A Question is Asked to Our Lady

A Question is Asked to Our Lady

Back in Medjugorje after his first visit in July 1986, the founder of Caritas of Birmingham was present in his second apparition after presenting Marija with the handwritten note from Fr. Pervan granting permission for the founder to ask Our Lady a question. Marija agreed to present Our Lady his question, which he had written while he was in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in Blessed Sacrament Church in Birmingham, Alabama. His petition:

Dear Blessed Mother, if it is God’s Will, we humbly ask that the conversion taking place in Medjugorje be allowed to take place in the parish of Blessed Sacrament in Alabama and that it ‘divinely’ be spread throughout the whole region…

Our Lady responded to his request by saying:

“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire is. Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”

The founder had been cautioned not to expect an answer from Our Lady, as She rarely responded to questions presented to Her at this point in the history of Her apparitions. When he received an actual message from Our Lady, he left Medjugorje determined to live this message, that his intention could be realized. Over time and with much prayer, he came to believe Our Lady would bless the area in which he lived, but he could not guess how this would happen, and how conversion would take place through this blessing.

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