Marija Returns to Caritas of Birmingham

Marija Returns to Caritas of Birmingham

During visionary, Marija’s, visit with the Community of Caritas in February of 2009 for a community wedding, Marjia, who had been very moved last year when she attended the Caritas Five Days of Prayer, July 1-5, 2008, for the Consecration of the United States, felt inspired to return for this year’s event, July 1-5, 2009. As Marija did last year, she asked Our Lady to attend the Vigil of the 4th of July, and Our Lady graciously agreed. On the July 3 Vigil, after the Consecration prayer was said for the United States, Our Lady extended Her hands over everyone, watching everyone as She prayed. When Marija offered the prayers that this nation would return back to God, Our Lady answered and said:

“Thank you. I need your prayers. I need, dear children, everyone in this world to be my extended hands.”

Our Lady was happy this night. After the apparition, Marija revealed that Our Lady had done something remarkable in the apparition, something that Marija had never seen Our Lady do before. When Our Lady first appeared, She was facing Marija directly, but at the moment when Our Lady began looking at everyone present, She actually turned Her body around, with Her arms outstretched in a manner of blessing, twisting far around to the left to see and bless everyone on that side of Her, and then turned Her body around far to the right to do the same on the other side. In describing this to everyone after the apparition, Marija imitated Our Lady’s movments. Marija said that Our Lady had come joyful and happy and remained that way through the whole apparition until the very end, when suddenly She turned very serious and solemn. It was with this expression that She ended the apparition. There was no explanation given. Speaking with a Friend of Medjugorje later, Marija said that Our Lady had been very happy for this gathering and for the Consecration of the United States to Her Heart, but perhaps She wanted to indicate as well that there would be difficult days coming. It was this night that would stand out as the more important apparition. The following night, according to Marija, Our Lady again accepted the Consecration of the United States as She had done the year before.

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