First Apparition at the Cross

First Apparition at the Cross

Sunday evening, June 30, the Caritas Community with Marija’s family climbed the mountain leading to the Cross, praying for the first time the Stations of the Cross on this mountain. The stations were still incomplete, in that the plaques with the name of each station had not yet been attached to each cross. As the Community climbed, praying the stations, two community members hammered the plaques into place. The Community each carried roses up the mountain, to place at the foot of the Cross to represent our hearts. We also carried roses for each member of the community who had gone before us and were already living their eternal life in Heaven.

During the apparition, with all of the Community kneeling facing the Cross all along its sides, Our Lady appeared facing out towards the valley. It was approximately 6:40 p.m. when Our Lady appeared and the apparition lasted a little over five minutes—the length of which was a consolation for us as Our Lady, in Her tenderness, stayed so long in prayer at the Cross. There was such peace and silence on the mountain that evening and the prayer was deeply felt by all as was the presence of Our Lady.

The community gathered around Marija after the apparition to learn what Our Lady had done and said. Marija said,

“During the moment of the apparition, I recommended to Our Lady all of us, all the people who are in the Field (people were gathering for the next Five Days of Prayer)and I asked Our Lady to bless the Cross. Our Lady prayed over us a long time and She blessed us all.”

The question was asked by our founder, when Our Lady was asked to bless the Cross, what did She do? Marija said,“She made the Sign of the Cross,”

Then Marija imitated Our Lady giving the blessing with her hand. All felt during the apparition Our Lady’s blessing, anointing and acceptance of this Cross in a special way because each of the community gave it to Her “with our heart through trials, sacrifices and difficulties suffered for Her to heal us and heal this ‘Our nation.'”

All felt Our Lady’s acceptance during the apparition. Everyone was deeply moved. Marija said Our Lady told her that the apparition tomorrow would be in the Bedroom at 6:40 p.m.

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