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Tonight’s Apparition With Our Lady on the Mountain, June 20, 2024

Tonight’s Apparition With Our Lady on the Mountain, June 20, 2024

June 20, 2024 A.D.


At the beginning of prayer tonight, Marija greeted every one on the mountain, saying that this is Day 5 of the Novena.


Pilgrims walking barefooted on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje

Barefooted pilgrims walking up Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje, 1988. A Friend of Medjugorje has told that Our Lady’s messages lead us to prayer and penance, to give us the grace to physically change our life. His understanding of the messages is unique and not like anything heard anywhere else. The June 20, 2024, Radio Wave broadcast titled, Something is Happening, is one such unique message that needs to be heard, if one wants to understand Our Lady’s actions. You can listen online here.

After she greeted every one, we began the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.  After this Rosary, once again, Marija had the St. Francis Prayer for Peace prayed in several languages.  We then began the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. After this Rosary, Marija began the 7-7-7 prayers.  Our Lady came around 11:37 p.m. and the apparition lasted at least 8 minutes long.  The following is Marija’s description of tonight’s apparition.


Tonight, during the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, She looked at all of us.  I recommended all of our intentions, whatever we hold in our hearts and in a special way all of those who are ill in their souls or in their bodies.  I asked Our Lady to intercede before Her Son Jesus for peace in the world.  Our Lady extended Her hands and She prayed for a long time on each and everyone of us in Her Motherly language, Aramaic.  And She blessed us all.  Then Our Lady said, At the same place.  At the same time. and She left to Heaven.


After the explanation of the apparition was said in all the different languages, Marija announced that we would continue praying the Rosary, but first we are going to pray the Consecration to Mary.  So this prayer was prayed in several different languages.  And then Marija began the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary to end Day 5 of these beautiful days with Our Lady.


After Marija’s apparition, she seemed very moved.  She paused for a few moments and then she gave the message.


Marija, once again, prayed going up the mountain and down again, the continuance of Marija’s litany of Hail Marys.  She is a witness of what everyone across the world should start doing.  Our Lady must have something big happening with this novena. Keep spreading it everywhere and encourage those you tell to spread it as well.

Friend of Medjugorje

Continue spreading everywhere Our Lady’s call to the world. Be sure to send to your national and local news outlets, radio talk shows, press, etc. You can e-mail, saying where you are from – your states, counties, cities and villages. Doing this will show the media this is an across-the-world event. You can simply write, “For the past days, the Virgin Mary is having apparitions to visionary Marija and calling people in an extraordinary way to pray to bring peace. Thousands of people in Medjugorje on the mountain, joined by millions of people across the world, are listening to Marija from the Virgin Mary’s call for peace.” Use your own words to the media. You want to keep your message brief. Every one of you can make a showing for all countries. If each one of you writes emails and makes phone calls, this will influence millions more people to be praying. Everyone also call and email all bishops and priests and inform them that prayer is what Our Lady wants to bring peace to the world and healing to the world. To all the contacts you make by phone and email, give them the most critical information the media can quickly get. They will be a one stop place for everything they will need for their report. Tell them to go to the largest Medjugorje center in the world – It is the #1 website. Also, media people can be contacted at Caritas in Alabama at 205-672-2000, as well as contacts who are living in the village of Medjugorje.

Glenn Beck:

Michael Berry:

Sean Hannity:

Bill O’Reilly:

Tucker Carlson: Email [email protected]

Jesse Kelly: Email [email protected]

Fox News Submit a Tip:

CNN News: [email protected]

ABC News: [email protected] or USA Today:

Associated Press:

NBC News:

One America News Network:

BBC: [email protected]

Al Jazeera:


Remember the apparition tomorrow will be at 11:30 PM Medjugorje.

That’s: 10:30 PM Dublin / London

4:30 PM Caritas / Chicago / Ecuador

12:30 AM Moscow, Russia

3:00 AM Sri Lanka

7:30 AM Melbourne, Australia / Guam

For more cities, visit here to see 600 different places to check your time zone.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

11 thoughts on “Tonight’s Apparition With Our Lady on the Mountain, June 20, 2024”

  1. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    What is she hearing and seeing that she is not sharing with us? Obviously there is more to Our Lady appearing than the simple messages we are receiving. Perhaps we aren’t ready to hear what it is Our Lady is saying to her. We just need to pray! It is very difficult to not know what this Novena is specifically about. Heaven be with us Amen

  2. State: Wisconsin
    Country: USA
    Blessed Mother, Help me to become an on fire Catholic. Also pray that my auto-immune disease will improve, and the hidden problem in my family will come to an end.

