Visionary, Marija, along with her husband, Paolo, and their youngest son, Giovanni, returned to Caritas of Birmingham to attend the wedding of one of the young couples in the Caritas Community. However, the founder arranged that the visit be a surprise to everyone in the community. The community had all gathered in the home of the founder to pray a rosary, but were taken by complete surprise when Marija slipped into the Bedroom in the midst of their prayer. To add to their surprise, Our Lady had yet to come for Her apparition that day. She waited until Marija arrived so that the community could be present. After the apparition, Marija relayed that Our Lady seemed very amused at the surprise of the community. In the apparition, Marija had asked Our Lady to choose the time for tomorrow’s apparition. Our Lady, always so gracious, replied: “I will come when you pray,†making it possible that the community could always be together for every apparition, even if that meant that the apparitions would be late at night because of all the tasks that must be accomplished for the wedding. For the wedding day itself, Our Lady allowed the time of the apparition to be chosen. It took place after Holy Communion when the couple went before Our Lady’s statue to ask Her blessing. Marija came and knelt between the two of them, surrounded by the priests and when Our Lady appeared, She prayed first over the bride and then the groom, and after She blessed them together. She then blessed all those present, made the Sign of the Cross over everyone and said, “Tomorrow’s apparition will be in the Bedroom at 10:40 a.m.†It was beautiful to see that as soon as the wedding days were over, Our Lady immediately returned the apparitions back to the Bedroom of Apparitions and set the time for 10:40 a.m.
Marija Returns to Caritas of Birmingham
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