The founder and his family gathered with Marija’s family in the Bedroom at 11:00 a.m. for the apparition. The founder had asked Marija to ask Our Lady to return this evening in the Field when the Community would be coming together for a prayer group meeting. Our Lady nodded “yes.†Marija said she had not had two apparitions in one day in many years. It was also a great joy for her. It was a beautiful spring evening. The community laid out blankets around Our Lady’s statue as music played and laughing children ran barefoot through the grassy field. They ran to greet Marija and Paolo and their children as they joined the community in the Field that evening for the apparition. Everyone was excited knowing Our Lady would soon be present. That evening in the Field, the Rosary was prayed and when Our Lady appeared in the apparition, She prayed over everyone and blessed them and then said:
“Do not forget that I am your Mother and that I love you. Go in peace.â€