Bishop Pavel Hnilica, from Czechoslovakia, who had been working with a group of Italian doctors who were administering medical and scientific tests upon the visionaries of Medjugorje, visited with Pope John Paul II with these same doctors at Castel Gondolfo. In the course of their conversation with the Holy Father, they mentioned that the Bishop of Mostar was not happy about their involvement with the visionaries. The Pope replied:
“As he is the bishop of that place, you have to respect him. But he will have to answer before God if he has not acted in a right way.â€
He then added:
“Today’s world has lost the sense of the supernatural, in other words, the sense of God. But many people rediscover this feeling in Medjugorje through prayer, fasting and the sacraments.â€
Bishop Hnilica then commented upon the words of the Holy Father above:
“For me personally, this is the strongest explicit witness in favor of Medjugorje. What has especially and profoundly impressed me is the fact that the doctors, who were present, declared ‘Non constat de supernaturalitate.’ The Pope, for his part, had recognized for a long time before then that supernatural events are indeed at work in Medjugorje. Through many sources, the Pope arrived at the conviction that God can be experienced there.â€
Bishop Hnilica also testified that the Holy Father said:
“Medjugorje is the fulfillment and the continuation of Fatima.â€