On this March 18th apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana, Our Lady gave severe words that were difficult to hear. Despite the severity of the words, Mirjana insisted that the message was a message of love and consolation because, Mirjana explained:
“We have nothing to fear if we have love. I invite all of you to live love.â€
The message Our Lady gave on Mirjana’s annual apparition follows:
“…As a Mother, for many years already, I am teaching you faith and love for God. Neither have you shown gratitude to the dear Father nor have you given Him glory. You have become ‘empty’ and your heart has become ‘hard’ and without love for the sufferings of your neighbors. I am teaching you love and I am showing you that the dear Father has loved you, but you have not loved Him. He sacrificed His Son for your salvation, my children. For as long as you do not love, you will not come to know Him because God is Love. Love, and have no fear, my children, because in love there is no fear. If your hearts are open to the Father and if they are full of love towards Him, why then fear what is to come. Those who do not love are afraid because they expect punishment and because they know how empty and hard they are. I am leading you, children, towards love, towards the dear Father. I am leading you into Eternal Life. Eternal Life is my Son. Accept Him and you will have accepted Love.â€
Mirjana was distressed after the apparition. Mirjana said that Our Lady was not completely happy as She has been on many of her birthdays. Our Lady spoke to Mirjana about the secrets, though she could not comment on what they spoke about. But Mirjana expressed the real reason for her sorrow and distress.
“I cried because it is very difficult for me when She leaves. When I am with Her, everything is in its fullness. When She leaves, in that same moment, I am here on earth, and I continue without Her as if I were abandoned. But I know I am no abandoned. But She went, and She left me! This is really difficult…really difficult! When She leaves, it is so difficult that if this happened often, I don’t know how I would ‘cope.’ This is the hidden martyrdom of the Medjugorje visionaries that they daily endure.â€