  3. Norma Jean Valliant

    City: Marrero
    State: LA
    Country: United States
    Can you tell me the St. Francis Prayer that Marji is praying, please.
    Thank you – May Our Lord Save Our Souls from the Pits of Hell.

    1. Joan McDonald

      Prayer of St. Francis

      Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
      where there is hatred, let me sow love;
      where there is injury, pardon;
      where there is doubt, faith;
      where there is despair, hope;
      where there is darkness, light;
      where there is sadness, joy.
      O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
      to be consoled as to console,
      to be understood as to understand,
      to be loved as to love.
      For it is in giving that we receive,
      it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
      and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

    2. Patricia Marie Cunningham

      City: KILBEGGAN
      State: Westmeath
      Country: IRELAND
      I praying 4 and sometimes 5 and 6 holy Rosaries a day, and this all came about because a priest told a lady to pray 4 a day for a healing resolution to her marriage and all was well and now I pray this way because our only brother Vincent has being in a hospital for 2 weeks and has another week due to now having chemo and then radiotherapy as he has some kind of tumour attached to his nose or inside it and a hole in the roof of his mouth which got slightly bigger, lost weight and was only eating liquid type foods and has one side of his face swollen and slightly on his neck and his poor eye kinda closed in from the swelling, please am asking our Lady queen of peace and all at Medjugorje to pray for this extremely brave and courageous soul who’s dad’s 24/7 carer and who needs many prayers now for healing so that the chemo will turn into a heavenly balm, may God so richly reward all who pray and if anyone knows the visionary, maybe they would take our beloved brother to her to present him to our lady for healing, bless all who pray

  4. Magdalena Baeten

    City: Gent
    Country: Belgium
    Thank you very much for the report on the 5th day of the Novena of Our Lady!
    May God bless you all,

  5. City: London
    Country: England
    Thanks so much for all the love which you all have and share with your witness please pray that I will be given the chance to make up to our lady for the times I have failed Ave maria

  6. State: Misouri
    Country: USA
    I was forcibly struck and moved to tears while praying and singing along listening to the livestreamed recording today. We are living in The Cenacle – the Upper Room- praying a novena not FOR Our Lady as She has asked many times before, but instead WITH Our Lady at Heaven’s request. Just like the first Apostles, we -Her apostles – are gathered together WITH HER physically and virtually praying in many languages, frightened with uncertainty about our world’s state, not knowing what will come. Many who are tired from this long path don’t know if they have the strength to go on. Many are carrying the peaceless of their homes and countries there in their hearts to the Queen of Peace. And we are gathering not because a committee decided through visioncasting that this would help fulfill a mission statement. No. We are there in body and/or soul because Heaven said to gather and pray and wait for what God will do to make those who are unable able to do what is asked of them in the small and the large things of God’s Plan, to bring peace where this no peace, to “translate” the unknowability of “the other” into a knowledge that we are all Children of God and Mary and thus brothers. So, just like the Apostles and Disciples and Mary almost 2000 years age, we wait; we pray. This method of gathering at Heaven’s instruction for nine days of prayer with Our Lady birthed the first Pentecost in that locked room in Jerusalem in an occupied country. Are we waiting for a New Pentecost?

    1. City: Louisville
      State: KY
      Country: USA
      Beautiful! I believe you are right – we are in the Upper Room. Wowzers, just wowzers… did I get here? I believed in Mej immediatedly when I first read abuot it in 1987….. that didn’t go well for me, LOL I was labeled kook by my family. I’ve posted to FB the reports of each day of these apparitions and my sister had “liked” them. 🙂 Everything is possible with God. Hail Mary all day long, togehter in the Upper Room.

  7. Carla Sovocool

    City: Scottsville
    State: Virginia
    Country: USA
    Blessed Mother Mary, please pray for me and ask Your Son Jesus to help me with my health and pain. It’s so hard to take much more of the pain. And please keep me

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