Special Prayer Group Apparition

Special Prayer Group Apparition

Our Lady gives us a special gift on Her birthday and changes the Friday night prayer group meeting to Saturday on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje, so it falls on Her birthday, August 5th, 2017. She gives a special message directed to the youth, as this prayer group happens during the 2017 World Youth Festival in Medjugorje. The message:

“Dear children, also today I rejoice together with you and also today I desire to call you to decide for Jesus. I see so many youth who are returning anew, are deciding, are changing. Pray for the youth, dear children, pray for families. The Mother prays for all of you. Especially through this time of grace: pray more. Pray that my Son may be born in your hearts; that He may renew you—and permit the Holy Spirit to lead you. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.”

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