Jesus, just as He was 2000 years ago.

Shepherds, you do not have to believe in Medjugorje. This letter is not an appeal asking you to, rather it is a profession – to all of you who restrict, who stymie, who place obstacles or who keep silent, allowing others in your diocese to do these things – that you are making a terrible, terrible, terrible mistake that you will see in a coming time of what Our Lady said:

August 25, 2013

“…you, dear children, to have to repent for everything that you could have done but did not want to…”

What will it be like for you as a bishop of the Church during this future time? Our Lady said:

August 2, 1997

“…now you do not comprehend this grace, but soon a time will come when you will lament for these messages…”

Lament because you would have allowed a time of grace to pass when you could have at least allowed the messages of Our Lady to prosper in holiness in your diocese. What will it be like? You will pull your hair out. Your lamentation will torture you for the rest of your lives of what you could have done but did not want to.

I, as an individual, make a profession:

Medjugorje is real.

The Holy Virgin Mary has appeared for 33 years continuously, everyday.

It is not Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima.

It is what all previous apparitions have prepared the world for; the time when:

“…I am in the Kingdom but am also here with you…” Our Lady 12/02/14

It is public revelation of Revelation 12 come to life, while Her words from Heaven are given as private revelation.

She has come to save us, to save the world that has captivated man and led him away from Her Son.

Our Lady is here to stop the prodigies of satan’s powers, the gates of hell, from prevailing against the Church because we cannot do it alone.

These are the last apparitions on earth.

Our Lady revealed after these, Her apparitions will no longer be necessary.

These apparitions will give everything necessary until Christ comes back.

In a conscience, formed by the Church teachings, I am at peace that in this particular time of Mary, Christ has redeemed me. Mary has saved me.

O Shepherds – this Christmas give your diocese a gift. Free Medjugorje – allow it to flourish. You do not have to believe it or even encourage it, just allow it. Its birth is from the Womb who bore us our Savior. It will be a ‘tragedy of realization’, that you stood in the way, even if only by your silence, in not allowing the Queen of Peace to prosper her work in your diocese.

This is written in the hope of saving you from the lamentation that will come from hearing the wailing of the Rachels’ of Bethlehem – and that instead you can see the fruit of Her Womb in the holiness birthed in the children of your diocese, through Our Lady’s call.

With Love,

A Friend of Medjugorje

P.S. The following are Pope Francis’ words. I have no doubt he is reading Our Lady’s messages and using them. Our Lady said November 25, 2014, “…comprehend who you are and where you need to go. Be carriers of the good news and be people of hope…” Pope Francis stated four days later, on November 29, 2014, for the Year of the Consecrated Life, at the Basilica of St. Mary Major, “Leave your nests and go out to the peripheries.” This is not the first time. One can find Pope Francis with the same verbiage Our Lady has said only days before his.

Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing the December 2, 2014 message of Our Lady.
To listen to the December 2, 2014 show titled, Funga Face, visit here…




Thanksgiving day with the Community of Caritas

On our Thanksgiving Day last week, the Community children joyfully ran through the Field towards Our Lady’s statue at Rosary time—dressed as Indians and Pilgrims.

With the beginning of Advent, our minds may be forward looking to Christmas, but it is a mistake to let go of the Feast of Thanksgiving too soon. The best way to prepare the heart for Christmas is to “remember,” as Our Lady said today, “that love will win” and this is the story of the First Thanksgiving in America. Pilgrims seeking to “live Him,” “to live my Son means to live the Gospel,” came to this land and established a way of life that was “not easy.” Yet, through their “love, forgiveness and sacrifice,” they “opened the Kingdom” upon this land—took the first steps, through following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in making Jesus Christ and His principles the foundation of a new nation, a nation in which He was to be King. Though there is a war taking place in our nation today to remove Jesus from His rightful throne over the United States of America, we are greatly heartened by Our Lady’s words today, “…My Son is sending me anew to help you…that love will win…”


Thanksgiving day with the Community of Caritas

We awoke to rather mild temperatures on Thanksgiving Day, but by Rosary time, the temperature had dropped and the Community children who had dressed up and who arrived early to the Field were unprepared for the weather change. The smaller ones wrapped themselves up in the warm embrace of the older children and adults to stay warm. We know that Our Lady invites us, in the same way, especially when we are cold, lonely and afraid, to come into Her embrace. It is the reason that She has come.

