The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, wrote his friends Marek and Sophia Skwarnicki on September 3, 1994, while he was at Castel Gandolfo:
“Dear Marek and Sophia, I thank you very much for this letter following the 40th anniversary of your marriage…The second part of the letter provides many valuable pieces of information concerning the pilgrimage to Medjugore on August 15 in which Sophia participated. These are then the impressions of a first-hand witness, that is to say, they are reliable in every respect. May God reward you! It is difficult not to read those words without heartfelt compassion for those poor little orphans and all the local inhabitants of that land. No wonder that the people put their hope only in God as, there, they do not get any support from their nearest community. I commend to the Mother of God Sophia, Marek and their whole family…With a blessing from my heart.â€