
Time, Future, Worry-Moment

Time, Future, Worry-Moment

October 30, 2017 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje has been referring to this recent time as a time of grace:

October 25, 2017, through Marija:

“…I am calling you to be prayer in this time of grace…”

October 20, 2017, through Ivan:

“…This is a time, a time of grace…”

And just at the beginning of the month, Our Lady again refers to time:

October 2, 2017, through Mirjana:

“…My children, do not waste time thinking about the future, worrying…”

This referring to time is an indicator that time is important for us to look at.

Pilgrim praying on Cross Mountain in Medjugorje

Pilgrim praying on Cross Mountain in Medjugorje, October 29, 2017. Problems, difficulties and trials often bring us to our knees and into a deeper more sincere prayer. But, this prayer should be our everyday experience.

Our Lady’s referring to time is important. The seconds move and do not stop, leading to another and so forth, forming minutes, minutes forming hours, and hours forming days, leading up to future events. Our Lady telling us not to “worry” about the future, is also an indicator that there is something heading our way which might be a “worry” moment. A Friend of Medjugorje writes:

“We are in serious trouble. Now, even those who do not pray and even those who do not have faith, can see what many of those who follow Our Lady see. We are in the labor period of the coming correction of the consciousness of man. Not many would understand that statement but many feel there’s something in the air.”1

Man feels in his heart, that God intends to correct, and this feeling leads to a “worry” moment, because many, in their hearts know where they stand before God. This is a time of grace, a grace-period, to build spiritual strength, and to make changes where a “worry” moment, can instead become a “transformation” moment. Be active in prayer during this time of grace.

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

To help one grow spiritually, one must be connected to a spiritual source. We are constantly hearing from people who by simply being connected to Caritas, Mej.com, Radio WAVE, etc., are being fed by what Our Lady has shown a Friend of Medjugorje in changing his life. Those changes are physically manifested in the Caritas Community, and are the result of years of spiritual decisions, metamorphosing into a physical reality where an entire life becomes prayer. One must connect themselves to a source to be fed. Below are the latest Radio WAVE broadcasts, which we share as a starting point:

Tie Yourself to the Mast of Our Lady – October 25, 2017, Radio Wave with a Friend of Medjugorje

You’ve Got the Words to Change a Nation, October 26, 2017 Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje

1. From the Desk of a Friend of Medjugorje, June 12, 2008

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

5 thoughts on “Time, Future, Worry-Moment”

  1. We are getting closer and closer to one great day and time… As are Holy Mother reaches Her children at Medjugorje with Her presence and and make God’s message of convertion anew. Its the day of the last confession or the WARNING which we will all, irrespective of creed or nationality we will all see our Creator eye to eye and we will know how much we have hurt Him with sin…yet that day will be too late, be ready NOW, because now it’s the time of Mercy and get enfolded to the arms of love of Jesus through Mary. Lord be Merciful to us your poor sinners, and we love you Lord. Amen

  2. Michael Feehily

    For a couple of months now I’ve felt very strongly that I must work on 2 specific faults. The 1st regards purity,to whom I’ve invoked the help of St Maria Goretti.The 2nd regarding material temptation to whom I’ve invoked the help of St Michael the archangel. Though still tempted I feel the very powerful help of both saints always their to help and strengthen me in this fight. So with the help of the saints what was a worry moment becomes a transformation. Another writing bang on the money from Caritas. May Our Lady watch over you & keep you safe in Gods Love.

  3. This is just a little note of thanks and appreciation for what the Most High has done and is continuing to do through this beautiful channel of Peace which ‘Caritas of Birmingham’ is. Here, the Good Lord and His Holy Mother are spiritually feeding us with a most sweet heavenly nourishment: a kind of grace-filled Manna which like the Holy Eucharist itself, sustains, feeds, strengthens and corrects us on our Journey towards the promised Land. The Correction of Conscience will come and perhaps sooner than we might expect! As Moses witnessed the glorious and transcendent flame of Love burning in the bush which could not be consumed; a supernatural prefigurement of the Gospa which again will manifest itself on the Cross Hill of Medjugorje: Again the Saving Flame of Transcendent Love for Humanity will splendidly shine forth in a Tree that will burn but will not be consumed and the Mediatrix of Saving Grace,the Ark of God’s Covenant will reveal Herself, bright as the sun, and Fair as the moon.

  4. This is just a little note of thanks and appreciation for what the Most High has done and is continuing to do through this beautiful channel of Peace which ‘Caritas of Birmingham’ is. Here, the Good Lord and His Holy Mother are spiritually feeding us with a most sweet heavenly nourishment: a kind of grace-filled Manna which like the Holy Eucharist itself, sustains, feeds, strengthens and corrects us on our Journey towards the promised Land. The Correction of Conscience will come and perhaps sooner than we might expect! As Moses witnessed the glorious and transcendent flame of Love burning in the bush which could not be consumed; a supernatural prefigurement of the Gospa which again will manifest itself on the Cross Hill of Medjugorje: Again the Saving Flame of Transcendent Love for Humanity will splendidly shine forth in a Tree that will burn but will not be consumed and the Mediatrix of Saving Grace,the Ark of God’s Covenant will reveal Herself, bright as the sun, and Fair as the moon.

  5. Mej.com is my life link. I am nothing without Jesus and Mary, and your site gives me the insight and encouragement I need to keep pushing forward, no matter my weakness or problems life deals. I would truely be lost without Our Lady and you. Thank you for all you are doing to strenthen us and spread Her message! This year has brought me unexpected things. First a car accident that by God’s grace I survived. Now an ovarian tumor, with surgery scheduled for Monday the 6th, which happens to be my daughter’s birthday. I have 6 children from 16 to 5 yrs old. I do not believe it is God’s Will that I leave them now. I ask for your prayers please. I am trying and praying that my “faith be my hope”. In Jesus and Mary, I thank you!

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