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Tonight, June 23, 2024, Ivan joined Marija on Apparition Mountain…

Tonight, June 23, 2024, Ivan joined Marija on Apparition Mountain…

Sunday June 23, 2024 A.D.

Field of Apparitions, Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama, June 22, 2024

Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama, June 22, 2024, 11:21 PM. Last night, June 22, the full moon bathed the Field in light. As a Friend of Medjugorje announced on June 15, the Caritas Community is gathering a second time each evening at 11:30 PM Alabama time. This time corresponds to the time the villagers are praying the morning novena in Medjugorje, going up Apparition Mountain at 5:30 in the morning. People are saying they feel being a part of something much bigger for the world. In 2006, a Friend of Medjugorje penned an important writing titled, In This Time Everything That Happens Is connected to Medjugorje, which explains what many are now feeling for the first time. You can read it here.

Tonight, June 23, 2024, Ivan joined Marija on Apparition Mountain for Day 8 of the Novena.  Our Lady called for peace for the world. They both led us in the Joyful, Sorrowful and 3 decades of the Glorious Mysteries before apparition time. Before beginning the 7-7-7 prayers, Marija said that Ivan and her would recommend to Our Lady all of us and all that we have in our hearts. Our Lady appeared during the first Our Father of the 7-7-7 prayers.  The apparition began at 11:33 pm. and lasted 5 minutes.  After the apparition, Marija gave the following description:


Tonight when Our Lady came, we (Ivan and Marija) recommended to Our Lady everything we have in our hearts.  She prayed over us for a long time for peace.  She prayed over us in Her Aramaic Mother tongue.  Our Lady has prayed in Aramaic every day since the novena started June 16th.  This is a very significant meaning to understand. (See Friday June 21 Here)  She gave us all a blessing and then She went back to Heaven.


We finished praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary after the apparition.  As everyone started down the mountain, Marija told everyone to go down in prayer.  She said to pray the Luminous Mysteries.  She said be in joy but be in prayer.  Then Marija said we will see each other tomorrow, same time, same place.  It was really beautiful.  As everyone was going down Apparition Mountain, you could hear the Rosary being prayed in Croatian, Italian, English, Polish, French and other languages.  No one was going down just talking, but really responding to Marija’s request to remain in prayer.


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Friend of Medjugorje




The call of Our Lady is going across the world. If you have not contacted the media that is listed for you, do it immediately and tell all your friends to do so as well.


Continue spreading everywhere Our Lady’s call to the world. Be sure to send to your national and local news outlets, radio talk shows, press, etc. You can e-mail, saying where you are from – your states, counties, cities and villages. Doing this will show the media this is an across-the-world event. You can simply write, “For the past days, the Virgin Mary is having apparitions to visionary Marija and calling people in an extraordinary way to pray to bring peace. Thousands of people in Medjugorje on the mountain, joined by millions of people across the world, are listening to Marija from the Virgin Mary’s call for peace.” Use your own words to the media. You want to keep your message brief. Every one of you can make a showing for all countries. If each one of you writes emails and makes phone calls, this will influence millions more people to be praying. Everyone also call and email all bishops and priests and inform them that prayer is what Our Lady wants to bring peace to the world and healing to the world. To all the contacts you make by phone and email, give them the most critical information the media can quickly get. They will be a one stop place for everything they will need for their report. Tell them to go to the largest Medjugorje center in the world – Medjugorje.com. It is the #1 website. Also, media people can be contacted at Caritas in Alabama at 205-672-2000, as well as contacts who are living in the village of Medjugorje.

Glenn Beck: https://www.glennbeck.com/st/contact

Michael Berry: https://michaelberryshow.com/pages/send-an-email-to-michael

Sean Hannity: https://hannity.com/contact-us/

Bill O’Reilly: https://www.billoreilly.com/pg/jsp/help/contactbill.jsp

Tucker Carlson: Email [email protected]

Jesse Kelly: Email [email protected]

Fox News Submit a Tip: https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000485774

CNN News: [email protected]

ABC News: [email protected] or call: (212) 456-2828

USA Today: https://newstips.usatoday.com/

Associated Press: https://www.ap.org/contact-us/news-tips/

NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/tips/

One America News Network: https://www.oann.com/contact-us

BBC: [email protected]

Al Jazeera: https://network.aljazeera.net/en/contact


Remember the apparition tomorrow will be at 11:30 PM Medjugorje.

That’s: 10:30 PM Dublin / London

4:30 PM Caritas / Chicago / Ecuador

12:30 AM Moscow, Russia

3:00 AM Sri Lanka

7:30 AM Melbourne, Australia / Guam

For more cities, visit here to see 600 different places to check your time zone.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

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2 thoughts on “Tonight, June 23, 2024, Ivan joined Marija on Apparition Mountain…”

  1. Cecelia Salzenstein

    City: Orlando
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    An incredible and beautiful experience to be able to be a part of this live from Medjugorje with the Blessed Mother. Thank you to Mary Queen of Peace.

  2. City: Romagnano Sesia
    State: Novara
    Country: Italia
    Benedetto il Signore Altissimo che ci ha donato la Vergine Maria, la Mamma del Cielo, e attraverso di lei, durante le apparizioni, abbiamo la possibilità di essere in comunione speciale col Paradiso .

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