ABC News aired a major news report on the war in the Balkans hosted by popular news anchor Peter Jennings. The story covered the seige of Sarajevo, the longest seige of a capital city in the history of modern warfare. It began in April 1992 and ended in February 1996. Almost 14,000 were killed during the seige, a good many of them civilians. Capturing the horror of the war, the news documentary was given the title, “The Land of the Demons.†Others called it a “demonic†war. Yet, despite the horror of the war that had invaded Our Lady’s Oasis of Peace, Medjugorje remained unharmed, as the apparitions continued. The title of the documentary, however, captured the hatred of satan for what Our Lady was doing in Medjugorje and the obvious impact it was making against satans’ establishments in the world. While most other countries were experiencing rather peaceful endings of the communist regimes that had tried to destroy both their faith and their Christian cultures, the horrors of the Bosnian war was almost unexplainable, except in light of Our Lady’s ongoing apparitions.