With many thousands of pilgrims present, Our Lady uncharacteristically gives a special long message.
The sunset over Cross Mountain, as seen from Apparitoin Mountain, tonight, August 28, 2009.
Temperatures were extremely hot in Medjugorje today, but even so, there were those who climbed the mountains during the heat of the day, willing to offer this sacrifice to Our Lady for Her intentions as well as their own. Early evening dark clouds floated toward Medjugorje eventually covering the village making the sky overcast for the rest of the night, so there were no stars seen above as many thousands of pilgrims gathered at the Blue Cross for Our Lady’s apparition tonight to Ivan. Many were thankful that the clouds did not bring rain, while others would have been thankful for a cool sprinkle of rain on this hot sultry evening.
The summer crowds are still here in Medjugorje. The areas all around the Blue Cross were packed with pilgrims and they continued to arrive up until just moments before Our Lady appeared, causing confusion and disruption with their flashlights and talking as they tried to find even the smallest open space to settle down in. Despite the inconveniences of being shoulder to shoulder in such a large crowd, in the darkness, sitting on uncomfortable stones and the dusty ground, on a hot summer night in Medjugorje, the realization hits suddenly that all these people are here for a single purpose, to be with Our Lady—out of love for Her, wanting conversion or a grace for a loved one or an answer to prayer—but all have come tonight to be with Our Lady. To Our Lady the large numbers of pilgrims bring great joy and typically, just as She came tonight, Our Lady demonstrates Her joy in the apparitions when She appears to Ivan on Apparition Mountain. Though Our Lady’s apparition tonight was shorter than normal, being just over five minutes, the length and depth of Our Lady’s message given tonight to Ivan was a surprise. Following is Ivan’s description of tonight’s apparition.
“Tonight, most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy and, at the beginning, as always, greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children, my little children.” Then, with Her hands extended for a while, She prayed over us here and then She prayed for the sick present. She then blessed us all with Her motherly blessing and then blessed all the articles you brought for blessing. Afterwards She said:
“Dear children, also today, I call you in a special way: accept my messages, renew my messages. Dear children, today, more than ever, I need your works and not your words. Therefore, dear children, live my messages so that light may illuminate your hearts and fill your hearts. Dear children, know that the Mother is praying with you. Thank you, also today dear children, for having accepted my messages and for living my messages. Pray [to be] my sign.”
Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. I then recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions and your families and especially the sick. Then Our Lady left, in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”
The Cross on top of Cross Mountain was illuminated tonight, not by a supernatural light, but because as September approaches, the village lights up the cross in anticipation of the coming feast of the Triumph of the Cross on September 14th.
An hour before the apparition of Our Lady at the Blue Cross, tonight, August 28, 2009. Pilgrims arrived many hours before the apparition to pray and prepare for Our Lady’s coming.
Droves of people leaving the area of the Blue Cross after tonight’s apparition, August 28, 2009.
64 thoughts on “Tonight in Medjugorje Our Lady Gives An Important Message at the Blue Cross”
It is such a great blessing to listen to this!!! Thanks a lot and may God let us comprehend the messages given through Our Lady in Medjugorje. May our hearts be open by this witness and spread the scent of Our Lady as far as we can with the power of the Holy Spirit and even walk over the water to achieve it, if it is God´s will. Thanks a lot!!!
The love of the Mother of God for her children on earth is a great gift to all of us. I hope and pray her presence continues to shower many graces of heaven on us so that someday we all can be with her in heaven our true home. And I hope and wish many people will be converted to Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation.
The messege is enlightening , I just pray for our country and all the people on earth for the conversation that Mama Mary waanted.
thanks a lot for all those beautiful messages and photos. thanks to you all even so far from our lady we are able to have all those beautiful words from our lady. i wish to visit Medjugorje one day accompanied by my life partner Jeffrey and my family too. Thanks again may our Lady belss all of us. thanks mother, love u a lot.
