Fr. Jozo Becomes a Believer

Fr. Jozo Becomes a Believer

The police continued to harass the visionaries. On July 5, they showed up at their homes around noon. To avoid the police, the children slipped out of their houses running through fields and vineyards trying to escape. They eventually came to the Church. Deeply troubled by what was happening to his parish, Fr. Jozo, was praying alone in the Church, begging God to help him know what to do. He suddenly heard a voice say:


“Go outside now and protect the children.”


He walked out the doors of the Church, and at the same moment the six children came running up to him exclaiming, “Please help us, the police are after us.”

He hid the children in a room. Later that evening the visionaries received Our Lady’s apparition in the clergy house. Father Jozo, who up until this time did not believe in the apparitions, became a believer through a personal encounter he had with Our Lady and the events of this day. That evening, when pilgrims began realizing that the children were not going to be coming to the mountain for the apparition, they came down from the mountain and headed to the Church. A Rosary was prayed with the people at 5 p.m. Fr. Jozo then celebrated Holy Mass. Our Lady appeared at the normal time of 6:40 p.m. to the visionaries, but for the first time the apparition was on Church grounds.

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