Letter to Ronald Reagan from Marija, the Visionary

Letter to Ronald Reagan from Marija, the Visionary

Alfred Kingon was appointed by the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, as U.S. representative (ambassador) to the European Communities. He learned of Medjugorje from one of Reagan’s speechwriters and traveled there in November of 1987 with his wife. He met Marija and was invited to her home. During the lunch, Marija gave him a letter from her to Reagan. Kingon forwarded the letter below to Reagan on November 13, 1987. Kingon and his wife both came away from Medjugorje convinced that the apparitions were real. Following is the letter that Marija wrote to President Reagan:

“Dear President Reagan, The Mother of God is appearing to us everyday in this little village of Medjugorje in Yugoslavia. She gives us a message of Peace. We know you are working for world peace and we pray for you everyday. We would like you to know, that you can count on our prayers and our sacrifices. This is the way we want to help you in your heavy task. Our Holy Mother said:

‘With prayer and with fasting we can even stop wars.’

“May this message help you to understand that those everyday apparitions of Our Lady are a sign that God loves His people united in prayer in the heart of Jesus and the heart of Mary. We sent you our love and we are saying hello through the Queen of Peace.”

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