Your website is truly a gift from God and I look forward to reading daily all the news and messages from Our Lady of Medjugorje. I also pray and look forward to the day that I can visit and be present when Our Lady appears and to receive Her special blessing.
In the modern world, everyone is always looking for some “new answer.” Love the Lord God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself, is ALWAYS the answer. We seem to have such a hard time doing this, and yet paradoxically it is the only way to true peace and joy. I give great thanks to the Blessed Mother for her continued patience with our weaknesses.
Dear Beloved,Thank you for the beautiful photos and message of Our Lady. It just leaves me with questions, however, when She asks for works instead of just words. It makes me wonder what it is She really wants or what can I do. I will continue to pray to the Holy Spirit. I do want to do what She wants with all my soul. I pray that She will make it known to me soon
I have been to this holy place many times, each leaves me with a touch of heaven … Our Beautiful Mother, is indeed, so loving … “If my children only knew how much I loved them.” – Words not only understood, but felt deep within our soul … Praise be Jesus! Thank you for being workers in the harvest field! Love, Light and Mir! Mare
Thank you. The lead-in to Our Lady’s message was so beautifully written that before I read the “message”, I bowed my head and thanked God for this this “message”, this AWESOME GRACE, expressing my sorrow at how poorly I am still living “her messages”. Thank you for your sacrifices and prayers. Christ’s Peace, Kathy
Thank you. The lead-in to Our Lady’s message was so beautifully written that before I read the “message”, I bowed my head and thanked God for this this “message”, this AWESOME GRACE, expressing my sorrow at how poorly I am still living “her messages”. Thank you for your sacrifices and prayers. Christ’s Peace, Kathy
Thank you very much for the beautiful pictures and for the messages. I live in the Amazonian region, Brazil, and dream to go Medjugorje with my son. I pray for that Our Lady helps me to go. Blessings and prayers.
Your site, up to the minute with Medjugorje news, is a gift-if the Lord himself walked the earth today He probably would use the Internet to spread his Gospel.The Gospa is talking to us in modern day speak but with a message as old as time -pray and love God and one another. We have no excuse for not logging on and doing what is right. Do keep up this great work.
I have only recently discovered your amazing Medjugorje website.This is such a wonderful blessing for me because I have now been reawakened from my long dark slummber concerning Our Lady’s call from this blessed place. Even though I had been to Mejugorje many years ago, I had lost my love and zeal for what was happening there. With recent negativity towards the authenticity of the supernatural origins of the apparitions, I was even beginning to doubt myself. But Thank God, this is no more!
I have only recently discovered your amazing Medjugorje website.This is such a wonderful blessing for me because I have now been reawakened from my long dark slummber concerning Our Lady’s call from this blessed place. Even though I had been to Mejugorje many years ago, I had lost my love and zeal for what was happening there. With recent negativity towards the authenticity of the supernatural origins of the apparitions, I was even beginning to doubt myself. But Thank God, this is no more!
i am going to medjugorje in a week,when i see them on the mountain i want to be there, its a feeling i cant describe being there waiting for our lady, ive seen wonderful supernatural things there,i think about them every minute of the day.i go on my laptop to be in medjugorje,this caritas site is the best,the pictures are wonderful, thank you so much
Keep up the great work ! AMDG
Your website, the work you do, is a gift from God, that continues to spread throughout the world. I hope to return to Medjugorje soon as my ’98 experience was truly miraculous. Did you notice the ring around the sun in the first photo? Was it a sign that we are all united in the Son’s salvation and mercy, if we open our hearts to him?! There are so many signs and miracles in Medjugorje.
Your website, the work you do, is a gift from God, that continues to spread throughout the world. I hope to return to Medjugorje soon as my ’98 experience was truly miraculous. Did you notice the ring around the sun in the first photo? Was it a sign that we are all united in the Son’s salvation and mercy, if we open our hearts to him?! There are so many signs and miracles in Medjugorje.
