Priests Expelled from Medjugorje

Priests Expelled from Medjugorje

Fr. Emilien Tardif, a Canadian priest with an important healing ministry, was arrested and expelled from Yugoslavia, together with Canadian Fr. Pierre Rancourt, and Dr. Phillipe Madre, the founder and director of a clinic for research on the interplay of somatic, psychological and supernatural forces. He was well qualified to examine the visionaries, though at the time he was visiting Medjugorje more for spiritual reasons than as a doctor. Dr. Madre was a deacon in the Lion of Juda Community—now known as the Community of the Beatitudes. Upon their arrest, Our Lady said:

“Do not worry for them. Everything is in God’s plan.”

When the three men first arrived in Medjugorje and were present in an apparition on August 23, Our Lady said to them through the visionaries:

“I myself invited here each one of you, for I need you to spread my messages in the entire world.”

Our Lady was leading different individuals to Medjugorje who would be involved in spreading the news of Her apparitions.

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