Ivanka’s Annual Apparition

Ivanka’s Annual Apparition

In Ivanka’s annual apparition, Our Lady spoke to her about the first part of the fifth secret. The year before, Our Lady spoke to Ivanka about the third and fourth secret, so it was as if Our Lady was continuing with Ivanka where She had left off. The apparition lasted eight minutes, and Our Lady gave a warning in the message saying:

“…you are in great temptation and danger because the world and material goods lead you into slavery. satan is active in this plan…”

Our Lady had said in October 1981:

“…the West has made civilization progress, but without God, as if they were their own creators.”

In the backdrop of seeing many of the Eastern European nations finally breaking away from the atheistic govenments that had oppressed them for nearly a century, Our Lady warns that there is a worse slavery than the one man can place over man. The slavery of a material world where one forgets God leads to eternal slavery and it is this that Our Lady warns us of.

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