Early this morning the Community with Paolo and Marija’s family, left for Florida. Realizing that they would not make the beach house in time for the apparition, they pulled off on the side of the road, climbed over a rock barrier, knelt down in the sand as they took in their first site of the ocean, and began to pray the Rosary. Just before Marija went into ecstasy, the founder leaned over to ask Marija to ask Our Lady exactly what time the apparition would be each day. When Marija asked Our Lady this question, Our Lady smiled and gave the following message:
“Because it is your vacation, I will come whenever you pray.”
Everyone was stunned by this message. Being given the ability to have the apparition at their choosing made for a beautiful week in which each apparition was prepared for in a special way so that their hearts were fully prepared to receive Our Lady each time.