Medjugorje visionary, Marija Lunetti, arrived today at Caritas in the evening of March 18th. Normally, when Marija is traveling, Our Lady appears at the same time of Her apparitions in Medjugorje, around 6:40 p.m. However, today, the Caritas Com- munity was given a beautiful grace in that Our Lady waited to appear to Marija until after she arrived, about 7 hours past the normal apparition time. The whole community, after gathering and greeting Marija upon her arrival, entered the Bedroom for the Rosary. Our Lady came in the middle of the Rosary, blessed everyone and looked at everyone in the Bedroom. Marija has explained in the past that whenever Our Lady “looks” at everyone, Her eyes fall on each face, one at a time. It is something very endearing to Marija and Our Lady does not normally do this at every apparition. Marija said, Our Lady came as She normally does, tranquil—in peace. Marija was told by Our Lady that She would appear in the Bedroom at 6:40 p.m. tomorrow.