I think your photos and information are wonderful.. I have been recieving information from you for 19 years now and it fills me with joy. You bring Medjugorje and the Gospa to life with your description , messages from Our Lady and beautiful life photographs.. Thankyou.. My husband and I have been evangalising for Medjugorje for 20 years now and have been 4 times to Medj we always visit your shop. Blessings and prayers Beverley Ann
O Holy Father! I pray with all my heart for the people who made this website and their family and those who read it and their family MAY THEY BE BLESSED! Thank you for this Well of Living Water! Thank you for uniting us all! God Bless You!
I am always interested in Our lady”s messages and look forward to them I also share the messages with others. I was at caritas this past July and the Faithof the peoplee gathered to hear Our lady’s messages was seeing Hope as in medjugorje when people gather to pray and just BE. Thanks.
I am always interested in Our lady”s messages and look forward to them I also share the messages with others. I was at caritas this past July and the Faithof the peoplee gathered to hear Our lady’s messages was seeing Hope as in medjugorje when people gather to pray and just BE. Thanks.
Thank you very much for allowing the beautiful messages to reach me. It enlightens my heart to know that the Blessed Mother is here visiting us on earth. Even though I live on the other side of the world, you allow me to bring her to my home. Thank you again and may God Bless your beautiful work!!
I love everything you guys do because everything you do….you do in love…Love for Our Blessed Mother!!! How wonderful is must be to know what your mission is. I would hope one day I could be a tiny part of Her sucess in saving souls, as you all are. God bless you dear folks! & Praise be Jesus and Mary
Thank you very much, I really need your site right now. I need Our Lady and I need your site to teach me to be truly Our lady’s servant. Again Thank You
Thank you very much, I really need your site right now. I need Our Lady and I need your site to teach me to be truly Our lady’s servant. Again Thank You
Thank you for posting these beautiful photos in such a timely manner. My soul is blessed by your site. Knowing that the Caritas community is close to all of the events of Medjugorje on a daily basis gives me great joy, but being able to receive instant communication via the site make me feel like I am there. I love Our Lady. I was in Medjugorje in 1990 and then again in 1997. This past summer we were blessed to be present in the field with Marija in Alabama over the July 4th Weekend. Thanks
thank you for sending us her messages to our remote area where there are such few believers in this ultra liberal diocese….my heart travels there…I so wish I could… Juanita Young Kenai, Alaska
i was so much filled of spirit as i was reading and viewing all the pictures of the apparition. how i wish i could go to medjugorje also. i want to thank all the caritas people when i went to alabama last july 1-5 2009. my faith once more was invigorated, deepened and the more my prayer life is strenghten through the inspiration of the messages of mama mary. today i’m trying to live up her messages especially praying, fasting, reading the bible,confession and attending holy mass. GOD BLESS!!!
i was so much filled of spirit as i was reading and viewing all the pictures of the apparition. how i wish i could go to medjugorje also. i want to thank all the caritas people when i went to alabama last july 1-5 2009. my faith once more was invigorated, deepened and the more my prayer life is strenghten through the inspiration of the messages of mama mary. today i’m trying to live up her messages especially praying, fasting, reading the bible,confession and attending holy mass. GOD BLESS!!!
i seize this auspicious occasion to wish our dearly and beloved mother a very happy birthday. may the God almighty bless her so that she can always showers her blessings on us and guides us through the rights paths. i have always fully trust you mother and will always do. so please mother always keep an eye on me as you have always do. Happy birthday again. Louve you a lot.
Our Lady has been preparing us all theses years, now its time to WORK, work with all the heart,mind and soul. She gives us a message of HOPE,. She is telling us finally what she wanted us to do. She says THANK YOU for having accepted and living the messages. Now we should be ready to respond in this Dark World and be LIGHT to others, in theses difficult times. Now its time to be APOSTLE, not DISCIPLE. She is with US, specially when we pray. God Bless everyone.
I have just returned from our pilgrimage to medjugorje, It was my first time there. I attended Ivan’s talk and was also present the night at blue cross mountain. My experience was absolutely magical. I truely felt our lady’s presence. I am now back home with my family attending mass and praying the rosary each day with joy and love in my heart. I have just discovered your website and find it a wonderful link to medjugorje. continue the good work..
