Scientifically Inexplicable

Scientifically Inexplicable

A team of French doctors and medical experts from Montpellier, France, under Professor Henri Joyeux finished extensive scientific testing on the visionaries, using highly sophisticated equipment they brought to Medjugorje. They were periodically making visits to Medjugorje throughout the year, 1984, starting in March and ending in December, to study the visionaries in ecstasy. The conclusion Joyeux and his team reached from the data collected was impressive. They concluded that the phenomenon is scientifically inexplicable. They stated that the visionaries were normal in every respect. They defined their ecstatic state as a state of intense, active prayer, partially disconnected from the exterior world, a state of contemplation and of healthy communication with a definite person whom only they could see, hear, and touch. Fr. Rene Laurentin was supposed to be a part of this group of doctors and theologians, but upon trying to enter the country, he was arrested, stripped, fined, and expelled from Yugoslavia for bringing religious books into the country.

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