Second Day of the Apparitions

Second Day of the Apparitions

Ivanka, Mirjana, Vicka and 16-year-old Ivan returned to the foot of Mt. Podbrdo the evening of June 25th. Our Lady appeared again at 5:40 p.m. and beckoned them to Her. This time they ran up the mountain to meet Her. Marija (age 16) and Jakov (age 10) joined the others. This became the permanent group of visionaries; Mirjana, Vicka, Ivanka, Ivan, Marija and Jakov. Those who followed the visionaries up the mountain were dumbfounded as to the speed in which they climbed. Even the most athletic among them could not keep up with them. June 25th became the anniversary of the apparitions and eventually was named the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Peace, at the request of Our Lady, Herself. Mirjana asked Our Lady to give a sign so that others would believe them. The only sign she was given was that she noticed her watch had changed time during the apparition. The time went backwards. Ivanka asked the Virgin Mary about her mother who had recently died. Our Lady said:

“She is happy. She is with me.”

It is also not a little sign that Our Lady appeared at 5:40 p.m. Our Lady came to Lourdes at 6:00 a.m. in the morning; Fatima at 12:00 high noon; Medjugorje at 5:40 p.m., just before the night, at 20 minutes to the hour.

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