
Thursday July 3, 2008 Schedule of Events

Thursday July 3, 2008 Schedule of Events


Thursday July 3, 2008 Schedule of Events


• 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM – Silent Prayer in the Field

• 6:30 AM – Holy Mass at Saint Mark the Evangelist Church on Highway 119 

• 8:30 AM – Morning Prayer and Announcements in front of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages

• 10:50 AM – Rosary in the Field in prepartion for the consecration of our Families to the Two Hearts

• 1:30 PM – Bedroom of apparitions will be opened for pilgrims

• 4:00 PM – Radio Wave Live

• 8:30 PM – Rosary in the Field in prepartion for the apparition

• 10:00 PM – Apparition Time *Marija said that Our Lady chose to appear in the Field today. Click Here for more information

July 3 – Consecration of Our Families & The Bedroom of Apparitions


The Day of Consecration of Our Families to Jesus and Our Lady. The Consecration will be made in Our Lady’s presence, during the apparition. The Bedroom of Apparitions will be opened, beginning today. A vigil celebrating Our Nation’s Birth will be held this evening in the Field.

Beginning today, the Bedroom of Apparitions will be opened for private prayer. Times will be announced. It has been said that the Rosary is a lasso Our Lady makes use of to get your kids into Heaven. Our Lady said on May 1, 1986:

“…I wish that the fruits in the family be seen one day…”

Friends of Marija approached her one day asking her to attend a special family gathering in which they had planned to consecrate all generations of their family, from the oldest to the youngest, to Our Lady. They wanted to do this in the presence of Our Lady in an apparition. Marija was overjoyed in seeing Our Lady’s reaction to this consecration. She excitedly told the family that Our Lady had said, “You will never regret this consecration. Your children will never regret this consecration. Your children’s children, all your generations, will never regret this consecration”. Whether you are here with your family, or are the only believer in your family, make this consecration from your heart, and you will see, in the futurem that you will never regret it!

Vigil to Celebrate Our Nation’s Birth


A beautiful evening awaits us all as we prepare for America’s Birthday, July 4, as never before in history. Having the privilege of remembering our nation’s birth in the presence of it’s Patroness, the Queen of the Americas, is a grace none of us can fully grasp or appreciate. The program will begin with a special evening vigil, beginning at 8:00 PM. A special Rosary with music and candlelight has been prepared to lead our hearts in prayer asking Our Lady’s intercession before the Heavenly Father to heal our land. This will lead up to the apparition of Our Lady at 10:00 PM. We have invited everyone to spend the night in the Field with the Caritas Community, in honor of Our Lady, the Queen of our Nation. We will be sleeping under the stars in the Field in preparation for our Day of Deliverance, praying that our nation will be graced with deliverance once again, from all the evil threatening it.

Click Here for Consecration Prayers

For More Information Click On Any of the Links Below.


To be kept updated about Marija’s visit to Caritas July 1-5, 2008, Click Here to sign up for the mejList free.

• Announcement of Marija’s Visit

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9 thoughts on “Thursday July 3, 2008 Schedule of Events”

  1. patricia F. wutke

    PLEASE I have written several times and I need your help. I don’t hear very well and would like your transcripts. No matter what I do I can’t get them, I keep coming back to it’s not there, Please help, I need transcripts. Thank you,

  2. I have asked several times for a written transcripts of messages but I get no reply or transcripts. I cannot hear the information and would like it in writing. Thank you

  3. Concerning discernment, we have been told;”One who does not go to confession cannot have a well formed conscience.And, “Without a well formed conscience one cannot have common sense.”And Our Lady has said, “Confession will be a remedy for the West.”One of the answers has already clearly been given to us but we our blind and cannot see, we are deaf end cannot hear.In 1969-70 I was in VietNam for 14 months fighting with a sovereign nation against communism. Even then I realized that if this evil was not defeated or at least kept at bay we would one day be fighting it inside our own country. That day had already taken place as I eventually realized that the red dragon was deeply entrenched in our society and our government.My company was Alpha co.,1stbn.,101st Airborne Division.Our company’s motto was “Currahee” which means “We stand alone”.Our Division’s symbol is the Screaming Eagle.I implore all of Our Lady,s followers to prepare, pray, fast and be ready to “Stand Alone”.

  4. Concerning discernment, we have been told; One who does not go to confession cannot have a well formed conscience. And, Without a well formed conscience one cannot have common sense. And Our Lady has said, Confession will be a remedy for the West. One of the answers has already clearly been given to us but we our blind and cannot see, we are deaf end cannot hear. In 1969-70 I was in VietNam for 14 months fighting with a sovereign nation against communism. Even then I realized that if this evil was not defeated or at least kept at bay we would one day be fighting it inside our own country. That day had already taken place as I eventually realized that the red dragon was deeply entrenched in our society and our government. My company was Alpha co.,1stbn.,101st Airborne Division. Our companys motto was Currahee which means We stand alone. Our Divisions symbol is the Screaming Eagle. I implore all of Our Lady,s followers to prepare, pray, fast and be ready to Stand Alone.

  5. My mother,Virginia Mary, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. in 1928 in a poor Irish family. Life was not easy for large Catholic families in N.Y. My grandmother, Estelle Veronica, held to her faith in God. My mother taught her children ” never follow the crowd, do not let the world lead you around by the nose.”.That holy wisdom lead me to avoid the wrong crowds, dress modestly, turn off the TV in 1985, and to homeschool our children -like so many other wise parents who did not want their children tainted by the culture. We now have grandchildren who will be homeschooled because their parents see the situation more clearly than we did 30 years ago. My grandmother and mother lived the message before Medjugorje – they were simple, humble, faithful women of prayer. There are many like them who are silently raising an army for heaven, the likes of which the world has not seen. “Do not believe lying voices.” — “Do not follow the crowd etc.” Thank you so much for your encouragement!

  6. Amen! Praying to completely surrender my heart, life and will to Our Lady and Our Lord. Big Q! Tiny q! We stand! Rosaries in hand!!!

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