Thanksgiving Day always marks the remembrance of the Caritas Community’s beginning as it was in 1988 just before the Thanksgiving feast, 26 years ago, that Medjugorje visionary Marija came here for the first time, the first apparitions of Our Lady here in the Bedroom and the Field of Apparitions, the first words of instruction from Our Lady that laid the foundation of the life the Community would be called to live through Her messages. On November 24, 1988, on Thanksgiving Day, Our Lady said these words in Her first apparition in the Field:

November 24, 1988

“I invite you to live my messages. I am here to help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.”

In this message She reveals, as She does today, that though “…I am in the Kingdom…[I] am also here with you…” She has come to be among us, while She is present in the Kingdom interceding on our behalf before the throne of God.

Thanksgiving day with the Community of Caritas

It was a last minute inspiration to grab the above poster as part of our Thanksgiving Day décor for Our Lady’s statue in the Field. Entitled, “Embrace the Hardship,” it is a writing of A Friend of Medjugorje that he wrote for the students of our school in 2012. Our school theme that year was “Do Hard Things.” It seemed appropriate in light of what the Pilgrims “chose” to do in following the call of God. A Friend of Medjugorje wrote from the perspective of Our Lady and what She is teaching us about choosing the hard way. A portion of the writing follows:

“It is I, who take you on the path of hardship. I rode this path not just pregnant, but while in labor. It was God who sent Joseph and I to Bethlehem. I did not hesitate with a flood of thoughts as to why this was to be. I simply embraced the hardship and I followed. It is why I lead you today. Good followers make good leaders.

“Today, everyone’s desire is always the easy way. Enjoy oneself. For you, I desire you to stop and think. Why does God require for those who are closest to Him to experience struggles? My life, His Son’s life, His greatest friends’ lives were filled with great struggles and hardships. He does not spare one from walking this path.

“It is strange to man’s way of thinking that to the degree God commissions a mission, it is paralleled to the degree in hardship. The only way to fulfill your mission is to embrace the hard things required to fulfill your mission. I tell you, mine was difficult, very hard and bitter. Today’s man no longer can understand this principle of God, in the way He forms and desires to purify you through these trials…I tell you to bear hardship, help one another, love and help those you wish not to. It was a bitter hardship being next to Judas. Yet, God required this of me, what more so from you?…I tell you, as I did, not only to embrace the hard things, but in every act throughout your day, prefer the hard things…avoidance of the hard things is mostly rooted in selfishness and little esteem about yourself. It is why you feel better when you do something for someone else, preferring their needs before your own. My little children, the only path to build a foundation of peace and joy is to:

“Embrace the Struggle”
Do the Hard Thing

A Friend of Medjugorje
For Our Lady of Victory’s Little School House, 2012


Thanksgiving day with the Community of Caritas

Little Isabella played her part well as a little Indian baby bundled up in a papoose. Recently baptized, her parents prayed several novenas while this little baby lay hidden in the womb of her mother that Our Lady would choose the name for their baby. This has become “the way” of the Community that was established by our founder and his wife when she was pregnant with their 4th child—who was born during Our Lady’s first visit to their home in 1988. (visit here for more)

Every child in the Community has a story, revealed through the Holy Spirit, as to the name Heaven bestowed upon them through signs and passages from Scripture. Our Lady said today, “…the victory of my heart is in the name of God…” Names are important to God, and giving your child a Christian name connects your child not only to a saint who was victorious in living out the Gospel, but to the name of God Himself—from which the victory is won. The Holy Spirit revealed to Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, that the story of Medjugorje can be found in the very names of the six visionaries:

Another amazing aspect related to these six visionaries is their names. The names Marija and Mirjana both mean “Mary,” which is the Blessed Mother’s name. Ivanka and Ivan mean “John.” Our Lady first appeared on June 24, 1981, which is the feast of John the Baptist. His message was one of repentance and a declaration that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of the Messiah. Vicka’s name means “life.” Our Lady has revealed to Vicka Her life story, which Vicka is to make public when Our Lady tells her to do so. Finally, Jakov’s name means “James.” The parish church in Medjugorje is St. James parish. St. James is also the patron of pilgrims. Clearly this is no coincidence, but rather something ordained by God.

Vicka said:

“Our Lady told me that before God made the world, He knew each of His children of the earth and named each one of us. God names us, but He gives our parents the grace to name us with the name He has for us. Nothing is a coincidence. Everything is a project of God. Before God made this world, He planned each one of us. Our Lady told me He knew us. He called us by name before He made the world. Each of us is totally known and loved by God, before we are placed in our mother’s womb. He selected the particular century in which we would be born, our nationality, our family, our [gender], our strengths and weaknesses. Everything we are and we have from God are gifts.”


