Thursday Messages End, Monthly Messages Begin

Thursday Messages End, Monthly Messages Begin

From March 1984 until January 1987, Our Lady appeared to Marija and gave a weekly Thursday message to the parish. This was the formation of the parish of Medjugorje, a formation that was necessary to prepare them for their role in the conversion and salvation of the world. In the first five years of the apparitions, though thousands from the region were streaming into the village, the number of pilgrims from around the world were few; but the stories of miracles and conversions carried back to their homes was enough to plant seeds of Medjugorje around the world. Then on January 8, 1987, Our Lady stated:

“…I desire to keep on giving you still further messages, only not every Thursday, dear children, but on the 25th of each month. The time has come when what my Lord desired has been fulfilled. Now I will give you fewer messages but I am still with you. Therefore, dear children, I beseech you, listen to my messages and live them, so I can guide you…”

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