On April 2, 2005, in his regular evening apparition, Ivan was in awe to see Pope John Paul II with Our Lady in the apparition. Our Lady spoke to Ivan, saying:
“This is my son; he is with me.â€
This apparition happened just hours after Pope John Paul II died. Not knowing why he was given this grace, he thought perhaps because he was the only visionary who did not have the grace to meet John Paul II in this life, he was given this special gift. In the apparition, Ivan said that John Paul’s face was completely enraptured looking at Our Lady. And though Ivan was there in the apparition with them, John Paul’s eyes never left Our Lady. Our Lady’s look was full of love as She looked upon Her chosen Pope. Many members of the Caritas Community were able to see Ivan the next day as he was speaking in a Church in Marietta, Georgia, just a few hours from their home in Alabama. Ivan was still in wonder and great joy in seeing John Paul II with Our Lady the day before in his apparition.