I have just returned from our pilgrimage to medjugorje, It was my first time there. I attended Ivan’s talk and was also present the night at blue cross mountain. My experience was absolutely magical. I truely felt our lady’s presence. I am now back home with my family attending mass and praying the rosary each day with joy and love in my heart. I have just discovered your website and find it a wonderful link to medjugorje. continue the good work..
Praise be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary!! I Pray that Jesus will return soon and that we will be ready. I see now that after listening to Our Blessed Mother she is asking me and all to “do ” now. No more talking, now time to “LIVE ” the messages and show others that time for conversion is now. Please pray for my fiance, I ask Our Lady & all of you to intercede for him for understanding and acceptance of God’s will. Help me to be strong. Dominus Vobiscum to you all!!
Praise be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary!! I Pray that Jesus will return soon and that we will be ready. I see now that after listening to Our Blessed Mother she is asking me and all to “do ” now. No more talking, now time to “LIVE ” the messages and show others that time for conversion is now. Please pray for my fiance, I ask Our Lady & all of you to intercede for him for understanding and acceptance of God’s will. Help me to be strong. Dominus Vobiscum to you all!!
Thank You Holy Mother Mary for all my blessings you have given me and my family. You are so Beautiful and Your Son So Great no words can describe Him and The Father for allowing you to give us so much.. We thank You and God Bless You also. Thanks for lending me Your child DeWayne hear on earth for 38 years I know he is with his Real Mother now God Bless Anna
As stated in her apparition we must DO!, not just believe, we must stand as ambassadors of Christ. WE must do the will of the Father amongst a hostile world that HATES US. As Christians we are being led into battle for ourselves, our loved ones, and our Faith! Stand firm, stay the course, know THAT GOD IS FOR US–WHO CAN PREVAIL OVER US??!! GET BACK INTO GOD’S WORD AND SEE HOW HE HAS SUPPORTED HIS PEOPLE BEFORE and understand he will be with us in this fight too, have no fear–be brave,steadfast
As stated in her apparition we must DO!, not just believe, we must stand as ambassadors of Christ. WE must do the will of the Father amongst a hostile world that HATES US. As Christians we are being led into battle for ourselves, our loved ones, and our Faith! Stand firm, stay the course, know THAT GOD IS FOR US–WHO CAN PREVAIL OVER US??!! GET BACK INTO GOD’S WORD AND SEE HOW HE HAS SUPPORTED HIS PEOPLE BEFORE and understand he will be with us in this fight too, have no fear–be brave,steadfast
The message is the answer to my prayer, and very encourging.
We are truly fortunate that the Blessed Mother of God is guiding us in these troubled times. I thank the Holy Mother for her many graces to my family and for helping us through Her Son Jesus Christ our Lord. She has helped me to help others in need. I have prayed for Her guidance & have received it. Thank you Caritas for your dedicated work. You are doing so much good in this world.
Many thanks for the message send to me. I’m very happy about this message “I need your work not words”, I understand fully the real meaning. May our loving Mother bless us and interceed for us forever. May God Bless. Once again thanks for send me this loving message from our Mother. Have a blessed day.
Many thanks for the message send to me. I’m very happy about this message “I need your work not words”, I understand fully the real meaning. May our loving Mother bless us and interceed for us forever. May God Bless. Once again thanks for send me this loving message from our Mother. Have a blessed day.
I pray our Holy Mother will allow me to be present when she appears so that I may be healed in both body and soul. Holy Blessed Mother conceived without sin….
Thanks again Our Beloved Mother for give us hope!! Thanks from show us the way and for be our light in this world plain of darkness,I want to thanks all of you too who works so hard and pray and give your life and time from work the kinngdom of God!! amen
Thank you all for sharing the love of our Blessed Mother with us and the world. Blessings to you .