Thanksgiving day with the Community of Caritas

Little Jesse shares his coat with a coatless Rebekah—a lesson in sharing, in love and sacrifice. Our Lady has said that there is some truth in every religion, and that each person is responsible for living out that truth in their lives. An ancient Indian saying goes, “Never criticize a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.” Is this not the spirit of the second greatest commandment of God, “Love your neighbor as yourself”? Vicka relayed that Our Lady told her that:

All people on earth are born with a knowledge of God in their hearts. Everyone has his own way to pray.”

To awaken that knowledge of God in hearts hardened by sin, we are to “love, forgive and sacrifice.” Through this means we will open the Kingdom of God to all men.

Our Lady is the mother of all people on earth. She has a mother’s love for them all, and her messages, which are from God, are for everyone…There is only one God. It is man who makes divisions. Jesus came for all people on earth, whether they know it or not.”




Messages in Other Languages Posted As Soon As They Become Available


„Draga djeco, Zapamtite, jer kažem vam ljubav će pobijediti. Znam da mnogi od vas gube nadu jer oko sebe vide patnju, bol, ljubomoru, zavist… Ali ja sam vaša majka. U Kraljevstvu sam ali i ovdje s vama. Moj sin me iznova šalje da vam pomognem. Zato, ne gubite nadu, već me slijedite, jer pobjeda moga srca je u imenu Božjem. Moj ljubljeni Sin misli na vas kao što je uvijek mislio. Vjerujte mu i živite ga. On je život svijeta. Djeco moja, živjeti moga Sina znači živjeti Evanđelje. To nije lako. To znači ljubav, oprost i žrtva. To pročišćava i otvara Kraljevstvo. Iskrena molitva, koja nije samo riječi već molitva koju srce govori, će vam pomoći. Također i post, jer to je još ljubavi, oprosta i žrtve. Zato, ne gubite nadu, već me slijedite. Iznova vas molim da molite za svoje pastire da uvijek gledaju u moga Sina koji je bio prvi Pastir svijeta i čija je obitelj bila cijeli svijet. Hvala vam.”

Prayer for Nonbelievers

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13 thoughts on “Tragedy of Realization”

  1. City: Tannbach
    Country: Austria
    When I hear the Words of Our blessed Virgin Mary I wonder why our Shepherds have brought it upon themselves this Tragedy of Realization. I still think they have not realized. The darkness they are in!! There was this Bishop who said at a sermon on Sunday, that he too will be in prison soon. The negativity and darkness was unbearable. Master Jesus is seated on His Throne and His Holy Spirit is here with us and Bishops are His representatives. We believe that Jesus is Living among us. Making rash decisions for families and the flock of Jesus Christ, without consulting Mother Mary and Her Spouse the Holy Spirit is dangerous for our Lord Jesus. The time of darkness is over. I hope our prayers will be answered soon and these Bishops will take heed of the words of the Queen of Peace of Medjugorge, and allow Her to prosper her work in the diocese. “Lord give them Fresh Vision.”

  2. Thank you. I was in Medjugorje this year and what a most beautiful experience to have been in the presence of Our Lady when Mirjana received her monthly message. We must continue to be Her apostles here on earth, and remember that Jesus and Our Blessed Mother love us more than we will ever know. Blessings to you all and our “Friend of Medjugore”.

  3. I am thankful you made this defiling event made known. Have Catholic churches allowed such indifference to Christ occur? What does the Catholic Bishops say? Did they make a statement? I refuse to be a part of the dysfunctional body of Christ!

  4. I love this message. That Christ-centered, Christ-emboldened woman in the National Cathedral in the midst of hundreds of devout Muslims has my total respect.

  5. Emmanuel Bonanno

    God bless you for the good work that you are doing, and if Medjugorje is false, then who will speak to do good things. Only good things comes from God. I wish that one time before I go to meet our Savior I will visit Medjugorje…

  6. Thank you for this powerful teaching. I believe that everything contained in this letter is true. I wait in expectant faith for Our Dear Blessed Virgin to bring us to the feet of Her Son. We have Her greatest of gifts, Her IMMACULATE HEART, to cover us. What else could we need? Elizabeth

  7. I have come to love Mary so much and getting interested on anything concerning her. I now know and very sure that I can die for my faith no matter what.

  8. As always after being fed by the Friend of Medjugorje, I feel full to capacity – until Blessed Mother makes room for more! God bless you and your mission.

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