The 25th Anniversary of the Apparitions

The 25th Anniversary of the Apparitions

The message Our Lady gave today,on June 25, 2006, on the 25th anniversary of Her apparitions in Medjugorje:

“…With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions. Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children. God will reward you with great graces and you will earn eternal life. I am near you and thank all those who, through these years, have accepted my messages, have poured them into their life and decided for holiness and peace…”

Visionary, Marija, has told the story of a village in Italy whose mayor wanted to consecrate the whole village to Our Lady. All the families prepared for the consecration, as well as the parishes. The mayor asked Marija to come on the day of the Consecration so they could make it in the presence of Our Lady in Her apparition to Marija. When Marija arrived the whole village was gathered and had prepared an entire feast day for the occasion. Holy Mass was celebrated and the Rosary was prayed and offered to Our Lady. When Our Lady appeared, She was in great joy. And then She said:

“You will never regret this consecration; you nor your children, nor your children’s children.”

In Holy Scripture it states that the one who will live the Commandments of God and love Him, they will be blessed to the thousandth generation. (Exodus 20:6) Marija was so moved by Our Lady’s reaction, she wanted to immediately return to her home and do the same in her family.

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