Hello, My brothers in Christ: I Just want to thankyou for the messagges you share with me and I feel so excited about the Holy Virgin apparitions…. I also ask you to pray for an special need i have. Our Lady knows what i’m expecting from her mercy heart and i know She’ll hear your pray… God bless you all….. Love, Magdalena
Hello, My brothers in Christ: I Just want to thankyou for the messagges you share with me and I feel so excited about the Holy Virgin apparitions…. I also ask you to pray for an special need i have. Our Lady knows what i’m expecting from her mercy heart and i know She’ll hear your pray… God bless you all….. Love, Magdalena
Ive been there three times and want to go again,someday soon I hope.There is no peace like Medjugorje peace.You feel as though your in a part of heaven and your so very, very happy.None of us wanted to go home.
thank you holy mother for giving my daughter and i such a blessed welcome on our pilgrimage on the feast day of corpus christi this summer , and giving me your special blessing by taken part ? in the special mass in st james church , this was amazing for my whole family to represent my parish of st andrews and scotland , this was my return visit to you after 15 years ? i have know words to describe how wonderfull you are , praise jesus
Our Blessed Mother reminds me personally to put into action my faith. As my heart sometimes experiences luke-warm feelings towards my neighbors, our Mother is gently calling me back and reminding me that she is with us in prayer. She always points me back to Her Son, our Lord Jesus who is living with us and illuminating our hearts with His light. Therefore, I believe that it is my responsibility to reflect and be that same light to others in a dark world.
i thank you all for the most beautiful work you are sending to us ,to update as on what is going on their.Our lady needs our hearts not our words,lets continue to pray for each other.i thankyou caritas ,keep it on.
A friend told me about Medjugorje. I was amazed how devoted to the Blessed Mother I am and never heard of this place. After reading and hearing Her message I feel my part is coming in this plan to spread Her message. I am planing a trip here in the near future. I am going not expecting any great signs or revelations as I already know that we need to Pray hard to avoid the possible evils that could take control of the Earth. Maybe I am able to help in some way. I don’t know I just follow my Lord!
A friend told me about Medjugorje. I was amazed how devoted to the Blessed Mother I am and never heard of this place. After reading and hearing Her message I feel my part is coming in this plan to spread Her message. I am planing a trip here in the near future. I am going not expecting any great signs or revelations as I already know that we need to Pray hard to avoid the possible evils that could take control of the Earth. Maybe I am able to help in some way. I don’t know I just follow my Lord!
I in a special way thank Mother Mary for the good she has done for me & that she may keep me in faith & stay with me ever for guidance & support. I really pray so hard that Mother Mary helps me become her sign to the living world and most especially to the non believers to whom she is to deliver today. I also pray that she grants us all our petitions that we delivered to her. I also thank the Caritas Crew for updating us daily Medjugorje is really a place that everyone would wish for. Thanks
Simply put….Beautiful! Thank you Caritas for your great works of love and sharing to all of us. God Love U, Barbara
Thank-you for building and maintaining this wonderful web site with Our Lady’s messages for the world … it’s an appeal for all of us to help Her spread the messages, and web site is serving that need as well; i.e., the live pictures, the crowds of people,etc. It is soooo helpful to have a thoughtful website dedicated to Our Lady of Peace in Medjugorje. It truly allows people that cannot get there physically, to experience some of the joy through the same sights … we are all grateful!!
Thank-you for building and maintaining this wonderful web site with Our Lady’s messages for the world … it’s an appeal for all of us to help Her spread the messages, and web site is serving that need as well; i.e., the live pictures, the crowds of people,etc. It is soooo helpful to have a thoughtful website dedicated to Our Lady of Peace in Medjugorje. It truly allows people that cannot get there physically, to experience some of the joy through the same sights … we are all grateful!!
I thank you all so very much with all my heart and all of my soul, for the most BEAUTIFUL messages from Our Holy Mother Mary. We are living in a privileged time and we are Blessed to have the wonderful company of Our Holy Mother from Heaven, here on earth. My family and I are saving up and will be visiting Medjugorje next year. CANT WAIT.